The Sicilian Defence [Derek H...

By louNowakowski

182K 4.8K 397

{Completed} Growing up is difficult enough, but when the supernatural world is thrown into your life it can b... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Other Stories
If you Want More

Chapter Eighteen

2.9K 83 11
By louNowakowski

"Good evening, how can I help..." the deputy began turning around to look at Derek only to freeze, "you..." both me and Stiles peered out heads around the corner waiting for the cue to go. Derek smiled at the deputy and never before had a smile made me so angry. Well, to be more specific it was jealousy.

"Hi." It was so soft and cheerful and relaxed. It'd taken ages to get him to ever speak to me like that and even then he always flickers between that and his usual irritated blank tone.

"Hi..." the deputy trailed off and Derek leaned against the counter. Biting down on the inside of my cheek, I narrowed my eyes into a glare as I watched it.

"Um, I had a question...Um, sorry, I'm a little-a little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone-"

"-like me?"

"Oh, I was gonna say "so incredibly beautiful," but, yeah... I guess that'd be the same thing..." he mused and Stiles grabbed onto my arm pulling me with him across the room. He'd never complimented me, at least not that I could remember. I couldn't even remember the last time I'd seen that awkward smile. I shouldn't be jealous; it was for a cause. A good cause. Except I couldn't help it. There was something about the build up of the day which was just bringing an unconditional anger.

Rounding the corner of the halls, our eyes settled on a deputy and all the anger was smothered by fear. "Er..." I began trying to conjure words, but it was impossible to do. Looking to Stiles, I raised my brow trying to get him to come up with a solution to our problem.

"Oh, uh, I was just looking, um..." looking down at his leg we were both quick to notice the blood which was dripping from his leg and the box in his hands. He was the one after Isaac, he was the hunter. Glancing over at Stiles we both came to the same agreement, "oh, sh-" he began.

"Language," I hissed batting his arm, "hey there, I don't suppose you've seen the toilets around here do you?" I asked crossing my arms, "I mean, my little...cousin here," I began, pulling Stiles in front of me forcing my voice to sound as cheerful and innocent as I possibly could, "is just so desperate and we would really if you could give us some help. Like not a lot of help, just point a finger or something and then..." Stiles foot slammed down onto my toe and I grit my teeth trying not to wince, "yeah... just some help would be nice."

The man moved forward swinging a punch at us and Stiles was the first to act as he jumped moved to fight against the man. However, he was a trained hunter and it wasn't going down to well. Watching as he punched Stiles in the face, I quickly stepped forward - the Stilinski boy had fallen onto the ground and into the wall. The anger was beginning to grow in my mind again and this time I was going to use it's

"Hey, don't punch a child in the face you moron!" I snapped moving to punch him herself and he hissed in pain falling back. The man kicked his legs out hitting my own legs and a noise of shock fell from my mouth as I fell back onto the floor my head slamming onto the laminated grey.

The sound of a door breaking echoed throughout the room and we both looked over to the side to see Isaac in his wolf form. He grabbed onto the man throwing him across the room with a roar. The breaking of the door had set of an alarm and the lights flashed red all around us with the siren ringing loudly and annoyingly.

Isaac then turned growling at us and there was murder in his eyes. Swallowing the fear in my throat, I grabbed onto Stiles pushing him behind me and walking backwards. He began to stalk closer and I didn't stop until his back pressed against the wall and we physically couldn't move any further.

As Isaac took another step forward, Derek stepped out from round the corner - his foot pressing down on the tube of wolfsbane smashing it - his eyes glowing red as he released a loud roar. Covering my ears, Isaac leaped over to the back corner cowering on the floor. His hands covered his face as if he was scared of Derek. When the roar finally died down, I couldn't step away from Stiles. Even during the battle with Peter I'd never seen something like that.

"How did you do that?" Stiles breathed out and Derek turned to look at us a smirk on his face.

