sanctuary || d. wayne

By callmebyyourmango

330K 13.6K 2.8K

"There is literally no one that can understand you." "That was not as reassuring as I needed it to be." In wh... More

thank you
sequel <3


5.6K 240 95
By callmebyyourmango

"Beau, stop!"

Fifteen-year-old Noelle was running down the empty streets, bloodied knife in one hand. Her other hand was keeping pressure on the wound on her upper arm.

She turns around, taking quick steps backward as she keeps her eyes on the tall man slowly making his way toward her. Tears fall down her cheeks as she attempts to hold the knife defensively.

Where is everyone? Can no one hear my screams?

Her biological brother chuckles darkly, facial features barely illuminated by the street lamps.

"I told you, Noelle," that manipulative voice of his booms, "we're family. And family sticks together no matter what."

"Screw you!" Noelle screams back, trying to keep herself from sobbing completely. "We're not family, we never have been!"

"The hell we aren't!" His voice echoes. "You're all I got left, Noelle!"

"No, I'm not," Noelle retorts, "you're ass is going to jail and you'll be left with no one!"

"It was wrong of me to try and keep you from Gotham like that," he admits with a sigh, "but we're family. I just wanted to be with my baby sis."

"I am not your sister," Noelle seethes. She squeezes her wound tightly, allowing blood to slip through her fingertips. "And you are not my brother. I'm done with you."

"Maybe," he says before giving that grin that would haunt her nightmares, "but I'm not done with you."

Without any warning, he charges.

Noelle opens her eyes with a gasp. She clutches her chest, heart beating fast from the sudden awakening. It was just a dream, she thinks. She repeats the comforting thought. It was just a dream.

But to think that was a possible ending to how that night actually went scared the shit out of Noelle.

Until the fear toxin, Noelle managed to lock memories of Beau away. She was living just fine without those thoughts constantly plaguing her mind.

But the fear toxin had to ruin it, and now her biological brother haunted her nightmares every chance he could. It doesn't help that he's now in Gotham after being MIA for the past year and a half.

Noelle grabs her phone to check the time.

3:27 A.M.
November 11th

Damnit it. It's only three? That would mean Damian would still be up. And if he wasn't, he would answer later in the morning. She opens her messages and sends him a quick text.

so remember when you offered to track
that weird number that kept texting me?
imma need ya to do that

of course 
send me the number

(xxx) xxx—xxxx
thank you

do you need location, profile or

just location
I already know hwo it is

I mean I will too once I track them
but I'd rather hear it from you

I promise I'll explain but I
need to know where he is first.
I'll explain it after dinner with my family.
and then I'll tell you
I'm sorry, but I want them to hear it first.
which means I'd have to hold off on the news
about us...
would that be okay?

idiot, of course.
take your time babe

Noelle smiles at the term of endearment. She doesn't usually hear those from Damian.

babe sounds so much nicer
than idiot.

I did not like typing it.
I'm going back to idiot.
suits you better.

so charming homewrecker
but I prefer nuisance.

nuisance it is.
why are you still up?
go to bed.

shut up. you need to sleep too
you on patrol?

if I was I wouldn't be texting you
got off about an hour ago.

king 👑🥰
so sassy
and for hwat?
you know, it's rude to be rude
to your girlfriend.
after everything I've done!

yeah but you love it

alright I'll let you catch some Z's
night homewrecker

goodnight king
sweet dreams

19:40 p.m.

"Mama, stop freaking out," Noelle scolds as Andrea and Leo frantically set the table.

"Leo!" Andrea chides, "that's not where those go!"

"Mama!" Noelle repeats loudly before grabbing her mother by the arm. Andrea looks at Noelle with narrowed eyes, clearly annoyed with Noelle's interruption. Noelle sighs before letting go. "You need to stop making a big deal out of this."

"You made it a big deal when you decided to invite your billionaire friend over for dinner!" she snaps, "This place is going to be in a beautiful state by the time he arrives."

Not like he hasn't seen it before.

"Miracles don't work like that, Mama," Noelle teases. Andrea smacks the back of Noelle's neck in response. Noelle chuckles. "He's not expecting anything fancy. In fact, I think he's hoping for some sort of normalcy."

"Your father cooking bulgogi is not normal," Andrea retorts.

"Are you dissing my cooking?" Dennis calls from the kitchen, making Noelle laugh. "You taught me the recipe, honey."

