Fire & Ice - A Draco Malfoy f...

By Alpacalypse

2.1M 68.1K 70.3K

Eleanor Selwyn and Draco Malfoy had three things in common: a high, pure-blood status, academic talents and S... More

Chapter 1 - Let go of my wrist or I'll hex you
Chapter 2 - You're such an arrogant twat, Malfoy
Chapter 3 - You're overstepping your boundaries
Chapter 4 - Not his equals
Chapter 5 - You can disrupt my solitude at any given time
Chapter 6 - Come on, can't you do something?
Chapter 7 - You could've fooled me
Chapter 8 - I'd give him his last chance another time
Chapter 9 - Clouds rain too when they're too heavy
Chapter 10 - Today I had extinguished her fire
Chapter 11 - You know absolutely nothing about me, Selwyn
Chapter 12 - People in our league suck
Chapter 13 - A piece of the puzzle that I refused to put down
Chapter 14 - It is rain that waters flowers, not thunder
Chapter 15 - As long as you can do it with immaculate class
Chapter 17 - No wings to fly off and catch them
Chapter 18 - If you don't mention it, it didn't happen
Chapter 19 - Washed away like sandcastles with the tides
Chapter 20 - I didn't feel anything
Chapter 21 - Pain like the grandest diamonds around her neck
Chapter 22 - Just allow yourself to melt
Chapter 23 - So have we got a deal?
Chapter 24 - And why is that a bad thing?
Chapter 25 - I had to stop thinking about it, stop watering the soil
Chapter 26 - This was not part of my plan
Chapter 27 - Why was he doing this?
Chapter 28 - So that's what you were doing in here
Chapter 29 - To hell with self worth
Chapter 30 - If you doubt, just make sure no one notices it
Chapter 31 - It was like a drug, addictive and highly illegal
Chapter 32 - You just happened to be there
Chapter 33 - If we both end up as old spinsters, let's just marry each other
Chapter 34 - It's like I wanted him to know, but I didn't want to tell him
Chapter 35 - Maybe one day I would see him fully, a full moon
Chapter 36 - So you didn't hex your friend?
Chapter 37 - We were like two sides of a magnet
Chapter 38 - And the world stares in awe of their eclipse
Chapter 39 - The daisies that sprout between the sidewalk cracks
Chapter 40 - We do have a choice, we just don't get to act on it, yet
Chapter 41 - The peacock is a symbol of vanity and self-centeredness
Chapter 42 - Hard to find and impossible to forget
Chapter 43 - Such words are a disgrace to your ancestors
Chapter 44 - And you know I am not joking
Chapter 45 - Singing songs of the summer
Chapter 46 - It doesn't do well with happiness
Chapter 47 - It's dangerous to have things that you cherish
Chapter 48 - Did he desire me, or who I was supposed to be?
Chapter 49 - It doesn't really seem like it
Chapter 50 - Do you remember what you said to me on the night of my birthday?
Chapter 51 - You can't help someone who doesn't want your help
Chapter 52 - I had to go on without him too
Chapter 53 - I don't need a date, I'll just go solo
Chapter 54 - Quite honestly, my mother can sod off, the stupid cow
Chapter 55 - Last year I felt like a princess, this year I felt like a queen
Chapter 56 - She stood out, like a wildflower between dozens of roses
Chapter 57 - We're all doomed to be disappointed
Chapter 58 - He's drowning, Lea, and you have to pull him out
Chapter 59 - Me, you, the fact that me and you is no longer us
Chapter 60 - Limerence, another one of those beautiful words from my list
Chapter 61 - We just walked the rest of the track together
Chapter 62 - That's very rude, you know, to steal?
Chapter 63 - You're going to be okay, do you hear me?
Chapter 64 - The two of us weren't meant for happiness, it was not in our blood
Chapter 65 - I like it when you call me love
Chapter 66 - I was afraid that my fire had melted that ice
Chapter 67 - Anxiety was coursing through my veins like hot metal
Chapter 68 - Drapetomenia, an overwhelming urge to run away
Chapter 69 - I wish the sunset was right
Chapter 70 - My favourite place isn't really a place, it's a person
Chapter 71 - That's quite hypocritical, don't you think?
Chapter 72 - Don't be so difficult
Chapter 73 - These beautiful cheekbones are my best asset
Chapter 74 - Battle of Hogwarts Pt 1
Chapter 75 - Battle of Hogwarts Pt 2
Chapter 76 - Battle of Hogwarts Pt 3
Chapter 77 - Can I murder her? Can I please murder her?
Word of Thanks

