Rainbow Six Siege (Ela Bosak...

By aegis1st

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The White Masks...it didn't start as a terrorist organization, you created it to help people...you could say... More

The White Masks
A Boring Life
Exclusive Tour
Settling In
It's been a while
Making Friends
The Heist
The Party
Bomb Threat
Shifting Tides
An Old Friend
Cerberus Vs White Masks
First Date Ever
The Black Dragon
The Program
Void Edge
No Rest
The Information Dealer
Next Step
Shocking News
Time For A Change
Museum Siege
First Encounter
A Bold Request
Wolves in Japan
Enemy Ace
New Work Environment
Business Meeting
Behind The Mask
The Reunion
The End of a Threat
Biological Affair
The Start of a New Life
VIP Mission: Captain's Wife
Author Note: Legacy
Legacy: Big Bad Wolf
Legacy: Assassination Attempt
Legacy: The Strongest
Update: Remake?

Rescue Mission

1K 27 4
By aegis1st

Saturday, January 16, 2021
Wolves HQ
(Y,N) PoV 

I arrived at the Headquarters, to my surprise the girls were already waiting for me at the hangar, all of them were armed to the teeth but sadly I had to turn them down by telling them we have to go to the debriefing room and make a plan. I was just as angry as they were and believe me, there's nothing I want more than to storm that place but I told Zofia that I will find her and if she is alive be better do this right. 

"While you were on your way here I was able to find a clue that can take us to the little girl," Yun said as soon as we entered the debriefing room. The girls sit down but I decided not to sit down

"Speak!" The girls shouted scaring Yun 

"OK! jeez. Anyway, Zofia told us that Karina disappeared while being under the care of Ela. You see this Bosak has a boyfriend," Yun stopped and looked at me probably waiting for a reaction coming from me. 

"What?!" I said. I did not react because of that, I did because everyone in the room was looking at me 

"Nothing?" Yun said and I rolled my eyes 

"I'm gonna give you three seconds to stop looking at me or I'll make you clean the toilets with your toothbrush," As soon as I was done talking none of them were looking at me 

"Ok...like I was saying. Ela has a boyfriend called Taylor Dagran and ever since Ela went missing, he disappeared too so we might start by searching on his private island," When Yun was done talking she asked Victor to display a hologram of the entire island. 

It was time to make a plan...

Wroclaw, Poland
Zofia PoV

We were outside the GROM headquarters, I was checking the place out while a few people were cleaning the dead bodies the wolves left when they entered the place, a few white masks surrendered and they were taken to jail by the wolves, they were doing a good job but I just couldn't focus on my work, I was more worried about my daughter. 

"You seem distracted, Commander Bosak," Suddenly I heard Raven's voice right next to me. I have to get used to being called like that from now on

"My daughter is missing and all I can think of is why (y,n) is not going with the guys who took down the white mask on my country," I complained 

"Ok, look Bosak. You should be thankful that (y,n) is attending to the matter personally, he should be here but he is not so you know...the world is facing a terrorist threat and he is searching for your daughter, even though you guys screw him up, he is helping YOU" Raven said and the only thing I could say was...

"I'm sorry...it's just... I'm really worried," I sighed 

"And I understand but we need a commander on our side, you worry about this and let the wolves find your daughter," Raven reassured me 

Time Skip
Dagran Island
3rd Person PoV 

The wolves were flying over the island using a stealth ship, inside the ship Dokkaebi hacked into the house cameras and found out something very interesting...white masks but no sign of the target. One of the Wraiths, Chelsea, was already on the ground, eliminating the white masks that made the mistake of splitting up from their patrol team and it was at that moment Chelsea looked at the window and saw the target, she immediately sent the word and (y,n) gave the order to move in. 

The pilot dropped the team in front of the main gates when the white masks found out about the assault they noticed they were down a few men, getting inside the building was easy thanks to the Wraith Chelsea, the girls rushed towards the building killing everything on their path, (y,n) was right behind them. When they reached the door the girls stopped and turned their gaze to their leader. 

"You girls are wolves, go hunt!" (y,n) said and they nodded. Aruni punched the door open and they went inside.

(Y,N) PoV 

"Captain, I'm sorry to bother you but I found a house not so far from the mansion so I thought you might want to check it out," Chelsea informed me through comms 

"Sure I'll be there, just let me take care of something first," I said then sighed and contacted Aruni

"You better clean the mess you are doing before getting the kid, the last thing we want is her watching dead bodies," I added and the only thing I heard from her was a sigh 

I cut the comms and headed to where Chelsea was, it took me ten minutes to rendezvous with her, She was looking at what appeared to be a warehouse, a very old one. The place was surrounded with white masks and even though the shootout from the mansion could be heard from here these guys must be protecting something if they are ignoring that. 

"They haven't moved since the others started shooting, it is really weird," Chelsea said 

"What do you say if we figure it out then?" I asked her and she nodded then turned invisible 

"I'm right behind you," She whispered 

3rd Person PoV 

The white masks were definitely protecting something, The equipment the Wraiths have comes with a thermal vision so she was able to tell how many people were inside the warehouse, she counted two, guarding the door outside, ten inside, and three underground, (y,n) pulled out his weapon and started to get closer to the two guards protecting the gates and just when he was close enough (y,n) pulled the trigger killing both hostiles. The Wraith took cover next to the door and (y,n) did the same on the other side, the wolves captain grabbed his katana saber, three hostiles came out to investigate, The Wraith grabbed one and (y,n) took the katana out of the sheath and dropped it.