"And it's always been subpar at best."

"You said you liked my cooking!"

"Keep to your hot dogs and burgers, Dennis."

The teasing seemed to relax Andrea momentarily. Noelle notes the way they look at each other with so much fondness in their eyes. Dennis nearly burned the bulgogi from being distracted.

"Better?" Noelle asks lowly, gaining her mother's attention again. Andrea sighs beside her before reluctantly nodding her head. "Good. How about you make some of that calming tea Nan taught you?"

Andrea scoffs. "That tea has no calming properties, it's practically flavored leaf water." Noelle rolls her eyes before gently shoving her mother toward the stove beside Dennis.

"Make enough for everyone, please," Noelle requests. The apartment smelled like bulgogi, rice, and an assortment of grilled vegetables. She knew Damian would like it.

Three knocks echo throughout the apartment, silencing the rest of the family. Noelle rolls her eyes as Dennis and Andrea looked at the door in anticipation. Leo didn't seem to give a damn.

"I got it," Noelle offers, putting a plate down. She makes her way to the door, wiping sweaty palms against her ripped jeans.

It's okay, she reassures herself, I'll introduce Damian, get Mama happy with a great dinner, and then break the tragic news of the biological brother no one knew about.

Maybe she shouldn't do this with Damian here.

Well, he deserves to know, especially if he's going to do something about it. Besides, it's best to get it out of the way before Beau does anything rash.

She's taking too long. Once she realizes that, she quickly swings the door open, greeted by Damian's smiling face.

"Hey," Noelle greets fondly. She leans forward, ready to greet him properly, before stopping herself. Damian chuckles at the instinct. "This might be harder than I thought."

"I bet I will suffer more," Damian proposes before outstretching the flowers in his hand. "I brought these."

Noelle grins at the lilies. "Perfect, but give them to my mother. She'll appreciate it more." Her grin falters slightly. "Did you...?"

"Yeah," he confirms with a head nod, "I got the files on my phone. We'll look over them whenever you want."

Noelle nods. "Is he actually in Gotham? Because if he isn't, I don't want to have to tell them anything."

Damian's smile falls. Emerald eyes look at Noelle with such pity, it made Noelle want to scream in annoyance.

"Yeah," he admits, "I'm sorry, King."

"It's fine." Noelle forces a tight smile. She lets out a sigh. "I can fix this." She opens the door wider before gesturing inside. "Welcome to the Kings, Damian."

Damian steps inside, looking around as if this entire apartment were new to him. Noelle closes the door behind him as he approaches the kitchen.

"Damian," Andrea greets, stepping into view. Noelle was surprised how her frantic demeanor became cool and collected as if she were at one of her business meetings. She extends her hand, accepting Damian's handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you under more casual circumstances."

And with the same practiced cool and collected response, Damian gives a firm handshake. "The pleasure's all mine, Mrs. King. Thank you for inviting me to your lovely apartment." He offers the lilies. "I do not mean to impose with these flowers, but Noelle said they would make a fine addition to your living room."

Andrea takes them graciously, thanking him as politely as possible before going back to the kitchen to put them in a vase or a glass of some sort.

"What the hell..." Noelle mumbles, fighting the urge to grin at the unnecessary formalities. "So, this is Damian. Damian, this is my mother, father, and my brother, Leo."

"S'up," the twelve-year-old greets, hands clasped in front of him as he leans back slightly.

Andrea flicks his forehead, making Leo forgo the stance. "Stop acting like a gangster, Leo. We have company."

Damian smiled at the sight, making Noelle's heart skip a beat. He already seemed to get along with the family.

"Damian, would you like some tea?" Andrea offers kindly.

"Yes, please," Damian accepts before clearing his throat a little. "My father's mentioned you before, he says you're an excellent worker for Wayne Industries."

"No need to flatter me," Andrea dismisses with a wave, though Noelle knew she was inwardly swelling with pride.

"I'll admit, my intentions with my comment weren't to flatter," Damian admits, making everyone raise a brow. "I'm just confused as to why I've never seen you or your family at any of our galas."

Noelle could tell Andrea was fighting the urge to scoff. Everyone, save for Damian, knew Andrea and her plus one were invited to every gala. Andrea was, of course, near the top of the pyramid in the worker's hierarchy. Andrea, however, wanted to keep her humble lifestyle, no matter how hard she worked. She'd seen firsthand how corrupt the higher-ups could be. If she could keep that away from her family, she would.

