Obviously Me

By AmbrosiaRose

994 75 53

A Japanese twenty-something girl. A cupcake shop. A stranger. A little girl who thinks everyone is a princess... More

Chapter 1: Japanese Princess
Chapter 2: Library Horoscopes with Haimi and the Pumpkin Spice Cupcake
Chapter 4: Him
Chapter 5: #TBT on a Friday
Chapter 6: The Call
Chapter 7: I Love You
Chapter 8: Pros and Cons
A/N :/
Chapter 9: Her and I
Chapter 10: The Plane Ride

Chapter 3: The Party

101 7 1
By AmbrosiaRose

Chapter 3

Lately, I've been sort of sad. I don't know why.

I think I like Ozzie, but I don't think he likes me. As cheesy as it sounds, it's true.

I kick myself for obsessing over someone who I've only seen twice. How can I be so stupid?

Maybe it's not me that's stupid.

Maybe it's love?


Ozzie swings by Yum-Yum Cakes to pick both me and the cake up for Asia's birthday party. He is wearing a gray t-shirt, ripped jeans, and flip flops.

"Ready to go?" Ozzie asks, leaning against the counter.

I shut the register closed. "Yep."

"Are you leaving?" my sister-in-law, Pamela, says, coming out of the back of the shop. When I nod, she smiles slyly. "Have fun on your date, Mi."

"It's not a date," I hiss.

"You're right. It can't be. You're not dressed nice enough." Pam grins.

I'm in comfortable clothes - a Nirvana t-shirt, skinny jeans, and sandals. My hair is back in a messy bun.

"I'm just going to a little girl's birthday party, not a formal dinner party," I retort.

"Call me if stuff happens." She winks.

"Whatever, Pam." I turn to Ozzie, who is checking his phone. "I'm ready now."

"Great - I need to make one, real quick stop before we go to my sister's house. Is that ok?"

"It's fine," I reply. "Where, exactly?"

"We're out of juice boxes. Camilla just realized that. You mind?"

"Nah. Bye, Pam."

"Bye, Mi."

I hop in the passenger side of Ozzie's rusty Ford pickup and he gets in the driver's side. We drive to Publix, grab two packs of juice boxes, and go to his sister's house.

The house is filled with little girls and their parents. There's a huge bouncy castle in the back, beside a trampoline with three girls squealing and jumping. A woman - blonde-haired-blue-eyed - is serving drinks to the parents. Most likely some sort of booze.

"Camilla, this is Mirai," Ozzie says to his sister the one serving drinks.

"Oh. Is she the princess?" Camilla looks at me. She doesn't seem pleased.

"According to Asia, she is," he replies. "Is there a problem, sis?"

"No," Camilla says quickly. "I was just . . . expecting someone in a gown with a princess hat. Not someone in a nineties' band t-shirt." She sighs. "Well, at least she's actually Chinese."

"Japanese," Ozzie breathes.

This is going to be a long day.


I get to meet a lot of people at Asia's party. I also get lots of hugs and giggles from little girls. Some of them called me Mulan, even though Mulan is Chinese and I lived in Tokyo until I was 3. I don't mind. Apparently I have a resemblance to Mulan?

I help Ozzie serve cake (which, thankfully, everyone enjoys) and drinks. Never before have I had to pour champagne at a little girl's fifth birthday party. But I've never been to a five-year-old's party. First time for everything, right?

"Thank you for all the help," Ozzie says before I leave. "They all loved you - Mulan in a Nirvana shirt."

I laugh. "It was fun."

"And I'm sorry about my sister. She can be a little judgmental sometimes."

"Can't we all?" I hide my embarrassment. "Thanks for letting me come, Ozzie."

"Of course."

My phone buzzes. I pull it out of my back pocket. It's Pam.

I can't come pick you up. Business is starting to boom. Can someone else pick you up? Sorry Mi.

"Can you drive me to my apartment?" I sheepishly ask Ozzie. "My sister-in-law can't come get me. Sorry."

"Yeah, no problem. Do you mind staying here for another hour or so to help clean up? I won't hear the end of it from Camilla if we don't."

"That's fine." I nod. I follow him over to a table and start cleaning up.

"Oswald," Camilla groans, nudging her brother. "Your ex is calling you over and over. Come tell her to quit. It's getting annoying."

"Umm, sure. Mirai, I'll be right back." Ozzie walks off with his sister, leaving me alone.

My phone buzzes again.

On second thought Mi I can come get you. I'm gonna close up early. Need me to come?

No, I type back. Someone else can drive me home. Thanks though

Is it that guy?

Yeah, I reply.


I smile a little. There's nothing going on I swear

Suure, Mi

Whatever. I have to go Pam

Is that guy single? What's his name?

Ozzie. And yeah he's single. I guess.

Make a move Mirai I repeat MAKE A MOVE

I'm going to stop texting you now. I shove my phone in my pocket and continue cleaning.

Half an hour later, I'm in Ozzie's truck, driving to my apartment.

"Again, thank you for driving me home," I say quietly.

"It's not a problem, Mirai. If Asia needs a babysitter, can I trust you to do a good job?"

Me? Baby-sit? "Yeah," I reply automatically. "Asia is so sweet."