"I'm the Alpha." That was hot. Feeling my heart swoop in my chest and a heat rose to my cheeks, I pulled my jacket closer around my body finally stepping away. Looking back to Isaac, he slowly seemed to be going back to human pushing himself back up to his feet to escape the cowering mess he had become. Just like that all the anger which had vanished within the past twenty minutes had completely returned and stronger than it was before.

He'd done so many things wrong: he'd kept it a secret, he'd used a teenager's trauma to manipulate him into joining his pack, he'd been interrupting me all day, he'd flirted with that woman. I suppose I shouldn't be angry at him for flirting with the woman but it was too late. It had already invaded my mind.

Derek quickly grabbed onto Isaac hauling him away and he glanced over at me. A silent question to see if I was coming with. I couldn't. I could barely look at him without feeling the affects of the persistant rage. Shaking my head, I turned around looking at both Stiles and the unconscious man. How were we going to explain this?

Glancing back up, both Derek and Isaac had disappeared leaving us on our own. "So what do we do with him?" I asked glancing over at the fake deputy and Stiles stared at him not knowing himself.

Hearing the sound of footsteps running through the halls I looked up just as uncle Noah and a few deputies ran in. Opening my mouth to speak I found I couldn't, no excuse could make us look any less incriminating. Glancing at Stiles for help he had the same idea as me and we both pointed at the man.

"He did it."

Noah sighed looking down, "Stiles... Grace." Plastering an innocent smile on my face I offered a shrug not knowing what else to say. What else was there to say? We were stood in the same room as an unconscious deputy and a broken cell.

"Uncle Noah."

Trudging back into my room, I glanced around at the small mess which was scattered on the floor. I hadn't been staying here much - still the majority of the days - but it felt like ages since I'd last slept in my own bed.

Feeling a nausea returning, I pressed my hands against the door frame leaping through the doors as I tried to get to the bathroom. But the moment I fell down onto my knees it was like it had frozen. Just remaining in a constant state not wanting to move anywhere other than in the midst of my chest.

This wasn't supposed to be how my Tuesday was going. It wasn't supposed to be how any of my days were going. It wouldn't settle, but it wasn't making any sign of approaching any further. It was like the previous day where it would just bubble and keep bubbling but not enough to the point where you could have the knowledge of actually throwing up.

After a few moments of nothing except the disappointing ache, I pushed myself up glancing in the mirror. I was paler than usual. Ignoring it, I traipsed back into my own room collapsing into my chair in front of the desk. Switching all the pieces I tried to push them all back into their original positions.

"Hey, kiddo," Noah said walking into the room and I glanced up from the chess board in front of me as he took a seat opposite me, "you know, this guy you've been staying with..." he began and immediately a heat rose to the tip of my ears and I clutched tighter at the piece I was holding, "am I going to meet him any time soon?"

"Hm? Course." absolutely not. How could he ever meet Derek? In his eyes Derek would still be the potential murderer of a few months back, barely even that. In his eyes he would be the man who lived in a burnt down house and ran from the law. He was also a werewolf. I hadn't thought about any of this before. Feeling the nausea rising again, I swallowed down the lump in my throat placing the piece on to the board. "Soon, maybe. Maybe a little later. We're making sure it's serious before introducing our guardians... well... his family too," I added on.

My parents were never going to meet him. They were never going to meet whoever I was with, if I ever had children in the future then they'd never meet them either. They would never be apart of it. A new grief shot through me and my face fell slightly.

"Are you going to at least give me a name?"

"Erm..." I racked my mind for any possible name before It hit me. Derek was going to murder me if he found out, "Miguel."

"Miguel?" Noah asked and I hummed nodding.

"Yeah, Miguel...he's Mexican... Miguel from Mexico," I repeated, mimicking how Stiles always said Mexico with a bad spanish accent although blended with my Scottish accent.

