Part One

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Germophobes and hospitals. They don't work too well together. Especially for Sakusa Kiyoomi. He hated them. Too dirty, too many people, too many illnesses. Definitely not his safe haven. If he could figure out what was wrong with him with his personal doctor then he was fine. He never once wanted to step foot into the hospital, until his doctor informed him that's where he'd be going every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Collecting samples for experiments.

Disgusting. That meant Sakusa had to go near infected people and into the hell hole people call a hospital. Sakusa just calls it germ asylum. Tomorrow would start Sakusa's first day of collecting samples. Of course he wanted to help his doctor, but never like this. This was too much.

Sakusa took a hour and a half long shower then gathered his clean clothes, masks, gloves, and his hand sanitizer. Once he was dressed he made his way to the hospital constantly cringing by the thought of being surrounded by many, many germs. It was almost as if he could feel the illnesses and germs crawling all over him. He took out his hand sanitizer and squirted a lot into his hands and rubbed it on his hands, arms, and his neck. It made him feel a little better, but he still knew where he was going so the nerves were still biting at him.

He made his way into the hospital and walked to the front desk, letting them know what he was there for.

"Alright young man. Right this way please. There's a patient here I'm sure would be much help with your studies." The lady from the front desk started walking, leading the way to Sakusa's first study subject.

Rather than responding verbally, Sakusa let out a soft grunt and nodded, showing he understood the woman's words. Even if he had responded with words, he's too soft spoken to be understood, especially with such a thick mask covering his mouth.

"Right here. Room 28." The woman smiled as she gestured to the room.

Why such a small number? Sakusa thought to himself but quickly shook the thought away, for he did not care enough to know. This was in and out. All this patient needed to do was spit in a tube and pee in a cup. Quite simple. Even a dog could do it.

Sakusa hesitantly opened the door and saw a blonde man standing on the hospital bed.

"You lay on those. Not stand." Sakusa groaned.

"Who even are ya? Yer just gonna burst right in and tell me how to live my life? What happened to hello?" The male glares at Sakusa.

Goodness, I already hate it.

"Yer not gonna answer, huh? Ya know I really hate people like ya. Ya come on in somewhere ya weren't even invited to, then try and regulate everythin'. Get out."

"I don't even want to be here. I'm going to keep the chit-chat to a minimum because I'd rather not waste my breath on a feeble minded human such as yourself. So do us both a favor and spit in this tube and pee in this cup so I can leave."

"I don't hafta, wanna know why? Y'ain't my doctor. So beat it, Walmart Michael Jackson."

"If you don't pee in this cup and spit in this tube I swear I'm going to-"

"Kill me? This illness already is, so if you'd like to speed up the process, be my guest."

"You're making this harder than what it is. Can you please just shut your mouth and do what I say?"

"Let's start over first, then I might just listen to ya. I'm Miya Atsumu. What's yer name?"

"Ugh... Sakusa Kiyoomi."

"Alright Omi-Omi. Hand me the tube and the cup, I'll be done in a second."

"Don't call me that you germ filled illiterate fool." Sakusa sneers, but nonetheless hands Atsumu the tube and cup.

Atsumu enters the bathroom and shuts the door behind him. Seconds go by, then the seconds turn into minutes. After five minutes Sakusa, as much as he doesn't want to admit it, started to become worried. He knocked on the door calling Atsumu's name a few times, he was greeted by the crisp sound of silence. He tried calling out his full name in hopes of a response, but was still left with nothing but the subtle sound of the light buzzing. Feeling a rush of worriedness he swings open the bathroom door, revealing an unconscious Atsumu laying on the floor. Sakusa rushed to the bed, grabbing the remote, and spam clicking the nurse button in hopes someone could come help Atsumu.

Sakusa sat in a chair beside the hospital bed as he waited for Atsumu to wake up. He pulled out his hand sanitizer and squirted some more onto his hands, rubbing it in, then up and down his arms. The pungent smell of the intense alcohol filled Atsumu's senses and slowly woke him up.

"Damn Omi-Omi... That's some strong hand sanitizer ya got there." He chuckles.

"You're up, finally. What happened in there?"

"I fainted. Duh."

"Goodness, do not duh me. I just was worr- Curious. How did you faint? That's what I'm asking you."

"Well gee Omi-Omi. We only just met and yer already worried about lil' old me."

"Disgusting. Don't even say that. It's a human thing to be worried when someone faints unexpectedly."

"Sure. I fainted because low iron or somethin'. To be honest with ya Omi-Omi, I don't even know what's wrong with me. All I know is I'm dyin'. And it's gonna be soon. I just know it."

Tch.. He doesn't even have hope for a longer life. It's pathetic, really.

"Say it out loud, Omi."

"I just find it really pathetic that you don't even have hopes to live longer than what you've been told. Everyone dies one day, we've all accepted that, so as humans we live everyday as if it were our last. But no. You just anticipate the day you die. You wake up and say today is a day closer to dying rather than thinking of it as an extra day to live. It's embarrassing, really."

"God yer a sappy freak. Jesus man.. I never thought a germophobe would tell my I'm embarrassing and pathetic."

"Who said I was a germophobe?"

"The handsanitizer."

"Whatever. I've got to go. Get some iron in you so you don't pass out again. I'll return tomorrow for the urine and spit sample. Goodbye Atsumu."

"Goodbye Omi-Omi!"

And with that, Sakusa left the hospital with a soft smile hidden under his mask.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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