Chapter 16 - It's just a little difficult to be proud of someone you barely know

29.2K 945 636
By Alpacalypse

Why do you put up with me? 

- Because you are fire, and I have been cold all my life

- A. R. Asher

"Come on, suck it in, darling", Narcissa said as she tightened the laces of my dress. I took a deep breath and sucked in my stomach as much as I could as Malfoy's mother pulled on the strings. I couldn't help but whimper slightly as my breathing was cut off.

I wore corset dresses all the time, as they were a staple in any high-class household and I liked how they looked, but Merlin, were they uncomfortable.

"All done", Narcissa said and gently placed her hands on my shoulders. I looked in the mirror and admired the gown she had selected. It reached just above my ankles, allowing me to walk properly and show off some beautiful heels. It was nude and covered in tiny bits of gold foil, which was absolutely stunning when it hit the light just right. It was a bit more light and girly than I was used to, as I usually opted for navy, Slytherin green or black, but I adored it.

"You look absolutely stunning", Narcissa sighed, turning me around. I smiled as I looked into the mirror. Was I the most stunning girl in the world? Definitely not, but right then I did feel beautiful. My skin was exceptionally pale and I lacked some curves, but in this dress, everyone would look beautiful.

"Thank you, Narcissa. You've proven to have immaculate taste yet again", I smiled.

"It was a stellar find, if I may say so myself", she shrugged. "Now get changed so we can pay and stop by that little tea shop on the way home."

I did what she asked and soon we were back at the floo network to visit the next destination.

I did this with Narcissa every year. We went shopping for a dress for the Ministry's Christmas ball, we'd get some fresh tea in a local little shop and then we'd spend the afternoon catching up over fresh tea and biscuits.

Narcissa was like a second mother to me. My own mother was always at home, but she never really understood the true meaning of being a mother. She was there for me when I needed her and she taught me all I needed to know, but still we didn't really have a bond. We rarely did fun things together and she never told me much about herself. I knew she was proud of me, but I'd like to be proud of her too. It's just a little difficult to be proud of someone you barely know.

"I need to buy some for Draco as well", Narcissa mumbled when we walked around the little tea shop.

"Does Draco drink tea?" I asked. I had to pay attention that I didn't slip out "Malfoy", as we had an appearance to uphold.

"Oh, yes. We drink tea together almost every afternoon when he's at home", Narcissa said, a smile dancing on her lips. She really loved her son. I just wished said son had inherited a bit more of her genes.

It was a little difficult to imagine Malfoy drinking tea with his mother, talking about his term at Hogwarts. He was so cold and distant usually. I guess there was at least one person around whom he let his guard down.

"Well, I feel like this is something he'd like", I said, grabbing a little bag of lime yerba tea, infused with green apples. I don't know why, but that tea seemed to fit him.

"Seems nice", Narcissa said and added the tea to her bag. We walked around the shop for a while and then checked out. We took the floo network to Malfoy Manor.

I wasn't the biggest fan of Malfoy Manor. It was classy and charming, but also cold and dark. I liked wood and carpets and big gardens and pillows.

"Hello darling", Narcissa said as she spotted Draco in the kitchen. Our eyes met and he frowned.

"I took Eleanor on our yearly shopping spree", his mother explained. "I'm going to make some tea. Would you like a cup?"

"No thank you", Draco mumbled, getting up to leave.

"That was a rhetorical question, Draco. Come on, we bought a new tea just for you."

Draco sighed and walked back, filling up a kettle, clearly not in the mood. It surprised me that he didn't just call for the house-elf.

