Before it even begun

By GMWrightwell

11K 275 59

Ariella Vasquez used to be one of the popular girls. Her smile could light up a room and she had her whole li... More

You don't know me
the diffrence between love and hate
"Don't touch my hoodie!"
What secret?
"That boy is mine"
Rise from the ashes
It is decidingly so.
I dare you
I hate dresses
your hair looks like a birds nest
Like a queen
I am a Luna
We are equals
Happy birthday
I am more then some girl
I wish I was wrong
We are all mad here
double trouble
No diffrence
Take a deep breath
Not again
Miss you
Book 2 is out!

Case closed

176 6 0
By GMWrightwell

I feel empty.




Cold. So very cold.

I sit in my bed with my head against the wall. My hair is greasy and stringy. My eyes are puffy. I feel disgusting.

My body is going through intense pain, after all the mark has left my body.

My wolf is curled up in the corner of my mind. She needs to be let out.

I walk downstairs in Nathan's shirt that comes all the way to my knees. I go behind a tree and take it off. I think of my wolf and she comes out.

Lena's POV

Loosing your mate is like loosing half of your body with no pain medication. It hurts to take a step. I let my instincts guide me and I'm suddenly in the middle of the courtyard. The place where Natuan and I first kissed.

A pained howl escapes my mouth. Soon I hear many more howls with me. Wolves surround me and rub there pelts against mine in comfort.

This time when I howl, we all howl together. Creating a sad song that only we can understand. The sound is a haunting melody replaying in my mind over and over again. I curl into a ball in the ground and many others join me. There is a blank spot on my right side were my mate should be. Little whimpers escape me and I shut my eyes, but not falling asleep. I hear paws coming towards me, but I dont open my eyes. When someone steps in Nathan's place I lift my head and my lips pull back slightly.

A beautiful black wolf with silver paws sits in his place.

The smell of cinnamon evades my senses and I perk up. The wolf let's out a huff and angles his head towards the ground. Asking permission to lay down. I hesitantly nod and he slowly lays down.

His sent calls to me like a mates would. My body is attracted to him like a magnet. Secound mates are rare. 1 our of 10 wolves get one. I hear a girl giggling over by the pack house and I turn my head towards her. Its Madelyn. I walk over to her and she squeals out of delight. She runs over and hugs me. She hangs onto my fur and giggles. I nuzzle her and she squeals at my cold nose. I sit down and she gets on my back. I walk back to the pile of wolves and bark at them.

Though it is difficult right now, but this girl right here is pure light. If she sees we are upset she will become upset, dampening her light. Along with all the other kids. So let's go for a run and work off some stress.

The pack nods and gets up. Some go and get some other kids on their back and others get ready for the run.

"Your so pwetty wuna!"

Madelyn tells me, and I lick her wrist as a thankyou. She giggles and rubs her arm on her pants. We line up and Madelyn holds on to my neck tightly. I let out a bark and we all run through the woods. The kids giggle and laugh in excitment. We run around the territory line and back to the house. The kids are almost asleep. I nudge the backdoor open and bring Madelyn to her bed. She slides off my back and rolls into bed. She crawls under her blankets. I grab the side of it with my teeth and pull the blankets to her chin.

I then walk out of her room to mine and Nathan's. Then I change into Ari.

Ari's POV

My wolf is so strong. I walk into my bathroom and take a shower. The hot water hits my skin and I sigh out of relief. I wash my hair with Nathan's soap and my body with mine. I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I wipe the glass and look at myself. My eyes are lifeless and I look tired and stressed. I look further down and I see that my baby bump is larger. I sigh and grab a brush. I brush my hair and hum 'War of hearts' it reminds me of the night on the dance floor. The memory makes me smile. A lone tear slips down my check. I turn around and I scream.

Nathan stands there leaning against the door smiling with his arms crossed.

"Hey princess."

I turn right back around and place my hands on the sink tightly, my breathing becoming heavier.


Anger courses through my veins. I spin back around and face him. He is right in front of me. I jab a finger on his chest.

"How dare you! You left me! You big fat A-hole!"

I start punching his chest and crying. Eventually he grabs my wrist and I struggle against him.

"Ari! Stop!"

I pull my hands from his and cross my arms.

"You told me you would never leave me Nathan! You promised!"

He looks down ashamed.

"I didnt mean to. I'm so so sorry."

"Your sorry?! My babies are going to grow up without a dad! I have to lead the pack alone. Actually I have to rule all of the werewolves alone! I was so close to saving you! Instead you leave me! Just like my mom, dad and brother!"

"I promise you that you wont be alone."

"What's that supposed to mean? You want me to go be with my other mate?!"

His eyes automatically turn dark.

"You have another mate?"

"Yes I do! And I am going to reject him!"

All of a sudden a get a pang in my lower stomach and I gasp for breath.


I look down and see blood. My blood. No no no. This cant be happening. Please goddess. Please.

"I'm getting help princess. Just breath."

Another wave of pain rolls through me and my knees shake.

The pack doctor flies through my door and over to me.

"Luna lay on the ground. The babies are coming."

I lay down and another wave of pain hits me. A hand laces through mine and Nathan is there. I squeeze as another wave hits me.

"Something is wrong doctor! Something is wrong!"

She nods her head and she tells me to push.

40 minutes of extreme pain later

I wait. For the sound of a cry.

But I hear nothing.

"Luna I'm so so-"

A loud cry ricochets off the walls and I let out a sob in relief. She hands me the baby and I kiss its head while crying.

Wait, where is my other baby.

"Doctor? Where is the other baby?"

She looks down.

"He didnt make it."

Someone takes my baby out of my hands and I see my other one taken away. All I can hear is ringing.

I'm so tired.


I wake up in a field and I see a child. His black hair and his blue eyes have me smiling.

"Mommy!" The kid yells. He runs towards me and I am confused.

The goddess appears in front of me.

"That is your child Ariella. Name him."

Tears form in my eyes.

"Hi Ashton. I love you."

I swallow a sob and gather him in my arms.

"I love you too mama!"

Tears fall down my face and he wipes them away.

"Dont cry mama."

I laugh at him and spin him around.


I turn towards The goddess and she gently smiles at me.

"I have taken Nathan temporarily. He will return to you. Eventually. For now go take care of your little one, he will take care of Ashton. And your brother will help."

I nod and kissed Astons head. He giggles and I put him down and he runs off into the distance.

Then i am sucked back into the real world.

Dream ended

I wake up and bolt upright. I look to my side and see a baby girl. She looks up at me with vibrant green eyes.

Her name hits my mind instantly.

Indigo summers, Indie for short.



This was so difficult to write. It's a longer chapter though.

Thanks for reading! Please comment and vote!

Your amazing!

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