Separated -- Idolish7

By ShiroishiKurumi

21.3K 971 86

Fraternal twin's separated since birth... But what happens when they meet each other once again? How will the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 13

1K 54 3
By ShiroishiKurumi

Next Day~ Riku~

Riku got up and got changed. He looked at the mirror and thought ' I need to know what she wanted to tell me... I hope that she agreed with this,'

Riku went to the dinning room and took his seat saying "Goodmorning, mother," Yumi says with a smile "Goodmorning to you too," Yumi then continues "I've talked to him and we've decided that... We will tell you this weekend,"

Riku's eyes widen in shock and exclaimed "Really?!" Yumi nods and said "You have to prepare yourself," Riku just nods and Yumi adds "There is also something I'd like to tell you... But, I'll tell you later because, you're going to get late,"

Riku ran out without checking the time and exclaimed "See ya later!" Yumi smiled at his behavior.


Tenn who was eating breakfast saw his father come in. Tenn greets "Goodmorning," Takato greets in return "Goodmorning, Tenn,"

Takato took a seat and said after a sigh "I've talked to her and we've made a decision to tell you this weekend,"

Tenn was surprised and asked "Are you bluffing?" Takato said "Nope," and Takato continues "Although... There is something I want to tell you before the weekend comes," Tenn raised an eyebrow and asked "What is it?"

Takato said "I'll tell you later," Tenn asked "Why not now?" Takato said pointing at the clock "You're going to get late," Tenn looked at the time and rushed out saying "Gotta go!" Takato sighed and said "I hope he doesn't hate me for this,"

At School~

Tenn and Riku entered the classroom panting and said in unison "Made it!" they heard someone say "Riku-san, please don't run or you'll end up having an attack,"

They look up and saw Iori with his arms folded and Tamaki who was beside him eating pudding. As soon as Riku calmed down he pouts and said "Don't treat me like a child!"

Tenn said "He's right, you know... You shouldn't run," Tamaki agrees "Iorin and Tenten are right," Riku was shocked and said "Stop treating me like a child!" they laugh at his behavior.

The bell rings and they go to their seat.


The four head to the cafeteria, they took their seats. Gaku noticed that Riku and Tenn were silent and said "What's up with the both of you?" the duo looked at him and Tenn asked "What do you mean?"

Mitsuki said "You two have been silent for quite a while," Riku asked "Is that so?" they all except Tenn nod in response. Tenn said "Well, that's because, I was wondering what my father wanted to tell me,"

Riku said "Same reason... I was wondering what mother wants to tell me later," the others frowned and thought 'Are these two actually... Related?'

The two noticed the expressions on their faces and Tenn asked "What's up with those looks?" they all came back to reality and Iori said "Oh... It's nothing,"

They talked about something else as they wait for the bell to ring.


As they were eating, Tenn and Riku were interacting with each other happily and the others watch them with a confused face thinking 'Wait what? They were silent awhile ago and now they're talking with each other normally?'

The duo noticed their gazes and Tenn said with an annoyed tone "You guys have been looking at us like that for quite a lot," Riku asked "Why are you guys looking at us like that?"

Yamato said "It's just that... You two were so silent a while back and now you two are talkative," Tenn raised an eyebrow and asked "Is that a compliment?"

They did not reply and Tenn said "I'll take that as a yes," and the two continues to talk with each other while the others thought 'Okay... Something's up'

End of Class~

They head home, Tamaki, Iori and Mitsuki took the same route and Tamaki said "Those two... Might have a relationship with each other," Mitsuki agrees "You're right... They might not know but, everything makes sense,"

Iori sighed and said "You guys are jumping into a conclusion yourselves without their confirmation," the duo look at him and said "I guess you're right too,"


When he arrived home, he got changed and head to the living room took a seat infront of Takato and asked "What did you want to tell me?" Takato looks at him and said "This is something that I wanted to tell you for a long time..."

Tenn asked "And what is it?" Takato replies "You... Actually have a..." Tenn said "A what?" Takato inhaled and said "You actually have a younger twin brother,"

Tenn was shocked and asked "Are you serious?" Takato said "Yes... And you'll meet him this weekend," Tenn was angry he said on an angry tone "But why now?" Takato said "That's because, there were some complications,"

Tenn said "Complications? I felt like the complication there was you telling me NOW that I have a YOUNGER BROTHER... If you probably told me before then I would've been able to find him," Takato thought 'You already know him though,'

Takato said "Yes... And I'm sorry," Tenn said "I'm going to my room," and walked out while Takato said "I guess that's taken care of,"


When he arrived home and got changed, he went to the living room and Yumi said "Take a seat," Riku took a seat and asked "What is it you're hiding?" Yumi said "I know you'll hate me for this,"

Riku raised an eyebrow and asked "And? What did you want to tell me?" Yumi replies "I've been meaning to tell you this a long time ago but, I guess I was too afraid,"

Riku said "Tell me," Yumi inhaled and said "You actually have an.... Older twin brother and you'll be meeting him this weekend," Riku was shocked and angry "And you just told me NOW?"

Yumi said "Yes... I know you're mad but, the cause is reasonable," Riku said "And what was it?" Yumi said "I was afraid to tell you the truth," Riku was angry and said "You know what? I'm heading to my room,"

Yumi watched Riku sadly as he head to his room.


Finally! These two would finally know that they're actually related! •́  ‿ ,•̀

I might be able to update tomorrow.(•‿•)

See you next chapter!

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