By the time the two hostiles realized what happened, in a flash (y,n) cut through them like butter when the katana saber was turned off (y,n) was on the other side of the door right in front of the wraith the bodies of the terrorists split in half and the upper body fell to the ground following the lower body. (y,n) didn't think it twice and headed inside the warehouse, the white masks were scared of how horrible their teammates died. While being shot at (y,n) dodged the bullets, jumped on a crate, and landed on the face of one terrorist and while the other two were distracted they were cut down by the katana saber. Two terrorists were about to shoot at (y,n) but Chelsea intervened by shooting them down. The rest were too fearful to attack so (y,n) without any regrets killed all of them.

The place was stained with blood, the missing limbs of the terrorists were spread out on the entire warehouse, (y,n) headed to the hidden door that took them to an underground passage, and when they reached the door Chelsea informed that one guy has taken a hostage, (y,n) kicked the door and before the hostile had the chance to make his move he was already dead. 

Ela PoV

I woke up due to someone screaming, I was feeling very weak and I was barely able to see from my left eye, I noticed a man a woman standing in front of my mom. I started to struggle but I had no energy to keep it up, the man turned to see me and when he got closer he bluntly grabbed my chin, I groaned in pain and regardless he made me look at him, I couldn't help but cough and the blood I spat landed on his outfit. My vision was still blurry...I couldn't put together the man who was in front of me 

"Looks like you finally got what you deserve. Bosak," The man spoke and his voice sounded familiar

"Leave my daughter alone, please! She has suffered enough!" I heard the voice of my mom echoing inside my head

"Where is my niece..." I worked up the energy to finally speak 

"She is fine..." He answered then I passed out again

Sunday, January 17, 2021

I woke up again and this time I was in a different place, a white room it seems like a hospital room, I tried to get up but my body didn't allow me to, I laid back on the bed and I sighed. I don't remember much about what happened after I passed out. Suddenly the door opened revealing a woman, black long hair, glasses, lab coat, she seems to be a doctor. 

"Fuck...you are awake, I was not expecting you to wake up so soon," She said 

"Where I am?" I asked 

"You are in the Wolves Headquarters. Elzbieta Bosak, right? I'm going to begin the checkup so please take off your shirt," The woman said so I did what I was told. She started to inspect my body with just her eyes then she got closer and raised my arms, I groaned.

"I was a little bit angry about how...The Captain handled the situation but after watching the injures you and your mom came with. I'm glad he butchered those bastards," The woman said 

"Are my Mom and Niece fine?" I asked 

"The kid is fine, your mother looks a lot better in comparison to you," She said. After a few minutes, she finished and sighed 

"Well Bosak, I have good news and bad news," She took a seat right next to me 

"What is the good news?" I asked. I could really use one right now

"You are going to be fine, luckily the bastards who did this to you didn't break anything so there was no need for Surgery, the bruises and your face are going to heal, so long as you follow my instructions. I heard you are very pretty so thankfully you'll make a full recovery and you will look pretty in no time," The woman said and I sighed in relief, not for the fact that she called me pretty, it was for the fact that I'll make a full recovery. 

"And the bad news is-" She couldn't finish because the door opened again revealing a masked man. The same masked man I met in The Netherlands 

"You are awake, good. Now get your ass off that bed, you are being moved to Poland right now," He said and the woman stood up 

"Captain, look at her! She is a mess! She won't make it to Poland!" The woman tried to defend me. The woman's name is Ryleigh, she was trying to convince her captain to let me stay but to be honest I don't deserve her kindness. I didn't even deserve to be saved. 

"I'll leave!" I interrupted them and they both looked at me 

"I'm very grateful for you taking care of me, Miss Ryleigh, and I'm very grateful for you saving me, Captain, But I don't deserve this kind of treatment. Ever since (y,n) died I thought my life was going to be amazing but turns out it all went to hell. I was in a relationship with a white mask operator, I put my niece in danger...it pisses me off that I always say to Zofia that I'm not a little girl anymore but the truth is I'm not even an adult. All my choice in life sucked. I'm sorry that you have to waste your time on me," I said. Tears were running down my cheeks but I finally said what I had on my mind. This is what I am. A waste of time.

(Y,N) PoV  

I was not expecting to hear that from Ela, she wasn't the woman I meet and feel in love with anymore, this Ela was vulnerable and broken. Now I look like the bad guy. I talked to Zofia this morning about the situation of her daughter and she wanted me to keep her here while the situation in Poland gets under control, and I agree but I think I'll make something different with Ela.

"You can stay Bosak, You'll get better and after that, you'll join the wolves. Do you want to feel sorry for your life or do you want to stop feeling sorry for yourself?" I asked her. She was about to answer me but I stopped her

"I'll swing by tomorrow, think this through because I really don't want you to waste my time on this," I said and then left the room. I want Ela to be the person she was before, I want the Ela I feel in love with back. 

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