A Little Fate (LokixReader) {...

By DontTellAuntieTasha

267K 8.9K 3.2K

Most people dream about coming face to face with the Avengers. But you just happened to be short on luck that... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three

Chapter Six

9.9K 326 204
By DontTellAuntieTasha

(A/N: This is a longer chapter to make up for not posting for a few days. Sorry for the delay! )

You finally arrived back at your apartment after the long night. Of course, you had made sure to drop off donations to your chosen charities as always, but you were still exhausted.

It was your tradition. After every heist, whether a hundred dollars or a few thousand, that you donate at least half to your chosen charities. You didn't exactly know why, just that you've always been doing it. It was... You just had to.

So, you finally arrived at your apartment. As you entered, almost instantly you were greeted by a certain sprinting cat. Leo ran at you, clawing to climb onto your shoulders. This was a problem a long time ago, but since you said that it wouldn't ever affect you, the problem ceased to exist.

"Hi Leo! You missed me?" He meowed in response, purring on your shoulder.

You carefully balanced him as you walked, and headed to your bedroom to hide away your cash. You'd need it soon, for sure. You burned through your- investments, quickly through food and rent. Cat food wasn't cheap either. Nor were the vet bills. Hell, most of your money was spent on Leo. But you wouldn't leave him, no matter what happens.

"So, what do you want to watch tonight?" You ask him, now heading to the couch. You often turn on the news; or a nature channel, since Leo sometimes will try to catch the birds or other animals on screen.

You flop on the couch, turn on the TV, and flip through the channels. You're about to flip past the news channel, when something catches your eye. It was you, or at least the robbery you just pulled off. The news anchors gossiped about this new 'villain', and how you were able to escape the Avengers. Apparently it's big news.

They continue rambling on, and you're about to change it when they mention a new name.

"And what are you calling this new threat?" The first reporter asked at the table of drama.

"We like to refer to this new villain as 'Fate', simply because there is no way that they would have been able to escape all six Avengers if fate wasn't on their side." the reporter known as 'Jameson' said. Yes, it was that Jameson.

"Why thank you, but Fate is against me." you mumble to the TV, before shutting it off. It was already late, and you needed all your strength for tomorrow. For the meeting.

Shaking off the news, you head to bed, picking up Leo on your way over. "What do you think, Leo? 'Fate'? It's kinda catchy."

You quickly set Leo down on the bed, and climb in. You've had enough excitement for one evening. You're out before the reality of your situation set in.


The next day passes quickly in anticipation. You have no idea what's in store, because- well, it's the bloody Avengers! How are you supposed to know anything about them? Or what they're planning for you? You couldn't leave Leo. At least not for a long period of time. And if things turned south- 

You'd have to drop him off at your neighbors. They were nice enough. You hadn't seen them in awhile though. Not since the school year started.

Nonetheless, you ring up May, and wait for her to pick up. Who knows what would happen to you. It'd be nice to know Leo was with someone he liked. He seemed to really take a liking to Peter, when he used to come over.


"Hi May! I was wondering if you were home? I need to go out for a bit but I think it's too long to leave Leo at home. Would you mind if I drop him off?" You got straight to the point, simply out of reflex. May always hated the whole rambling thing.

"Sorry, I'm working a bit late tonight. Peter should be home though. I bet he'd love to take care of Leo. They used to be such good pals." She was cut off by some yelling in the background. "Oh god- Sorry, I got to go now, new patient. Feel free to call Peter about it!" with that she hung up, and you pulled up their apartment number. It might be nice to give him a heads up.

"Hello, Parker residence. Peter speaking." He was always so polite. 

"Hey, Petey!"

"Y/N! How are you! It's been forever!"

"I've been good! Look, I gotta get out for a bit, but I think it's too long to let Leo stay home alone. I was wondering if you'd mind cat-sitting? Just for a few hours until I come back. I already cleared it with Aunt May. Don't worry."

"Cat-sit Leo? Fun! He still likes ice cream, right?" you confirm his suspicions. "Oh! I'm supposed to meet my friend Ned, for homework, do you mind if Leo meets him?"

"It should be fine, yeah. Just make sure he has no cat allergies."

"I don't think so. It'll be fine."

"Really? Thanks so much Peter! I owe you one!" You smile as you hang up, and set your phone in your coat pocket. With arrangements made, you clean your place up a bit, before grabbing Leo and his cat carrier. You head upstairs to Peter's.

"Alright, alright. I won't go patrolling tonight. I won't swing by the tower either, or go to S.I.... Yes, of course Mr. Stark. Bye." You heard the ending of an argument from the other side of the door. You wait a few seconds before knocking, trying to act less suspicious. It'd be a waste of a chance if you used your powers now, you had a feeling there were going to be plenty of reasons later that evening.

The door swung open to reveal a rather disheveled Peter. You could see he tried his best to cover it up, as he led you inside.

"Everything ok?" You were concerned for the little hero. Yes, you knew about his secret. But you still tried to keep it a secret that you knew, even from him.

