After Ice

By Jinxy259

698 162 17

Shailene lives on an island in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by massive walls that keep out the water... More

What the Tide Dragged in
I Heard a Rumor
The Assignment
Through the Clouds
Underwater Sound
My Bathtub Apparently
The Expanse
The Art of Breathing
Into the Nothingness
Dark Water
Sunlight Curses
High on Seaweed
The Portal
Ancient Queen
To the Surface
Ave, Drakon
Island of Moenia
Sailor Boy
White Wings
That Dark Corner
Into the Woods

Sixth Sense

9 3 0
By Jinxy259

"DAPHNE, get the door with you?" 

The manager didn't even need to ask. 

Her Sense abilities had already picked up the four people heading to the small walk-in clinic a block away. Daphne shuddered, closing her eyes and trying to detect who they were. A Drakon, an Elemental, a Gifted, and a Mer. Quite the group. She opened the door just before they could reach for the knocker, smiling timidly. 

Daphne's eyes widened.

"You're an Exceptis," she whispers to herself. Not an Elemental. The boy with bright green Luto eyes grins back at her.

"Nice Sense, you pick it up?" She nods, but only the Mer and the Gifted step inside, the other two lingering outside the doorway.

"We'll wait here," the Exceptis says, the Drakon leaning up against a wall outside, leathery wings ruffling. 

Daphne eyes him cautiously. 

It was true that she was mostly blind, but the curling antennae on top of her head twitched, feeding her constant information. Drakons were the broody type, not common in Moen, and this one fit the stereotypical description.

"I like your wings," the Exceptis smiles, her heart giving a little flop in her chest. She can feel her cheeks burn as she brushes the shimmering gossamer behind her.

"Thank you," she replies quietly. The Drakon snorts.

"Flynn the flirtatious," he drawls, cackling as Flynn shoves him.

Daphne gives a shy wave goodbye as she closes the door, lightly padding after the people with tattoos. Something thrums between them, and a light suddenly flares behind her eyes. Daphne screams, falling to the floor, her heart racing. Another pulse hits her. Wave after wave of...something. She clutches at her head, rocking back and forth on her knees, vaguely aware of people crowding around her.

You're powerful, but that gift comes at a price. Every Sense will be amplified... I don't know if you can take it.

I can take it, Dad.

Are you sure? Because the dark magic in this world will crush your soul if-

Dad. He sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. I'll be fine.


The Flutter opens her eyes, her blurry vision doing nothing at all to help the feeling of falling.

"What happened? What was that?"

"She's a Sensor; probably some strong emotion that knocked her down."

"Shhhhh, she's back." Daphne can feel the many eyes trained on her, everyone waiting expectantly.

"It was coming from them," the Flutter mumbles deliriously. She lets her mind take over, closing her eyes and letting her finger drift to the pull of the Sense. It stops, quivering, like a compass pointing North. She cracks open an eye, and through the haze, she can see golden tattoos. Daphne was pointing straight at the Gifted's nose. "You're not normal," Daphne said quietly, dropping her hand and turning to the Merboy. "And neither are you."

A few minutes later, Flynn, Kadence, the girl named Shailene, and the Mer Rei were all seated in front of Daphne. She squirmed slightly under their gazes and tried to keep a steady voice.

"So you're looking for someone with vast medicinal knowledge? Or just someone...ancient?"

"Yeah," Flynn says, his eyes drifting to Rei. "Both. Something like that, apparently." Daphne sighs, shaking her head.

"There's no doubt there's something going on between the two of you," she gestures to Shailene and Rei. "But there's also something-" the Drakon leaps towards her suddenly, clapping a large hand over her mouth.

"There is nothing wrong," he snarls dangerously, daring her to say more. Kadence drops his hand, but she catches the flicker of fire in his veins, a red flash. Drakon's were the only creatures besides Krishna's that could be 'good' if they were from Hell. All were spiteful, but none were born necessarily evil. However, many creatures except for some such as the Winged could go through the Shift. It was a horrible, agonizing process in which a creature turned to Demon. 

Nineja's to Wilders. Elementals to Devoirs. Fawns to Dumori. This Drakon didn't want people to know.

A lot of people don't like to admit something is wrong with them. The more shielded or prideful the person, the more likely they will reject anything negative, even if it is the truth. If they resist, let them realize it in their own time.

"There's nobody here with that kind of knowledge," Daphne explains. "The Fawns might know something, though they'd be hard to reach."

"Given the fact that they live in the middle of the forest? I'd say so as well." Shai punches Kadence in the shoulder. Daphne shuts her hazy eyes, concentrating. She knows this is also what she wants; to get rid of all the extra information filtering through her head. That a guy across the street just dropped a bag of fruit and she can hear them rolling through the roads in her mind. That an old lady is yelling at her grandson for stealing candy. 

Too many noises and feelings.

"I can take you there." It's out of her mouth before Daphne can do anything to stop it. Rei glances at the Gifted beside him, and a small pang goes through Daphne's heart. He trusted Shailene completely; it was clear from the way he looked at her. Daphne could tangibly feel his attention. "Besides," the Flutter continues. "I want to learn to control," she flicks her antennae. "This." Rei smiles at her, bowing his head.

"Of course. Do you know where the crossroads by the harbor are?" Daphne nods; everyone knew where the entrance to Moen was. "Meet us there tomorrow. I guess we'll be following you into the woods." He grins at the look on her face, his handsome features blinding. "Kidding. We might shove Kadence in first just 'cause he's a pain in the ass." Kadence slaps Rei with his tail, the Merboy jumping with surprise.

"I'm going to act literally upon your statement," the Drakon says, flashing his teeth wickedly. Who cares about the Drakon? Daphne was going to help someone, not just at the Mediks. 

I hope you're proud of me, Dad.

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