Estranged • Harry Potter {2}

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It's been a long lonely summer and things are happening in the wizard world and the muggle world. Cora Malfoy... Mer



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My first exam was coming up and with it, more stress than I knew what to do with. I wasn't nervous about potions. Slughorn thought I should take the sixth year exam even though I didn't take the class really. He said it might be good to have the good grade just in case.

I practiced potion making more than I should have but it was a good way to avoid Exam Hermione. She was a lot more annoying than she took credit for, even the boys had had enough.

I was doing all my studying in the dungeon where it was quiet and nobody would bother me. Snape would come in and out without so much as a look at me but I didn't care. I didn't know what his plan was and I was tired of trying to guess. I just wanted to finish school and move on while I could.

"Hey, thought I might find you here."

I looked up and smiled a little as Harry walked in. "Hi."

"Still working?" He asked.

"Yeah. I've got lots to do." I sat up straighter as he looked over my books. "Turns out I've been slacking on transfiguration a bit too much. Guess I've been focused on the wandless magic more."

"Yeah that hurt by the way." Harry rubbed his back.

"I would say I'm sorry but..." I shrugged and he chuckled, making me smile.

"So um... I know we're not on the best terms or... I don't really know how we are. I guess I'm here to ask." He said.

"You're forgiven, so that's good." I replied. "I feel like we're back at that whole, 'I don't know how to talk to you without saying something stupid' phase."

"That's exactly where we are." Harry nodded.

"Yeah." I sighed softly.

"You don't have a potion for that?"

I laughed. "I wish."

Harry smiled and leaned against the table.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" I asked, turning to him.

"I want us to promise something," He said. I nodded. "No matter what happens, we trust each other. We be there for each other as much as we can. We lean on each other. Friends or... more than friends."

His eyes scanned mine then dropped to my lips briefly and I stood up. I leaned forward and kissed him lightly and quickly.

"And another promise." I said. He nodded. "If you try to kill me again, I get to hex you into next week."

His face went red and he smiled awkwardly. "Deal."

I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I have to go meet Dumbledore." He said, pushing off the table. "I'll see you later?"

I nodded and watched as he backed out of the room slowly. I waved shyly and it was my turn to blush when he hit a table and laughed, unable to look away from me. I laughed and watched Harry disappear before sitting down again.

What was this boy doing to me?

I took the next few hours to finish up my work and tossed the potion that didn't work. I would have to try it again another time.

I took my time making my way home, having to come from the depths of the castle. When I got to the corridor that showed me the outside world, thunder rumbled through the sky. It was dark out. The sun had set and the clouds were rolling in menacingly.

We had beautiful skies earlier, this was odd. I brushed off the pit in my stomach and kept walking, keeping my eyes and ears open for anything.

I made my way to the infirmary, suddenly feeling the need to check on Draco. I pushed my hair behind my ears, cursing myself for wearing it out today. I didn't know why I chose that.

I clutched my book tighter to my chest and went to open the double doors of the infirmary but they were pulled open before I could. Draco stood in its wake, dressed in one of his black suits and looking proper.

"You're better." I said.


Draco took my hand and started walking, using his long strides to take me somewhere. I didn't question, knowing he probably wouldn't tell me anyway. My book slipped from my fingers but Draco was pulling to hard for me to go back.

I kept up the best I could and climbed the stairs two at a time with him when it was needed. We stopped on a moving staircase long enough for me to catch my breath before we continued.

We came to the Room of Requirement and I continued to stay silent as Draco led me to the vanishing cabinet. He unlocked it and stepped back. I stumbled back as it opened on its own and I didn't need to see it to know it was beginning. Draco grabbed my hand and we were gone from the room again.

I recognized the door to the clocktower before we reached it and we climbed ever so quickly, my heart pounding as whoever came through that cabinet was now following.

Draco got it to work. Or maybe the bird didn't die in transit.