"Yeah, just some... complications with my internship."

"I bet. It's complicated working for S.I. Especially under the Tony Stark. You could always work as my assistant!"

"I don't even know where you work." he joked, but it was a completely serious topic.

"I work late nights, just to cover the bills." it was always the same explanation. "Anyway, here's Kitty-Leo, I'll let you get on with that homework." You said with a wink, standing up. He didn't know who you were, but you knew who he was, or at least part of the story. The only time you peaked at his label with your powers was when he had come home sick. Turns out he had gotten the spider bite that day, and so on and so forth. But who knew if Peter had told anyone else. He still hadn't actually told you.

"Right. I'll take care of Leo. When did you say you'd be back?"

"Should be in a few hours. If you need anything, go ahead and grab it from my apartment, you should still have the key. And I'd feel better if you go, if there's ever a squabble between you and your friend."

"Alright. Don't worry. Everything will be great."

"Yeah. Thanks again!"

"Don't mention it." And with that you left, heading to the Avengers Tower.


You arrive at the steps of the tower, planning to head all the way up. You'd be able to slip in, and hopefully appear as un-threatening as possible. That was the only way this'd work.

So, you head up to the doors, and type in the code. You waltz in, nothing on you but your phone, and head straight for the elevator. You scan the buttons, looking them over for a common area, and find it at the top. You press it, but the elevator doesn't move. Pressing it again, and it still doesn't work.

With all other hope lost, you pop open the panel near the bottom, using the same method as before, and force the elevator to floor 26, where the assumed common room is.

When it finally arrives, you step off, looking around. There's large glass windows surrounding the walls, couches in front of a TV, a kitchenette, and even a table. Apparently you had chosen the heart of the Avenger's living space. Great. Definitely non-threatening.

You quickly sit down on one of the couches, not knowing what else to do, and play games on your phone. What else were you supposed to do? It'd be even more intrusive for you to turn on the TV, or use anything they had. So you were left to your own devices. Quite literally.

About a half hour later, you start to grow nervous. There still wasn't any sign of the Avengers. Nothing, no one. You decide that if there's still no sign of them here at the hour, that you'd go looking for them. Surely they had received your meeting times. Loki would have told them.

So, when your phone chimes four o'clock, you head back to the elevator to find where they went. You scan the panel of buttons, finding nothing even related to hints. So, with Fate needing a push, you push every button on the wall. About thirty? Something around there, definitely.

With all the buttons clicked on, the ride starts, and you're delivered to every floor. At each stop, you yell, 'any avengers in here?', and each time, you're met with silence. Seriously, how did they not find you already.

But finally, back on the eleventh floor, when you've just about given up after an hour of searching, you receive a sign. 

When the doors opened, you shouted, "How are there not any damn avengers in their own damn avengers tower?" And were surprised by the chaos that followed.

Lots, and lots of sputtering, as if a room full of people all choked at once. And, well, lets just say that they did.

"What the hell is going on?" A deep voice shouts, as some light choking can still be heard. The voice didn't belong to any of the Avengers, you knew that for sure.

"Great! You're all here! Seriously, I've been waiting around here for two hours. It's horrible hospitality. That's what it is." You didn't know where your outburst came from, but you were just about on your last straw.

"Stark, how did she get in- How did you get in here?" He turned his question to you, as you approached the table. This was going well so far. Except, well, for the two hours of waiting part of it.

You could now see his face, and the large eyepatch covering it. He was bald too. Seriously, he was like an angry bowling ball of a pirate.

"Very poorly preformed security. I thought you would have upgraded your elevators. I mean, seriously! You even knew I was coming!"

"You can't upgrade what you can't see. And really, you're hilarious." Tony Stark, the Ironman, said to you.

"Someone who appreciates my humor. We're going to be good friends." That received a smirk from him, that was quickly turned down from pretty much everyone at the table. He had it rough.

"Stark, how did you not know she was in the tower?"

"She wasn't in the tower! She was just gone!"

"Honestly, how do you function? I was in your living room for Pete's sake! Oh wait, not Pete, he's an angel. How bout you... Nick. For Nick's sake!"

"That was one hell of a rabbit trail." Barton said, receiving a punch from Widow.

"How did she-"

"Welcome. Now, questions? I've already been gone for two hours too long." You interrupt Fury before he could ask.

"Away from where?" The great Captain America asked.

"My cat. Next?" 

"You have a cat?" Stark whispered.

"What are your abilities?" Thor asked from across the room.

"Yes, and I don't really know, they're still developing. Next."

"Wait, don't just skip over stuff. Why did you go to the 'living room', and what did you do there?" Nat had caught your question deflect earlier in the conversation. It was kinda embarrassing.

"I thought you guys were there, and I literally just played on my phone the entire time."

"I have a question!" Stark raised his hand. You pointed him out. "Will you go on a date with me?"

"No, I still don't know you, and you pissed off my neighbor. Next!"

"Who's your neighbor?" Stark questioned, probably trying to figure out what he did wrong.

