Draco x reader

By azraSlytherin

854K 12.8K 31.9K

(Completed) -------------------- The story is beginning from year three at Hogwarts. You are a kind Slytherin... More

Chapter 1 - third year
Chapter 2 - summer holidays
Chapter 3 - Malfoy Manor
Chapter 4 - celebration
Chapter 5 - Louis
Chapter 6 - Back at Hogwarts
Chapter 7 - detention
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Task one, triwizard tournament
Chapter 10 - rumor
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Yule ball
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 23

15.6K 226 445
By azraSlytherin

The door opened and I walked in. Dumbledore was already sitting on his chair behind his desk.

,,Miss (y/l/n), what led you at this point in time to me? I think you know it's past curfew."

,,Y-yes Professor, but it was an emergency."

He just looked at me and raised an eyebrow as in guessing what it could be.

,,Tell me about it."

,,Um, I- I had this dream" I told him every detail and he listened carefully.

,,Did you ever have another dream, which included the dark lord, miss (y/l/n)?" He stood up and walked around.

I thought about the dream with Cedric and remembered the dream. The dream, where I saw myself suffering and having the dark mark on my arm. Should I tell him about it? But I think, that not telling him would be better, since I don't want to involve any other people into my own problems.

,,No" I responded.

He just looked at me and raised an eyebrow as if he already knows the truth. But that's impossible, right? I haven't told anybody about my dreams, that means he doesn't know either.

,,Are you sure, miss (y/l/n)?"

I thought again. Tell him. Tell him. Tell him. One part of me told me. Shut up, you're just an attention seeker. The other part told me. I was between these two options, but in the end, I chose the second one.

,,No" I repeated.

,,Alright, so be it." He turned around and walked again.

,,Now professor, what does my dream mean? It was just a dream, right?"

He turned around and looked at me, standing next to his desk.

,,I wish I could say that, miss (y/l/n)." He said and raised his eyebrows in worrisome.

,,W-what's that supposed to mean, professor?" I fiddled with my fingers.

,,Unfortunately, not. You're actually a muggleborn, yes." He stopped.


,,But you have an extraordinary power."

,,But my mother and my father are muggles, how's that possible?"

,,You didn't inherit them. As your parents died, as they were killed by death eaters, one death eater accidentally transferred his power to you. Of course, he didn't get away without a punishment from Voldemort for not being 'mindful' enough, but the point is, that you have the power of a death eater. At that time, he didn't know he had the power, which you saw in your dream, miss (y/l/n). He found it out as soon as he accidentally transferred it to you."

,,You mean, he wanted to kill me too?" I looked at the floor, eyes wide, trying to process the situation.

,,Yes, miss (y/l/n). But nobody knows about this and I would keep it like that if I would be you."

,,Of course, professor. Are there any other powers of mine I should know of?"

,,This, miss (y/l/n), is something I don't know. Either you'll find out soon or it's just this one."

,,Alright, thank you, professor Dumbledore, sir."


,,May I leave?"

He nodded.

I turned around and walked towards the door. I opened the door and wanted to go outside, then

,,Miss (y/l/n)."

I turned around to look at him.

,,Yes, professor?"

,,I know and believe, that you won't use your powers for the bad."

I hesitated first to answer, but then responded. ,,Of course not, sir."

,,Tell me when you are ready to know who the Death Eater was, who tried to kill you and whose powers you have."

,,Alright, thanks." I smiled.

He nodded in response and I left.

Yes, I did hesitate to answer his first question. Not because I would change to the dark side or help them, no, never would I want that willingly. I hesitated, because I don't know what's coming towards me. After the dreams I had, apparently and obviously nothing good.

That night, I quickly got back to my dorm, didn't tell Millie anything and fell asleep.

Now, I was sitting in the great hall at my table, being scared and knowing I have powers. Nobody can know and I obviously can't use them. I saw in my dream what it would cause.

My thoughts were interrupted as someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and


,,Oh hey, Neville." I smiled.

,,Can you come briefly?"

,,Um, yes, sure." I stood up.

I looked behind me as I walked, because I felt someone staring and I was right. Draco was looking at me, but his face was somewhat unreadable. Was it anger? Disappoinment? Sadness? I couldn't tell, but none of them made sense. Why would he?