Noelle felt bad she never mentioned it to Damian, especially since Andrea might say something insulting.

"Well," Andrea begins, pulling out enough teacups for everyone, "I don't find that type of lifestyle suitable for my family." 

Damian nods respectfully. "I understand. You and your family will always be invited."

Andrea gives a small smile. "Thank you, Damian."

Noelle was proud of her mother. As stubborn as the woman could be, she didn't show any signs of disrespect.

"If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to use the restroom." He looks at Noelle, giving her a look that says you're coming with while somehow remaining stoic.

"I can show him where it's at," Noelle offers quickly. "I gotta get something from my room anyway."

"Well, hurry up," Andrea dismisses, "Dennis is almost done."

Noelle leads Damian out of the kitchen and into the hallway that leads to every room in the apartment. Damian pulls out his phone as they both step into the bathroom.

"Are you tracking him or was it just a one-time thing?"

"Tracking," he answers immediately, pulling up documents on his phone. "Download this and you'll be able to track him too."

Noelle nods, staring at the app before going to download it. "Did you find out anything about his whereabouts the past year and a half?"

"Not much," he admits, "after escaping from New Orleans Police, he's been off the grid save for these photos of him at a gas station in North Mississippi."

He turns his phone, showing the black and white grainy photo of a tall man facing the cashier. He's wearing a baseball cap to cover part of his face, but the tattoo on the back of his hand gave him away.

Noelle's eyes narrow at the tattoo, the poorly-drawn star prominent on his wrist. Damn it. That's him. She felt foolish for not recognizing how badly it was drawn when they first met.

"Is this him?" Damian asks to be sure.

Noelle nods her head. "Yeah. That's Beau." Her eyes began to sting, signaling the oncoming wave of tears. "How old are these photos?"


"Damian, how old are they?"

He sighs before forcing himself to look her in the eye. "They were taken two days after he escaped. There's nothing on him since then."

Noelle's eyes widen, allowing a tear to escape. "He hasn't been seen in a year and a half?"

"I've got the police reports too. His arrest and his escape," Damian adds. "I didn't read the one about his arrest."

"You didn't?"

He nods. "You said you wanted to be the one to tell me and your family, so I'll let you." He wipes away her tear with his thumb before gently kissing her cheek. "There's a warrant for his arrest and I've already brought this to my father's attention. We'll get him tonight during patrol, okay?"

What if he's too late? What if Beau's already done something horrible? What if he hurts my parents or Leo? He might even go after Silas. He'd be an idiot to go after Damian, but it's a possibility.

"I just..." she trails off, trying to keep her frantic thoughts subdued. She leans her head against Damian's hand, seeking warmth. Damian takes the hint and pulls her close, wrapping his arms in a comforting manner. "Thank you, Damian."

"Don't thank me for something that's literally in my job description."

Noelle chuckles against his chest. Whether he was joking or not (most likely the latter), he still managed to calm her during stressful times.

A small ding! lets Noelle know the app's been downloaded. She lets out a sigh against Damian's chest before reluctantly pulling away.

"Can you put in the login information?" She mumbles, handing him her phone. He nods and quickly types the information before logging in for her.

His eyes widen slightly, making Noelle's brows furrow. "Damian? What's wrong?"

He opens his mouth to answer, but the loud knocking from the living room interrupts him. Without any word, his alert self quickly moves out of the bathroom and down the hallway.

What did he see? Noelle wonders as she quickly follows him. She can hear her mother answer the door, her voice is not as polite as it was when Damian was.

"Who are you?" She can hear Andrea ask.

"You must be Mrs. King," the deep Southern voice says instead.

Noelle's eyes widen at the sound of the familiar voice. Her heartbeat quickens, borderline hurting her chest.

No, he can't be...

She makes it to the living room, noting Damian's ready stance beside the hallway's threshold. His hands are clenched as he stares coldly at the scene before him.

Andrea had opened the door enough for Noelle to see the intruder. His gaze moves past Andrea and land on the petrified teen only ten feet away. Another tear falls down Noelle's cheek as he grins.

"I'm Beau Tucker, Noelle's brother."

get you a girl who confuses the fuck out of you and barely offers an explanation after a month.
my bad babes, I blame college and my laziness.

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