"To give you their name is to put them in danger. So I won't be telling."

"What powers can you do so far?" Bruce Banner asked. Seriously, why was he here? You peek above his head, seeing the secret. Whoops. But that makes a lot more sense now.

"Well, I can quite literally control fate. If it hasn't happen, I can choose the details. I also can see secrets, as you've regrettably learned. That applies to everything; people, things, pets. I also see arrows wherever I go, although I can choose to ignore them. Lastly, although this isn't much of a super power; the universe and all its glorious vastness is literally against me, and tries to kill me on a daily basis. That's pretty much it." You pretend to think, placing a finger on your chin.

"You can control fate?" the hulk asked, appearing a little paled. 

"Yep. Hence the nickname."

"The universe is trying to kill you? Why? How?" Stark starts questioning you. Well, even more of a questioning.

"It's called, 'I'm to powerful to be kept alive', I think? I'm still looking into it. Doing a background check."

"ON the universe?"

"Are you a threat?" The one eyed pira- you mean, Nick, or- Fury, spoke up.

"Can be. I won't though. Except that I'm pretty sure you've heard the news. 'Biggest heist' and all that. I need to make a living somehow right?"

"What do you mean, 'can be'?"

You finally stopped talking after that. You could very well be a supervillain, killing innocents and all that junk. But you wouldn't. You would never let that happen.

"If I can control the fate of the world, and any other world, as well as any living being or non-living object, who's to say I won't cause chaos in my wake? I just have to think about whatever I'd want to do, or whatever would happen, and it does. So what's stopping me from saving myself time and causing casualties?" You stare him dead in the eye, and can practically see the gears turning. 

"So why don't you?" Clint doubted.

"My ability to sleep at night. I guess. If you kill one innocent person, on purpose, why won't that break my dam and release an onslaught of death in my own self-pity?" You think for a moment longer, before adding a little clue. "Also, probably has something to do with my cat. I wouldn't be worth his admiration if I killed innocents. It'd go against everything else I do."

"What else do you do?" Captain America asked. 

"Donate to charity. Don't know how, when, or why it started, but I donate half of every heist to chosen charities."

"You won't stay here, will you?"

"Depends. Why you ask, Nicky?" You heard or saw a range of gasps or smirks from the others watching the interaction. You finally had your emotions back in check to deal some annoyance out on a silver platter.

"I want you on the Avengers. I want you to stay inside this tower until your powers are under control. That is my best offer. The other one is that you spend the rest of your days in prison-"

"Which would be a horrible idea."

"Then you can sign here." He slid a packet of papers over to you. The top page read 'Avengers Initiative'.

Roars came from the Avengers. Between reasons of betrayal, to defenestration, to straight up 'no's, there were a lot of complaints.

"It's not for you to decide. Besides, she hasn't ever actually hurt anybody. And, she just admitted donating over half her pay to charity. That's more than anyone here's ever done."

"That's right Nicky. By the way, is it ok if I bring my cat? He kinda has separation anxiety, and needs me. I know he wouldn't be as good a cat as goose, but..." You trailed off, winking your eye. His own eye widened, as he realized what you meant.

"Fine. Bring your cat. But I expect you to sign the papers."

"When I sign, there's a hundred percent chance that I won't actually be legally binded, and that there are plenty of loopholes for me to jump through." You say, hoping to hide the fact you just used your power. He raises an eye suspiciously, but you grab the pen from his hands, and scramble your name down before he made any changes.

"Great. That's that. If you don't mind, I gotta go pick up my cat from his sitter, I'll see y'all later? Fellow Avengers." You walk away, following the arrows. Of course they knew about them now, but you really had no choice. You'd figure something out. 

"Wait! I said I wanted you to stay in this tower!"

"And I said I'd bring my cat. I can't complete my part, unless I leave the tower. Besides, you never actually said when it started."

"It starts tomorrow. I want you in the lobby at ten tomorrow for moving."

"Fine. But I expect boxes to be supplied." You huff, and rush out before anyone can say anything else. How could you last while stuck in a tower with them?

You mumbled the chances of them following you, as you made your way to the lobby. You hadn't seen Loki at the meeting. You wondered where he could've run off to with your locket. You really wanted that back, but if he still had it...

You're about to open your last set of doors to freedom, when someone taps your shoulder. You spin around, to see none other than the Trickster himself.

"Why, hello. Any reason you're bothering a Midgardian?" You mock him.

"Maybe to return a certain locket? I was surprised when you were leaving without it."

"Right, I figured you would still have it, since you said that oath and all..."

"Yes. No one else has touched it, and it has remained undamaged." He opened his palm to reveal the necklace.

"Thanks, yet again, for helping such a... puny mortal." you joke, but become more serious. "This really means a lot to me. Thank you for keeping it safe." He nods, and you escape back out the doors. Time to get back to home to the boys. Hopefully nothing's gone wrong yet.

(Note: this is a long chapter, if you made it this far, thank you! I'll probably post again by the end of the week, please vote if you've been reading!)

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