"You stayin' here tonight?" He added on and I nodded with a smile causing a smile to form on his own face. I suppose in a way it was like he'd missed me, at least that's how I could interpret the look in his eyes. They were soft and there was no anger or hatred or anything bad.

"Yeah, I can't be bothered going there," I admitted, and I knew that if I saw him I'd only get more angry, "and I have homework to catch up on," I added on and he nodded in understanding.

"Now do you want to tell me why both you and Stiles were at the station today?"

My heart froze over as I put the innocent smile on my face, "no, not really." He raised his brow before sighing with a nod of his head.

"Yeah, okay." Pushing himself up to his feet he was about to leave but turned back to look at me in the last second, "lasagne for tea?"

"Sounds good."

Once the door was shut, I looked over to the photo frame which was sat a little distance away from me. I'd never thought about everything they'd miss out on. I'd been too consumed about everything I'd miss out on without them that I didn't even contemplate it. They were going to miss so much: my wedding, my children, my future partners, my birthdays, graduations, everything.

Feeling a tear fall down my cheek I forced myself out of the room of sorrow wiping it away quickly. How had I never thought about that before?

Pushing myself up to my feet, I walked over to the chest of drawers rooting through them to get my pyjamas. Grabbing onto a pair of shorts I quickly changed into them before trying to find the right shirt. I wanted a particular one which had the perfect balance of soft and breathable material. So it kept you warm, but it also kept you cool.

Grabbing onto the edge of my top, I pulled it over my head before reaching to pull the pyjama top on but before I could a hand traced around my hip. Jumping, I whirled around about to yelp when a hand pressed against my mouth as well. My breath fell into my stomach and I glanced up only to meet a familiar pair of green-blue eyes. Rolling my eyes, I bat his hand away from my mouth before pulling the top over my body.

"What are you doing?" I hissed in a whisper to make sure that Noah couldn't hear us.

"I came to make sure you're alright."

"Of course I'm alright...what about Isaac? It's the full moon you know, is he okay now?"

He nodded and he reached up his hands resting it in the crook of my head and neck on both side of my head. It was a soft feeling which sent peace in through my body, but I had to ignore it. I was still angry. "Isaac is fine, I'm more concerned about you now, you hit your head pretty hard before," he said, but I couldn't focus on what he was saying. "Grace?" He asked and my brows furrowed as I tried to work out what he wanted, "you're angry."



Pushing his hands away, I walked over to the other side of the room brushing my hands over my hair to try and calm myself down. It wasn't working. "You bit Isaac."

"I did."

"You hid it from me, why did you hide it from me?" He didn't respond. "Were you...were you going to tell me about... well about Isaac?" His eyes froze over as he shifted his weight to his other foot.

"Of course." He was lying.

Nodding my head, I turned away from him to look at something else to distract myself. He was a terrible liar. I could sense no guilt from him and maybe that was the worst part. He knew what he was doing and he didn't care. "You're a horrible liar." I countered.

"Grace... how am I supposed to tell you? You wouldn't understand. None of you and your friends understand anything about the supernatural world."

"Because you won't tell us. You still haven't even told me the complete truth that Peter was banging on about," I added on. I shouldn't be bringing up things from so long ago, but I was just so angry. "Why doesn't anyone tell me anything anymore?" I grit out turning away from him. "I mean, all of you just continuously ignore me making everything more difficult and you all act like stupid hormonal fourteen year old's..."

A pain began to overwhelm my head making it so much harder to focus on anything except my own anger. Derek stepped closer reaching out, he could probably feel the same pain. "Grace-"


"Grace, you have to listen-"

"No. Just go."

"Grace, you have to calm down-"

"Just go!" I hissed whirling away from him to block his own administrations and he sighed before disappearing. Everything was turning red and green and my hands couldn't stop shaking. Why was I so angry? I shouldn't be this angry. Grabbing onto the bottle of small blue pills I quickly grabbed one out throwing it into my mouth to help with the anger. It should numb it all within moments.

And it did.

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