"Eleanor picked it out for you", Narcissa said as she handed him the tea. I groaned internally. I didn't want him to think I did that to please him. It just seemed like something he'd enjoy and his mother asked me about it.

Draco looked at me suspiciously and then analysed the name of the tea. I just avoided his gaze and helped Narcissa with the cups.

"So, Eleanor, how has your term been?" Narcissa asked as she sat down, filling my cup with boiling water. Draco kept to himself in the corner of the kitchen, slowly stirring his tea, a frown on his face.

"Quite good, I'd say. Not that special." I tried not to blush when remembering the incident a couple days ago. I hadn't spoken much to Adrian after the kiss, I'd said goodnight and then quickly wished him a happy Christmas when boarding the Hogwarts Express.

"Has my son caused you any trouble? I know he hides things from me", he said, causing Draco to huff. Well, he had insulted the death of my grandfather, had used his prefect privileges to bully children and had burned my arm to a crisp. Oh, and he called me a disgrace and worthless ... I guess that was still better than the past four years.

"He's quite alright", I smiled, knowing that would please her. Draco hadn't been terrible this past month. Sure he was annoying beyond limits and still needed to sort out his priorities, but ever since our talk after we found the Hufflepuff girl, he'd left me alone, which was nice.

I felt Draco's stare on me as he tried to figure me out. Why was I being nice?

"I've got some work to do. But the tea is good", Draco mumbled and then left the kitchen.

"I knew you two would get along better once you'd grow up. I know he's been difficult the past couple of years, but you'll see that he really is a good boy at heart", Narcissa said. "He's just under a lot of pressure."

I nodded, not agreeing but not wanting to discuss how unlikeable her son was. Sure he was under pressure, but so was almost every other pureblood kid. There were expectations to meet and shoes to fill, not for Draco alone. And even so, being under pressure doesn't give him the right to act like an arsehole.

"And he's a boy. Those always need a few extra years to come to their senses", Narcissa winked. That I did agree with.

"So, looking forward to the Ministry's ball tomorrow? I heard your friend is not coming."

My mood dropped at the mere thought. Daphne had sent me a letter a couple days ago telling me that she wouldn't attend the Christmas ball this year as her parents had decided to take her on a winter holiday in Switzerland. That meant that I'd have to hang around my parents all night. Delightful.

We talked for the rest of the afternoon about nothing and everything at the same time. It was nice to not worry about school and presence for a while.

I got home hours later, right before supper. It was my last night of solitude before the holidays would officially begin. Ministry's ball tomorrow, then brunch with the Malfoys, then Christmas dinner with the entire Selwyn family, followed by days of visiting distant cousins and people I only saw once a year. If that was over with, New Year's eve rolled around and it'd begin all over again.

"Eleanor, darling, a package came in for you", my mother said, handing me a tightly wrapped box, a letter attached to it.

"I'm going to freshen up before supper", I said and made my way to my room. I had opened the envelope already when I sat down on my bed, quickly reading the words.

Dear Eleanor

Happy Christmas. I hope this finds you in time so I'm not too late. If I am, let me be the first to wish you a happy 1996.

I've picked out a little gift for you. I promise I picked it out myself even though my mother kept trying to influence me. I hope you like it. I imagine it looking great on you, but doesn't everything?

I wish I could give you this in person, but then you wouldn't be able to wear it during all the holiday parties, so I figured I'd send it by owl.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas break. I'll be looking forward to seeing you again at Hogwarts.



I smiled brightly as I folded up the note again, then unwrapping the gift carefully. Inside was a flat, black box, the name of the high-end jeweler in Diagon Alley was embossed in gold on the front. I lifted off the lid to be greeted by a stunning necklace. It was dainty and gold, with small gemstones every couple inches. In the very middle was a larger, dark green stone, the colour of Slytherin.

I gently took the necklace out and admired it. It was absolutely stunning and would fit perfectly with my newly bought dress. Adrian sure had impeccable taste.

But what did this mean for us? I really had to start thinking about this. Getting too attached would only lead to heartbreak at the end of the year, but I feared that I had already crossed that line.

What in the world was I going to do?

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