The wind was a bit strong but the scariest part was how fast night came. The sky was dark with no stars and no moon.

I heard whispers over the sound of my own blood pumping through my ears and Draco let me go once we reached the top of the stairs. There, standing so calmly, was Dumbledore.

Draco's wand was out before I could blink.

"Hello Draco." He greeted kindly. "Cora. And what brings you here on this fine spring evening?"

"Who else is here?" Draco asked desperately. He was starting to lose it already. "I heard you talking."

Looking down, I searched for the other person in the room. Harry said he had to meet the old Professor and I didn't see him anywhere. Either he was hiding, or Dumbledore was going mental.

"I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful." Dumbledore replied. "Have you been whispering to yourselves, children?"

I shook my head, unable to speak as I watched Draco slowly walk around the large pedestal in the center of the room. I followed just as slowly, wondering where this was going.

"Draco..." Dumbledore never even gave me a look. "You are no assassin."

"How do you know what I am?" Draco whined.

"He's right." I said quickly, finding my voice.

"Shut up." He spat at me.

"Listen to her Draco. She knows you better than anyone." Dumbledore agreed.

"I've done things that would shock you! Both of you!" Draco's breathing grew heavier.

"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping that in return she'd bear a cursed necklace to me. Like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison." Dumbledore guessed. "Forgive me Draco. I cannot help feeling these actions are so weak that your heart can't really have been in them."

"He trusts me, I was chosen! Not my sister, me!" He exclaimed.

"Draco, you can drop the act." I told him.

He looked at me sharply. "It's no act. I do want to protect you. But I was chosen! I was the one he wanted, not you. I can't let him down for anything." He lifted his sleeve and I covered my mouth to keep from throwing up.

The Dark Mark was fresh on his skin.

Dumbledore looked at the mark but still, I didn't notice anything else than pure calm on him.

"Then I shall make it easy for you," The old man said, lifting his wand.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco casted.

Dumbledore's wand flew from his hand and he didn't fight.

"Very good. Very good." The door unlatched and I dropped my hand, moving further away from the stairs. "You're not alone." Dumbledore continued. "There are others. How?"

"The vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirement." Draco replied quickly. "I've been mending it.

"Let me guess, it has a sister. A twin." Dumbledore glanced at me and I really thought I would be sick.

"In Borgin and Burkes. They form a passage." Draci explained.

"Ingenious." Dumbledore breathed. "Draco, years ago I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let us help you."

"I don't want your help!" Draco bellowed. "Don't you understand? I have to do this."

"No you don't." I went to my brother and tugged on his arm but he fought back, keeping his wand up. "Draco you can stop this and we can go. We can go far away and nobody will ever know."

"He will." Draco muttered. "I have to kill him."


"Or he's gonna kill us..." Draco's lip quivered as he was breaking completely.

The others bounded the stairs and Draco pointed his wand stronger. I looked over and watched as Bellatrix and a few other deatheaters stopped at the top of the stairs to enjoy the sight.

"Well," She smirked. "Look at what we have here." She walked over and one of the big guys grabbed me, pulling me aside.

"No! Draco please, listen!" I cried, fighting.

"Well done, Draco." Bellatrix kissed his cheek.

"Good evening, Bellatrix." Dumbledore greeted. "I think introductions are an order, don't you?"

"Love to Albus, but I'm afraid we're on a bit of a tight schedule." She replied, ever so elusive.

"Draco." I tried.

"Do it." Bellatrix hissed.

"Draco don't!" I called.

"Shut her up!" Aunt B commanded.

The deatheater holding me wrapped his hand around my mouth and I screamed, starting to kick. He was much stronger than me but I wasn't giving up.

"He doesn't have the stomach, just like his father. Let me finish him in my own way." One of the other deatheaters said.

"No!" Bellatrix said sharply. "The Dark Lord was clear, the boy is to do it. This is your moment. Do it."