,,(y/n)." We were already outside and I was distracted by my thoughts. Neville was probably waiting for me.

,,Um, sorry."

,,No problem." He smiled and looked at his feet. He rubbed his neck and looked at me again.

,,So what is it? What's up?" I asked.

,,Um-um- uuh."

,,Neville." I held each of his shoulders. ,,No reason to be nervous. Tell me, what's up?" As I talked, I heard someone walking out of the great hall and footsteps, but didn't pay much attention to it.

,,I- I'll just give it to you."

,,Wh-" I watched him in confusion as he pulled out a letter from his pocket.

,,That's for you, (y/n)." He said and I took it hesitantly.

,,What's that?" I held it in my hand and still looked at it. There was no name on it.

,,I- I think I'll leave now." He said and walked away.

,,What? why?" I asked, but he just walked off.

I looked back at the letter and walked to a wall to lean myself against it.

I opened it and in the inside was a parchement. I carefully took it and began to read.

Dear (y/n),

This is probably the last letter I'll write. Probably my last words to you. I know I promised you not to go. I'm really really sorry to cause you that pain. I'm truly and infinitely sorry. I really hope you'll find someone, who deserves you. I don't and didn't. I already suspected to die. If you have gotten this letter, I did. But don't be sad. There are several boys at Hogwarts and in the wizard world, that will treat you well. Just that I can't anymore. There's no reason to cry, just look forward to the future, to happy things that will come.

Yours sincerely,
Cedric Diggory

Even ink stains were still visible. I began to cry silently. Memories flowed by and I remembered the little things.

But Cedric was right. I had to get over it and move on, which I almost did, until this letter was given to me. Whyever so late. It's been months and I got the letter only now.

My thoughts were interrupted as someone took the parchement out of my hand.

,,Ooh what is that? (Y/l/n) got a love letter."  Draco held it in the air and tried to read it as I jumped and tried to get it back.

,,Draco, give it to me, now." I commanded.

,,Why, where's the fun?"

,,Malfoy, don't be a child and give it to me."

,,This is probably the last letter I'll write." he began to read it out loud.

,,Draco!" I shouted, tears still flowing down my cheeks.

,,Probably my last words to you." He continued, but then furrowed his eyebrows.

,,Is that a joke? What's Longbottom talking about?" He tore the parchement in two pieces.

,,NO!" I shouted and he looked at me confused.

,,You're crying about a joke letter? (Y/n), please." He laughed, but as soon as he saw my tears he stopped laughing. I was just looking at the two pieces, which he was still holding in his hands.

,,Wait, why are you crying? I just made a joke."

,,What did you do?" I whispered and took the two pieces slowly out of his hand. He was holding them weakly, so I just took them and looked at them, crying even more.


,,What do you think-"

,,(y/n), what's your problem? Why are you crying?"

,,You idiot! This letter wasn't from Neville!" I shouted.

He just looked at me confused and took the letter back, harshly.

He read it and looked back at me. I wasn't looking at him. I was just looking at the ground crying and thinking.

I fell for Draco. I fell in love with him. I literally love him and he has to destroy that? I still love him, but this action broke me. Imagine losing someone and having the last words on a letter. Then losing the letter either, just because some stupid idiot had to tear it.

,,I didn't know, um, I'm sorry."

,,Of course you didn't! You are just too busy to hold up your reputation, aren't ya? You act like you care about me. All you do is talking about other girls next to me!"

,,(y/n), I'm sorry to interrupt you, but isn't that what friends do? What do you expect, that I compliment you every second?" That hurt, but he was right. I talked too much. I truly have to learn, how to keep my mouth shut.

,,Um, yes you're right. I'm sorry." I said, then looked down.

,,friends" I mumbled to myself.

,,What was that?"


,,Tell me."

,,I said nothing."

,,I heard you. You said something."

,,Look, I'm sorry, ok?"

He just looked at me and shrugged after a few minutes of silence.

,,How could I be mad at you?" He laughed and hugged me.


After our classes, I saw him in the courtyard and walked towards him.

,,Hey Draco." I greeted him.

,,Hello." He said and we began to walk.

We were walking towards the black lake and stopped in front of it.

,,Why don't you want to tell me who it is?" I asked him. I don't want to know who it is, because I would probably hate her even if she's the nicest girl on the world, but my curiousity rose.


