Khiphop/ Kpop AMBW Imagines...

By mirahmirahh

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Multifandom interracial imagines as it says, taking requests by messages! More

Felix~ Simp Culture
Jackson~Someone Else
Idol High Version 2 part 1
IHV2 part 2
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IHV2 Part 4
IHV2 Part 5
IHV2 Part6
Leeteuk Request
Hey update


57 1 0
By mirahmirahh

Today is decision day at Idol High where a company chooses you sorta like the NBA draft pick. They also tell you if you're going to be solo or be in a group. "Kai why are you wearing sweats to Decision Day? We're gonna be on tv..." Max asks as we walk to the big theater hall. "Oh well I guess this is how I'm debuting, looking like a potato to the world." Sam shakes his head. "We have enough potatoes in the world, the idol industry doesn't need potatoes. Go change while you can, your dorm isn't that far."

"For once I'm with Sam on this one, please change." Charlotte says sighing. She rolls her eyes. "You do know we have stylist to go see before we go in there right? We were all supposed to meet with them beforehand roaches." I shake my head. "Well I'll catch you guys later because I have to go meet my glam team." I wave as they continue to argue.

I make it inside of the building and I bump into Jay Park. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention!" He smiles and I almost swoon but I remember that I have a boyfriend. "It's okay, I was the one on my phone. Hey you're one of the top candidates for today right?" I nod not trusting my voice. "I'd wish you luck but you're not gonna need it. I'll see you around beautiful, okay?" I smile lightly feeling my cheeks burning. "Okay, see you." He waves as he walks off and I wave before walking over to where my team is supposed to meet me.

"Mina come on we have to get you in your hair and makeup after you get dressed. We found the perfect street style clothes for you, come on go change !"

I meet my friends right before we're supposed to sit in our respective seats. "Woah Mina you look so cool, I like the fit!" Kaira says. "Thanks, do you think Jackson will like it?" Charlie nods giving me a thumbs up. "Ah we'll all of you look great, I think you'll get great companies after you! Sam and Max...I hope you get hired somewhere." They both give me a blank look. "Okay Miss Popular we'll remember that. When you need a producer for your debut album don't run to me." "Yeah and don't think about me being...not your manager because I need a job. Let me be your manager!" Kaira rolls her eyes. "Yeah okay ask Mina but not us? Roach."

"안녕하세요, 앉아주세요." We all bump fists before going to our seats. I sit down and sigh because the seats next to me are empty. This sucks I'm by myself. "That's weird, I thought I was supposed to be by Mina...excuse me have you seen my girlfriend?" Jackson shows me a picture of us smiling together while looking genuinely confused. "여보...저예요." He raises an eyebrow. "No you can't be my Mina...wait baby you're stunning! Wow it must be the bucket hat, I'm sorry, forgive me!!" I purse my lips. "How do you not recognize your girlfriend?" BamBam comes and takes the seat on my left side. "Ah Mina that fit is dope. Are you excited to get signed?"

"Thank you BamBam for noticing...unlike Jackson." Jackson pouts sitting down. "Baby don't be like that I'm sorry." The lights dim signaling the event is starting. "Welcome to our first annual Decision Day. We are honored to have our top candidates here, Mina who hails from 미국. Kaira and Charlotte who also come from 미국. Misoo who is from 한국, and lastly Angelita from 브라질." Our pictures pop up on the screen and Bammie starts cheering. "Skrrt skrrt ayooo go Mina!!"

Jackson rubs my thigh and smiles at me. "Our top candidates have already been chosen by 2 companies each. Will all 5 top candidates come to the stage? 감사합니다." I get up still confused on how I'm a top candidate...I can't dance that well so I'm not even a triple threat. As I walk up the stairs of the stage along with the others the crowd cheers us on. "Now that you all are up here we will present your choices for you." We are all given 2 envelopes with two different companies written on each.

AOMG & SM were written on my envelopes. "Open the envelopes and read the personal letters." I open my AOMG letter that looking at it, is handwritten.

Dear Mina,
I was amazed by your audition clip and I can see both your talented and hardworking. I know that you would be a wonderful edition to my company and I do hope you consider joining. Even if you don't, I'd love to work with you and be a mentor in the industry. I have high hopes for your future and I know you'll shine wherever you choose to sign. By the way on a nonprofessional heart to heart, I also really think you're beautiful and I'd love to get to know you better. -Jay Park ;)

I feel my cheeks heat up so I move on to the SM letter which basically just says they'd love for me to sign and be in a girl group with the other top candidates. "So Mina who're you thinking about? Wouldn't it be cool to be in a girl group together?" Charlie asks and I smile lightly. "To be honest I don't think I'd do well in a group on account I'm not that popular. My photocards would be the one to sell for $5 and everyone else selling for $30-$90 online. Plus they just want the publicity and want to be the company that signs all of us. I think you guys should do it though, it would be nice for you guys."

"Awww I get that though and I respect your decision. Go with your gut decision!" I nod and the screen lights up with my name. "If you have made your decision please press the company button in front of you." Someone rolls out buttons for us all to press. I shrug as the other girls look at me. I walk over to the AOMG button and black and white confetti explodes from the ceiling. The lights shine on me and I raise an eyebrow. "What the h-" "Mina is going to AOMG! Congratulations! Come on up!" I walk over to the podium. "Uhhh 감사합니다, I really appreciate all of the support I've been given and I am honored to have been chosen by two very lovely companies. 그러나 저는 AOMG를 선택해서 서명했어요. Please continue to support me!"

The announcer puts a chain on my neck that is the iciest chain I've ever seen that has a huge AOMG pendant that's not only iced out but huge! It's actually kinda heavy too.  The others all hit SM at the same time and a bunch of lights and confetti went off.


"Woww congratulations Mina!" My friends all come up to me. "Thanks guys, congrats on your new girl group! I know you guys will probably be as big as Twice one day." Sam and Max look at each other. "Now now don't get carried away, you might never be Korea's girl group status." Charlotte rolls her eyes. 

"Hey baby how was your day?" Jackson pops out of nowhere while I'm at the café enjoying my much needed alone time. I sigh as he wraps his arms around my neck. "Are you still mad at me? You know I don't like when you're mad at me.." He pouts sitting across from me. "I am still mad because I still don't know how you couldn't recognize me, I literally don't have that much makeup on, the only difference is I literally have a bucket hat on. You've seen me in bucket hats, that's basically the only type of hat I wear."

"I know I know but it was dark in there! Come on give me a break, you know I love you." I feel my cheeks burn. "You do?" I ask hoping he'll say it again. "Yes baby, I love you. I wanted to make the first time I told you special but I can't hold it in anymore. You're one of the most important women in my life." I can't help but smile. "Alright I forgive you...I love you too." He takes my hands and kisses them. "Congratulations baby on getting signed today and for being a top 5 candidate. I know you're excited to be signed with Jay, Yugyeom loves it so I know you will too. I got you something." He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a ring box.

"It's a gift for our 3 month anniversary, it's a J+M inside of an infinity because I love you to infinity and beyond...too cheesy?" He slips the ring on my ring index finger and then intertwines our hands. "Not for me it isn't, I like cheesy when it's from you." When he smiles at me I remember how Jay was technically flirting with me earlier and since he'll be my new boss I feel like I should tell Jackson. "Hey babe..." He rubs my hands. "Yes baby?" "So like earlier Jay was lowkey flirting with me but don't worry or get mad or anything he doesn't know I have a boyfriend to be fair."

He raises an eyebrow. "When?" "Erm kinda in my personal letter, it's a good thing the audience couldn't see it. I just wanted to let you know because I didn't want to keep it a secret. Are you mad?" He shakes his head and smiles. "Of course not baby, it's not like anything happened nor will anything happen because I trust you. It's not like he'll do something anyways once it's very clear that you have a boyfriend." I raise an eyebrow. "Very clear? Because I have a promise ring?"

"No I'll just announce it on Instagram." The subtle possessive nature is really cute. "Jackson are you sure that's a good idea? I haven't even debuted yet and I don't want fan girls after me." "Well that's true...well after you debut I'll announce our relationship. Jay will just have to keep his hands off of you until then or else."

"Or else? Wow look at you baby all riled up, it's hot!" A light blush spreads across his cheeks. "Aww you're so cute Seunie!"

Gross I've been gone awhile but anyways I'll be updating again soon, stay tuned🥰

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