Chapter Two

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"I guess I'll see you around Bam."
The soft click of the door sounded so loud. 

Bam lay face down on the bed, hoping and praying that this was just some horrible nightmare, that he would wake up any moment and he would be snuggling up to his adorable lightbearer in bed as usual.

Unfortunately, Bam was smart enough to realise that this was real.

Khun had left him.

His Aguero had left him.

His earlier torrent of emotions had calmed with his orgasm and now he was left with a hollow emptiness inside. The tears that had spilled were now dry, he wanted to scream but his voice wouldn't come out. His hands balled into fists, scrunching up the fabric of the sheets, his body heaved as he sobbed but no tears would come.

After what felt like an age, Bam weakly sunk into the mattress. The double bed that now felt ridiculously big. His eyes still tightly closed, he wanted to sleep, at least then he could dream and pretend this wasn't happening. 
But Bam was destined to a miserable night. Each time he felt his eyelids drop, those words would be repeated.

'We should break up.'

The storm would start again, the tearless weeping, the soundless screaming, his knuckles, white, tearing at the sheets.

A vicious circle.

By the time Bam finally passed out, the sun was already rising.

Late morning and the brunette groggily woke from his fitful sleep. When the memories of the previous night hit him, he wished he could go back to his dreams.

However, Bam knew he had to face reality.  Rolling out of bed, he kept one hope in his heart - if he speaks to Khun again, maybe he can change his mind.

The brunette knew Khun still loved him, the other boys feelings weren't part of the issue, it was Bam's. He needed to convince the lightbearer that he was the only one for him, that he didn't have these feelings for anyone else. He erased the image of Rachel that had popped into his mind.

Hastily showering and getting dressed, the wave controller made his way to the kitchen in the house the teams were sharing. Opening the door his eyes latched onto the single person in the room.

Shibisu was sitting at a counter drinking a cup of coffee, he almost spat out his drink when his eyes caught Bam's and he immediately looked away and stared at the counter in front of him, the atmosphere obviously awkward.

'Isu knows...'

Of course Bam had expected Khun to run to Isu in his time of need, Isu and Rak had been rooming ever since Bam and Khun got together and they were the only two people on the team that Khun would trust enough in this situation.

"Morning Bam, you look.... well...."

His sentence trailed off, even though he had only glanced at the brunette, the red eyes with dark circles underneath, the messy unkempt hair, mismatching clothes....

"Isu, where's Khun?"

Bam's voice was raspy from hours of abuse, he wanted to get straight to the point, there was no time to waste. 

Shibisu's stunned expression turned to the wave controller before wavering and looking unsure. 

"You mean he hasn't told you?"

Furrowing his brows, an intense dread made its home in Bam's stomach.

"Told me what?"

Hesitating slightly, not quite sure how to put it, Isu spoke carefully.

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