I called Draco again, my voice muffled.

"Go on, Draco. Nooow!" Bellatrix screamed.

I kicked again, trying to get my brother's attention but it was no use. His eyes were fixed on Dumbledore as he froze, his mouth unmoving.


Everyone turned quiet as Snape entered, high and mighty and as brooding as ever. I stopped fighting, watching closely as the two professors looked at each other.

"Severus." Dumbledore's expression was unreadable and that made it all worse.

The whole clocktower waited.

"Please." Dumbledore said.

"Avada Kadavra."

The spell hit Dumbledore hard and he went off the edge of the clocktower. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion.

I screamed, my eyes letting go of tears so fast I wasn't sure how I could do that. I kicked and fought harder, feeling the man's arms squeeze the air out of me. I bit down on his hand and he groaned, loosening his grip enough for me to slip away. I made it two steps before being dragged back down the stairs.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

I kicked and scratched, pulling at anything I could as Snape led everyone out. We came through the Great Hall as I was dragged along with everyone and I watched in horror as Bellatrix smashed the large window behind the teacher's table. Draco stumbled along but I wasn't concerned about him anymore. I had to get away.

The Deatheater holding me was causing bruising and the further we got from the castle the more terrified I became. We got to Hagrid's hut and stopped, letting Bellatrix have her fun.

"Snape!" Harry's voice echoed, making me fight harder. "He trusted you!"

The hut caught fire and I ducked a little, praying Hagrid wasn't in there.

"Go on!" Snape called to everyone.

I dug my heels into the ground and pulled, groaning at the feel of my shoulder being pulled too hard.


Snape blocked it.

"Fight back! You coward, fight back!" Harry screamed.

Bellatrix hit him with a spell and I slipped from the vice like grip.

"No!" Snape exclaimed. "He belongs to the Dark Lord."

I stood up and ran to Snape.

"Wait!" I stood in front of him, my arms out and my lungs begging for air. "Wait, let me talk to him and I'll go with you. Please just let me say goodbye."

"You have sixty seconds." Snape said menacingly.

I took it, running all the way back to Harry and getting on my knees where he laid trying to come back from the spell that hit him.

"Harry I'm so sorry I'm sorry." I sobbed, unable to stop it.

He cupped my cheek with his hand and groaned slightly. "Don't go."

"I have to, I have to go."


I quickly took off the necklace and put it in his hand. "I love you."

"I love you."

Someone grabbed my hair and I gasped, screaming out as I was pulled back. Snape took my place and I pushed myself to my feet as the same Deatheater grabbed me. I made a deal with Snape so I stopped fighting.

My chest felt like it was ripping in two and all I could do was will my legs to follow the bad guys. I looked back and Snape began to follow us. Harry was just standing up but he wasn't alright enough to come after me and he was smarter than that.

I held onto what he looked like. That messy hair, those gorgeous eyes. Those round glasses... all his plaid shirts. I held on tight as we apparated.

"Cellar." Bellatrix commanded, cackling.

That's when I started fighting again. I kicked as the Deatheater pulled me all the way down to the dungeons of Malfoy Manor where my father was waiting by the gate. He opened it and let me get shoved in. My hands scraped the concrete floor but it was nothing compared to what my heart was going through.

I was up quickly but not fast enough and dad shut the door on me.

"Dad please." I begged. "Don't do this!"

"Sorry, child."

"I'm your daughter!" I screamed.

"And you must be punished." Dad shook, stepping back. He looked worse than he did at Christmas. "You have her wand?"

The Deatheater held it up and I let out a final breath of sanity. "Dad."

"You sit in there and think about what you've done."

With that, he turned and walked back up the stairs with a chuckling Deatheater.

The lights went out and suddenly I was alone. It was cold and dark. I didn't know the layout of my prison and I wasn't about to figure it out.

I was a traitor. I was a prisoner.

This right here... this is how I was going to die.

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