,,The girl you, uh, love" I said.

,,I don't know, I just don't want to."

We were looking at the black lake, while talking. Now I turned to face him and looked at him. His perfect soft hair flying aside in the wind. He was just... perfect.

,,Like what you see?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

,,Come on." I walked in front of him and stood there, looking him in the eyes.

,,No." He said and took my arms. I just looked confused and he placed them behind his neck, which means, that our faces were only a few inches apart.

,,What are you doing?" I looked him confused and he just stared at me, giving me a soft smile.

,,Nothing. Can't I hug my friend?"

Ugh. Friend

,,Oh, so you do that with Pansy, too?" I took my arms back and walked three steps backwards, away from him.

,,Ew, no. Gross. She isn't my friend, (y/n). Nobody is. You are my only friend, who I really like, you know." He took my arms and placed them behind his neck, again.

,,Sure" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. He just stared me in the eyes and smiled again.

,,Why don't you believe me?" He asked and I just shrugged. I mean, Pansy. We're talking about Pansy Parkinson. Everyone in Hogwarts knows about her huge obsession with Draco. And he knows, that I mean that.

,,I don't believe you." I said.


,,That you're in love."

,,Why's that?" He looked away and got nervous, whyever.

,,Please, Draco Malfoy loving someone? Pff, as if you would hold a serious relationship." I laughed.

,,Hey." He said a little angry.

,,Just kidding, calm down." I said and his smile found its way back to his face. I actually wasn't kidding, but nevermind.

Suddenly, he got up to stood back to his own height. Now my feet weren't touching the ground anymore and I began to panick.

He picked me up and started walking. I fidget and tried to get my feet back on the ground, but he was holding my waist too tight.

,,Draco, put me down!" I giggled.

Then, after a while, he let me down and I looked around. He brought me to some place I didn't know.

,,We are in the forbidden forest." He said.

,,But, it's forbidden."

,,No shit." He said sarcastically.

,,It's quite scary here, Draco."

,,Is (y/n) scared?" He laughed and I nudged his arm.

,,Oh shut up, would ya?"

,,Let's go before it gets dark." He said.

,,Yes." I said and he didn't move.

,,What are you doing? Let's go."

,,Um" he looked around.

,,What's the problem, Draco?"

,,Do you remember where we came from?" He asked with an apologetic look on his face. My eyes widened.

,,Draco, are you- are you serious? No, I don't." I panicked. ,,Does that mean we are lost?"

,,Apparently." He said and still looked around, trying to find the way out.

,,Um, (y/n) I guess we have to stay here over the night."

,,What? Are you kidding me? Where are we supposed to sleep?"

,,We will find somewhere."

,,No, I won't sleep in a scary forbidden forest. I think Dumbledore had his reasons to forbid it."

,,Unless you find the way back."

,,You brought me here. I didn't see the way."

,,Why didn't you see the way?"

Well, I really have to shut my mouth. How am I supposed to response now? 'Oh, I was busy staring at you and admiring your beauty. I was just being sad, that you love someone else and not me' ?

,,Um, I was thinking." I said a little bit too quick.


,,Um, our e- exams."

,,But they're not even-"

,,Are you here to discuss with me? Nevermind, do you have your wand? Mine is in my dorm."


,,Oh well."

,,What are we going to do?"

,,We'll wait until Hagrid and his care of magical creature class will arrive."



After talking, I noticed that it was dark and Draco did probably too.

,,I think we should go to sleep now." He said.

,,Yes" I agreed, still curious about how we were going to do that.

,,Give me your robe." He said taking off his


,,Your robe. Do you have ears?"

,,Oh shut up." I said and took off mine as well.

He took both our robes and made a banklet. He used his to put it under us, so the sticks at the ground wouldn't hurt and threw mine over us. Since my robe was shorter than his, he motioned me to come closer and I did.

As soon as I sat next to him, my back against a rock, he took me into his arm and pulled me close to him. I was suprised at first, but later I just relaxed.

My face in his chest, his arms around me. There was the feeling again; love. He whispered sweet nothings into my war for me to fall asleep. I was happy, so happy, until I realized, that we were just friends and that I can never and will never have him.



Thank you so so much for 400 reads!!


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