"Great. It gets boring, being there alone with her on Fridays. Camilla goes out on a date night with her husband and I take care of Asia. I need someone who can help me with her. I'm not good with Barbies and dress-up."

He means baby-sit Asia with him, I realize. "That'll be fun," I say, smiling.

"Awesome!" Ozzie pulls into my apartment complex. "Can I get your number?"

"Of course," I blurt. I get out my phone and he gets out his. We swap, enter each other's numbers, and swap back.

"Don't be alarmed if I come in Yum-Yum Cakes, demanding you to help me watch Asia. She's a handful." He smiles.

I nod, trying not to blush. "Can't wait. See you around, I guess."

"Probably at your cake shop. Those things are like drugs - so good, but so bad," Ozzie laughs. "Bye, Mirai."

"Bye, Ozzie," I say, getting out of his truck. I wave before going into my apartment.

I call Haimi on FaceTime. She's eating vegetable curry with her boyfriend, who is home from work.

"You could have just ignored my call," I say when her face and Ranesh's face appear on my iPhone screen. "I didn't know you were eating."

"It is alright," Haimi says. "What are you doing, Mi?"

"Hi, Mirai," Ranesh says.

"Hi, Ranesh," I reply. "And Ozzie just dropped me off from his niece's birthday party."

"They still have parties for birthdays?" asks Ranesh.

I nod.

"Oh my God, did Ozzie ask you out?" demands Haimi. She eats a bite of vegetable curry then eagerly awaits my response.

"No," I say, smiling. "We got each other's numbers. That's it."

"Did he ask for your number or did you ask for his number?" Haimi raises her eyebrows.

"He asked for my number," I say.

"That is a good sign!" Ranesh says, and Haimi nods in agreement.

"Ranesh is right," says Haimi. "I think that this Ozzie guy likes you."

"He's American, Haimi. When does an American guy like a Japanese girl?"

"From my personal experience," says Ranesh, "American men like women from other cultures."

"From your personal experience?" I ask.

"I am a marriage counselor," he replies.

"Oh." I nod. I knew that.

"Have you not Googled 'Japanese girls pictures'? The results are mainly of totally inappropriate things, Mi!"

"And you know this how?" I grin.

"No reason," fibs Haimi. "It is not important. I would like to meet this Ozzie."

I purse my lips and sit on my couch in the small living room.

"We should go on - what do you call it?" Ranesh frowns.

Haimi gasps. "Yes! Ranesh, you are brilliant!" She pecks his cheek. "A double date."

"We aren't dating," I say. "So no."

"Just ask him if he wants to go to dinner with you and some friends," says Ranesh quickly. "You do have Ozzie's number, correct?"

"Yeah, but . . ."

"No buts about it, Mirai! Text him right now. Right at this very minute." Haimi takes a bite of her dinner. "Right now."

"It'll make me sound needy," I protest.

"It makes you sound interested in him," Ranesh says.

"You are on FIRE tonight, Ranesh!" laughs Haimi. "Hang up on us on your iPhone then call us on your iPad. We will watch you text Ozzie."

I groan but do as Haimi says.

Soon, they're watching me text Ozzie.

"Read your text out loud, Mirai," Haimi instructs me.

"Hi, Ozzie. It's Mirai, the "Japanese princess". Sorry to bother, but I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with me and two of my friends. Nothing fancy. Thanks. Signed, Mirai," I read.

Haimi and Ranesh sit there quietly.

"How does it sound?" I ask, my thumb hovering over the send button.

"Very good," Ranesh says.

"I agree," adds Haimi. "Send it, Mi-Mi!"

I nervously hit the send button. A wave of anxiety hits me.

"Relax, Mi," sighs Haimi. "It is ok."

Not even a minute later, Ozzie texts back.

"OH MY GOD, READ IT!" squeals Haimi.

My eyes scan over it before I read it out loud. "Hey, Mirai! I'd love to have dinner with you. Give me a day, time, and place. Signed, Ozzie," I say.

"HE LIKES YOU, MI-RAY-AY!" yells Haimi, delighted.

"Most definitely," says Ranesh with a smile.

"Where are we gonna go eat?" I ask.

"I have not thought that far," admits Haimi. "Ranesh, baby, your thoughts?"


"You are amazing, Ranesh. Tell him Applebee's." Haimi nods.

Ranesh smiles triumphantly.

"How about Applebee's?" I read.

"Send it, Mi!" Haimi clicks her tongue.

"He says, Sounds good. When?"

"Tomorrow night, six pm," replies Ranesh. "Gives you enough time to get dolled-up for Ozzie."

"And us too!" adds Haimi. "Send it."

"Tomorrow night at six," I type. "Ozzie says, Awesome. Can't wait to see you and your friends!"

I look up at my iPad's screen. Haimi and Ranesh, the "Power Couple", are smiling like fools.

"Put some ringlets in your hair. Add some blush - not too much, a little lipstick, and a teeny bit of mascara. Wear something cute but comfortable," Haimi tells me. "Send me a picture of your outfit tomorrow and I will approve or not."

"Yes, boss," I laugh. "See you guys later. Bye, Ranesh. Bye, Haimi."

"Bye!" they chorus.

Lord help me. I'm going on a date.

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