
By Embior2

862 61 66

Niomi Jacobs: 24, Blonde hair, blue eyes. Better known as the one who never, but always "Stays". Best friend:... More

1: Past and Present
2: People and Places
3: Meet-Ups and Beat-Ups
4: Showers and Streamers
5: Workout and Weirdo's
6: Making Dates and More Dreams
7:Hotness and Hiatus
8: Furniture and Futures
9: Night Time and Nightmare
10: Emergency Dialing and Excited Dancing
11: Difficulties and Day-Dreams
12: Shopping and Silent Screech's
13: Safe Places and Safe People
14: New Worlds and New Wonders
15: Waking Up and Breaking In
16: Battles and Back
18: Speaking and Spells
20: Home-Sickness and Heading There
21: Forgetting and Frenzies
22: Leaving and Love
23: Helpless and Helping
24: Practice and Puking
25: Platinum and Perfect
26: Fighting and Frozen
27: Showdown and Surrender
28: Wounded and Whispers
29: Puppies and Past
30: Double Break and Dragged Back

19: No Nudity and Needed

20 1 3
By Embior2

Niomi's POV: 

After my little tumbling act, we all ate dinner and went to bed, me myself trying to catch up on sleep. 

After getting about a full two hours, I'm up, getting ready for a run, just to wake myself up. But I'm not straying away from the house this time. I'll just do a few quick laps around the clearing. 

 After a few laps, I feel a presence behind me. I'm greeted by Hazel. She runs up beside me, giving me a running-side hug. I hug her back tightly, but we don't really talk. Well, she talks, I just listen and nod. 

After a while, a few more pairs of feet can be heard behind us. Kaden and Henson must have woken up and come out to jog with us. Hazel drops back, running with the shorter Henson, while Kaden takes a few long strides to catch up to me. 

"Hi." He breaths, giving my shoulder a squeeze. I smile back, patting him on the back. 

"Hi. How did you sleep?" I ask. 

"Well, I know you didn't. Does that answer your question?" He says, rubbing his eyes. I laugh lightly. So, he must have been awake, hearing me wake up from the clouded dreams I've been having. 

"Well, I tried sleeping. I just couldn't. The backlash from that attack is hitting hard." I say, stopping next to a tree stump, taking a seat and catching my breath. 

"Hey, any place to grab a shower around here?" I ask Kaden, worried that I might smell after my escapade yesterday. 

He nod's. 

"You just go to the waterfall. Want me to show you?" He asks, offering up a hand. I decline. 

"Na, I'll have Hazel take me. Hey Haze! Come here!" I yell, looking to where she and Henson had stopped. She says something to him and runs over to me. 

"Yeah? Watcha need, sis?" She says casually. I explain whats happening and she agrees to take me. 

We head into the house, grabbing our bathing suits and towels, taking off down a path into the woods. 

After walking and talking about random things for a while, we finally reach the waterfall. We quickly change, then jump into the crystal blue water. We splash around for a while, cleaning off and then getting out and drying off. We wrap our towels around ourselves and head back to the house. 


When we get back, everyone is off doing things. There is a note for us. It reads: 

We all had things to do, and none of us will be home for a while, so you two have some relaxation time. I'm in town with Audrey and Mia. The boys have went off for some hunting. They said they'd be a few hours. Love you girls! Stay safe!! -Winnie 

We see the note, and we exclaim to each other. We rush inside, then we each take turns getting some better clothes on. I throw on some nylon leggings and a loose t-shirt, again ditching the restraints. We both settle onto Hazel's pallet, then we start the gossip train. 

"So, you know Henson has it bad for you, right?" I tell her. She blushes, the tips of her ears turning ruby red. 

She laughs nervously. 

"Well, what about you and Kaden? He definitely  likes you. A lot." She states, giving me a friendly punch on the shoulder. I blush a little, feeling my face get warm. I laugh it off, trying to act normal. 

"Well, it wouldn't be the first time, would it?" I say, not really expecting an answer. I think we both drift off into the memory. 

~3 Years Earlier~ 

"It's the start of our second year in college. Me and Hazel both have the same classes for this semester. We never do anything without the other. We've been friends since, well, since before we could tie our own shoes. 

We're also going on a double date tonight. We were at a bar the other night, not knowing we were being admired from afar. 

