Scene 4

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(At the coronation)

Macduff: All hail king Malcolm, long may he live!

Donalbain: As your heir, I will support you and your reign until the day of your death.

Macduff: Let’s not speak of death.

Malcolm: Thank you both. Fleance, for a moment?

(Pulls him aside)

Fleance: What is it, your highness?

Malcolm: Go tell the guards to ready their weapons. You didn’t tell him?

Fleance: Your highness, I swear I tried. I searched all over the castle and the castle grounds for him, but didn’t find him. You’re telling him now? And why would the guards need their weapons? Surely he won’t try to harm you. You are his kin and king!

Malcolm: That didn’t stop Macbeth. I know my brother, and I know that his ambition matches that of Macbeth. He knows that something is going to happen, which is why he wears his sword right now. Now do as I say and warn the guards.

Fleance: Yes, your highness.

(Fleance leaves)

Macduff: Your highness? Is something wrong? It is a time for celebration, yet you and young Fleance whisper to each other fearfully, as if you know something important that neither of you are telling us.

Malcolm: You are right. There is something that I haven’t told you. It has to do with you, Donalbain, and the throne.

Donalbain: What is it? You are king, not me. And you will most likely have heirs of your own, so I will not be king, unless something was to happen.

Malcolm: Right now, you are my heir.

Donalbain: Right now? Has it changed? Why? Have you found yourself a wife? Is there a better person that you think should be king? Who could be better that your own brother?

Malcolm: I’m sorry, Donalbain. Since the death of Macbeth, I have had dreams in which Hecate appears. She comes to every dream, and tells me about a prophecy about the descendants of Banquo, who was told the prophecy.

Donalbain: Descendants of Banquo? You mean Fleance? That boy? You are making him heir instead of me, aren’t you? All because of some foolish dreams!

Macduff: Are you sure the dreams mean Fleance, your highness? He is merely a boy, barely old enough to go to war.

(Fleance enters.)

Donalbain: You little runt! You are trying to take my throne from me. I should hang you up from the nearest tree and whip you until your blood runs like a river!

Fleance: If the king says it’s to be done, than it is to be done. It is not my decision, or yours.

(Malcolm moves to block Fleance.)

Malcolm: Your words are daggers, brother. (To Fleance) Leave until my brother calms, Fleance. (Whispering) You alerted the guards?

Fleance: Yes, your highness.

(Fleance leaves)

Macduff: Calm, Donalbain! Before you do something you regret!

Donalbain: HOW DARE YOU!

(He stabs Malcolm)

Macduff(Draws his sword): Murder!

(Donalbain stabs Macduff)

 (Fleance runs in)

Fleance: Who cried murder- Your highness! Lord Macduff! What have you done, Donalbain?! TRAITOR! TRAITOR!

Donalbain: Fight me, you thieving, bratty little runt! FIGHT ME!

(Donalbain backs Fleance into a corner)

Fleance: Hecate, if I am meant to be king, save me!

Donalbain: Who are you speaking to, boy? The goddess of spells, witchcraft, and mischief? She helps no one! AAAUGH! MY EYES! I can’t see! My vision is gone!

(Donalbain stumbles back, Fleance stabs him)

Donalbain: oh, you brat, you have the throne after all.

(He dies)

Fleance: So much death already. What will the lords think when they find their new king is dead? And brave Macduff! Would this have happened if Hecate hadn’t spoken to Malcolm through the dreams? If she hadn’t, he would have kept Donalbain as his heir, and may have been murdered by his brother as a result. At least, I think that would have happened. It doesn’t matter, not anymore. GUARDS! GUARDS! THE KING HAS BEEN MURDERED!

Macbeth, Act 6Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin