The Amazing 5 Boys Who Are TH...

By nicnicangeline

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What happens when Will and his sister Bec find out that they have a new sister. What's going to happen to the... More

The Amazing 5 Boys Who Are THE COLLECTIVE
Chapter 2
Update Note
EPILOGUE !!!!!!!


205 1 0
By nicnicangeline

Chapter 3

~~~ Weeks Later ~~~

Will's POV

Yesterday, my group 'The Collective' made it into the Live Shows for X Factor which starts in 2 weeks and also my sister Bec had moved in with her boyfriend so now she wasn't living with us but I still have Nicole so that's good. I couldn't stop texting the boys about it. I thought I'd invite Zach, Julian, Trent and Jayden over for the day and we could have some fun. 

It was 8 am and Nicole was still asleep. I actually thought she had school and when she does she's already up at 7 am but today she wasn't. I heard the door bell ring and I ran downstairs to answer and it was Rebecca. I asked her if there was school and she told me there was. "Why aren't you at school or have you come to pick Nicole up because she won't get up ?" I asked her and she replied "Oh she mustn't have told you yet.". "Told me what ?" I was starting to freak out because she hasn't told me something and it must be really important for Rebecca to come over. Rebecca then started screaming out to Nicole from downstairs "Nicole ! Why the hell haven't you told Will what today is ?" Nicole then screamed out to Rebecca from her bedroom "Shut up Rebecca !! I'm not ready to tell him yet. I'm still struggling to get over the fact." "He has to know soon." "Whatever ! Why don't you just tell him as you're so desperate for him to know !" Rebecca then told me to sit down and she'll tell me. She told me the whole story. This day last year one of their best friends Cooper who was just like a brother to Nicole had died in a car accident and it was extremely hard for Nicole. She would cry herself to sleep every single night after the day he died. I couldn't believe she hadn't told me so I ran back to her bedroom and she had just woken up. I ran straight up to her and lifted her up to hug her. "I'm so sorry for what happened to Cooper, I didn't realise that was why you never got up for school". She had tears falling down her face that made me just want to cry but I didn't want to cry in front of her.

I left her bedroom and went to see Rebecca sitting down watching tv in the lougeroom. I asked her if she wanted anything to eat or drink and she did so I just got her some food and drink. We ended up just talking for a while. Trent and the boys had just turned up at the house and I invited them in and introduced them to Rebecca. 

Nicole's POV

I finally woke up after staying in bed because today was the 1 year anniversary of my amazing best friend who was just like a brother to me Cooper's death. I knew today would be really hard for me.

I walked around my bedroom to the bathroom just as Will ran into my bedroom with the door slamming against the wall. I thought to myself far out Will !! He ran straight up to me and lifted me to hug me tightly. He said to me "I'm so sorry for what happened to Cooper, I didn't realise that was why you never got up for school". I felt sad because I hadn't told the family yet but still I figured that Rebecca was here and told him considering she did text me when she got to my place so yeah.

After he left, I walked to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I was absolutely a total mess but I didn't care at all. I opened the cupboard in the bathroom and got out the knife to cut myself on my ankle a few times. Only Rebecca, Lucus and Lachie knew about it and they're the only ones I want to know about it. I started to cut myself deep in the ankle trying to hold in my screams. I went to cut myself again and I couldn't help myself but scream. The others must have heard because I heard Will, Rebecca, Zach and Julian scream out to me asking if I was okay. I didn't answer except scream again after cutting myself one more time. Rebecca opened the door and ran straight to me. The boys kept yelling out to let them in but Rebecca kept yelling "No !!!" to them.

She saw me cutting and I was about to cut again but she took the knife out of my hand just as she  screamed "NICOLE !!!! NO !!!! DON'T DO THIS TO YOURSELF !!!" I could hear whispers outside so I assumed they heard and they were wondering what's going on.

I just sat there and cried so much. Rebecca was just hugging me so tight. She ran around the bathroom and my bedroom trying to find a bandage for my ankle. She finally found one and helped me wrap it around my ankle. I went to stand up and fell back down as I yelped in pain."Do you want my mum to take you, me, Lucus and Lachie to the cemetary ?" she asked me and I just nodded. "We'll just tell them we're going to the park with the boys, yeah ?" I asked her and she nodded too. 

We got changed and walked out of my bedroom and walked down the stairs. We saw them standing in the loungeroom with worried looks.

Julian's POV

Us boys saw the two girls walk down the stairs in black outfits. We gave each other confused and worried looks. "Where do you think you're going ?" I asked the girls. "Oh we're just going to park with my mum and Lachie and Lucus. We'll be back soon" Rebecca told me. "What, in the black outfits. I don't think so." I told them. After that, they walked out of the house. I was really worried with what was happeningI looked at Will and they didn't look worried. Does he know something we don't because well I mean Nicole means so much to me.

Nicole's POV

Rebecca's mum had taken me, Rebecca, Lachie and Lucus to the cemetary to see Cooper. Oh, I miss him so much. We all got a rose each because he loved roses so much !!

We got to Cooper's grave and I straight away started crying. I placed the rose at the bottom of his grave and said "I miss you so much Cooper, you were everything to me, you were my brother, you were the one who I could talk to. I love you heaps Cooper !!" I was the last person to say something. I walked back to the car and got in with the others. On our way back to the house, I was thinking of all the memories I had with Cooper before he you know died. Oh, how much I miss him.

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