After classes, we head back to my apartment to get ready. This is also when we both lived in LA. After making each other look fabulous, we head out to meet our dates at a local bar. 

When we arrive, the boys aren't there yet, so we both order drinks and wait at the counter. After about ten minutes of waiting, they finally show. We have a good time, ordering bar food and having a few more drinks. Not enough to be drunk, but enough to be a bit tipsy. 

This is where it all goes wrong. 

After I state that we're heading out, the boys turn on us. 

"Wait, why are you leaving? The party is just getting started." Mine says, his name was.... Ian. And Hazel's was named Coby. We are both trying to get out the door, but their blocking it. 

That's when my vision wavers and I stumble back a bit. And I immediately know what's happened. They slipped something into our last drinks. Hazel didn't drink all of hers, so she's still probably ok. But I downed mine. 

I feel myself falling, but I catch myself on the wall. I prop myself up and Hazel rushes to my side. 

"Nims? What's wrong?" she asks, her voice full of concern. I give a tiny burp before answering. 

"They messed with our drinks. You have to defend us. I'm too out of it. Get in my purse. Grab my pepper spray. Hit them when they come close. First, get us out the door." I whisper in her ear, throwing my arm around her shoulder, giving her some of my weight. 

I feel her reach into my bag. Then I see the glint of the spray canister. She barges through the door, dodging around the guys. But they pursue us. I hold my free arm out, giving her a thumbs up and sliding myself against the wall. 

Then I hear a string of violent and curseful words come from the duos mouths. 

"That's what you get for tryin' to get us! You get some spicy shit to the face! Take that, suckers!!" I yell, then being grabbed by Hazel and pushed into my car. 

She drank less, so she drives. After we get a few blocks away, she turns to me while at a red light.

"that. Was. Awesome!" She exclaims, shaking my shoulder. I give her my intoxicated smile. 

"Good. I have now properly shown you how to fend for yourself. While being bad ass at it!" I say, giving her a side hug. 

Let's just say we were both thinking about what could've happened.... 


We come out of our trances when the door opens to the house. It just so happens to be Kaden and Henson. We both almost lose it, only because we were talking about them, but we keep it together. They give us strange looks when they pass us, but we just keep hysterically laughing. 

They set down their things, putting the kills in the basket by the door for Winnie to take care of when she gets back. Henson walks up, asking Hazel if they can talk outside. She gives me a wide eyed stare for a second, but follows him out. 

I just laugh to myself. 

"What's so funny?" Kaden asks, coming over and standing above me. I just continue laughing. 

"Well, Hazel is just so desperate for love, she just follows like a love-sick puppy. It's kind of adorable." I say, looking up and seeing the two talking outside. 

He sits down next to me. 

"Yeah, but I know I've felt like that before." He says, settling against the wall, same as me. And god, why is he soooo much taller than me? He's probably at least 6'4. 

"Really?", I ask, "With who?" 

He chuckles. 

"Well, she was really smart. And funny. And really, really strong. She cold definitely take me down in a fight. And she wouldn't take no for an answer." He says, looking down at his hands, then up at me. 

This makes me stutter.

"Oh. Was she nice?" I say, feeling partially embarrassed. I look at my hands now. I can feel his gaze on me. 

He laughs again. 

"Are you kidding me?!" He exclaims, throwing his hands up and laughing. 

"What?!" I screech, concerned now. 

He just laughs again. 

"It's you! I like you!" He cries, falling over, laying face down on my pallet. I feel myself blushing. But I cover it with my cold hands. 

"Really? You like me? Well, Hazel was right..." I lead off, watching for his reaction. 

He shots up. 

"Wait, Hazel told you? I'm gonna kill her!" He says, getting up and quickly making towards the door. I run after him, trying to get him to stop. But then he opens the door. 

And standing on the other side of that door, currently attached, were Hazel and Henson. 

Yes, they were kissing. But when they see us, they pull away form each other, both blushing severely. 

Great, now I have to Fangirl..... 


Hello!!! Here is today's update! I hope you like my kisses. It's all for you, Michelle...... 

\Anyway, comment, vote and favorite, cause, well, it makes my day! 

I love you all and I'll see you soon!!!~Embior2 

P.S. The pic on the side is Hazel. Thanks, Michelle, again....

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