Chapter One

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Authors Note
This is one of my explicit fics but I'm not posting the explicit scenes on Wattpad (keeping it clean for the readers who don't want smut). If you want to read the explicit version then head over to AO3 (link is further down in the story where the smut should be). I will point out that the smut is part of the story so you will be missing out on some of the emotions that I try to convey, but the story still makes sense without it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

The couple walked into their bedroom, Bam happily humming as he followed behind his blue haired boyfriend, they had just come back from their weekly date night - something Bam felt was important what with the stress of climbing the tower, that and he loved any excuse to spoil his love. 

They had just enjoyed a pleasant evening together, a nice luxurious meal at a restaurant, a few relaxing drinks to follow and then reminiscing about the past. They talked about their friends, about the floor of tests, about their lives before the tower. Khun was always conscious not to mention Maria to his boyfriend, she was a bit of a sore point and he knew that Bam got jealous but he was completely over her, had been ever since the first time he met Bam. Sometimes Khun wished that the brunette was as considerate with his words... 

As Bam let the door close behind him, Khun spoke, standing still in the middle of their bedroom, his back facing the brunette and his figure barely visible in the low light shining through the window. 

"Hey Bam, I think we should break up."
He spoke casually, as if he was asking about the weather. 

The brunette faltered and stumbled slightly at the words that came out of nowhere, his brow wrinkled together and a strained smile on his face as if Khun was telling a joke. 

"What was that Aguero? I don't think I heard you right." 

Khun turned around and faced his lover, his features expressionless as he repeated himself. 

"We should break up." 

Blinking a few times in disbelief, Bam took a few steps forward, closing the distance between them. 

"Wha-what are you on about Aguero, that isn't funny." 

Obviously his love must be playing some kind of sick trick on him, why on Earth would Khun want to leave him? Bam raised his hand and stroked the bluenettes cheek, desperate to confirm that it was just a twisted joke, but Khun's expression didn't change. 
Realising his love was serious, the shock and confusion stirring inside Bam's stomach subsided, only to make way for the tidal wave of emotions crashing down inside him. 

"Wha... where has this come from!? Why!?" 

Hadn't they just enjoyed a lovely evening together? What happened? What went wrong?

And Khun may have agreed that their evening had indeed been pleasant, except for the fact that Bam kept talking about one particular freckled blonde... 

The warm trembling hand on his cheek felt so much like home but the loneliness he felt inside was becoming too much to bear.

Leaning his face into Bam's touch, Khun smiled sadly as his silent tears finally spilled, he kept his voice as steady as he could.

"Because I will never be number one in your heart." 

Bam didn't understand. Of course Khun was his number one, he loved him so much, but the image of Rachel flashed in his mind. 

"You are my number one, Aguero. Always." 

His tone was soft however Khun heard the hesitation in his voice and pulled away from Bam's touch. A lonely chill surrounded them as the atmosphere grew cold, empty.

"You need to stop lying to yourself Bam. And stop lying to me when I can see it written so clearly on your face." 

The bluenette was staying strong though he felt broken inside. It had taken him a long time, a lot of courage to get to this point. Months, years of listening to Bam talking about the blonde, how his face would light up and become so calm when he spoke about her. He should have done this ages ago but, he just loved Bam so much. 

"But Aguero..." 

Bam didn't have anything to say. His emotions a torrent inside as his anger at himself, at Rachel, at Khun, rose and chipped away at his sanity. 

"I'll go stay in with one of the other guys, you can keep this room." 

Khun sniffed, controlling his tears, as he offered their room. He tried to walk past the brunette who had become silent, seemingly letting him go. 

But Bam was raging inside. Khun was leaving him? Because of Rachel? He was about to lose the person he loved because of her?


The rage and love he felt for the boy started clashing. He was losing his Aguero. His precious love but he couldn't argue that he still held special feelings for the backstabbing blonde.
As it finally dawned on him that Khun was leaving him behind, he realised that everything would change, nothing would be the same. 

He wouldn't be able to speak to his Aguero the same way anymore. He wouldn't be able to spend time with him, enjoying his company with no purpose. He wouldn't be able to hug or hold him. He wouldn't be able to kiss him... or pin him down and tease out those melodic moans. 

'No. Aguero is mine.'

His anger and regret, lust and desire, his reluctance to let go, all merged into one as he grabbed onto Khun's arm before he could slip by. Roughly pulling him back, he threw the bluenette down onto the bed, climbing on top of him, securing him to the mattress. 

His cold golden glare stared into emotionless cobalt blue. He spat out his demand at the person overwhelming his emotions. 

"At least let me fuck you one last time."
Khun didn't respond. He let Bam roughly hold his jaw, lips crashing together. Closing his eyes, he allowed himself to be loved by Bam one last time.

For the explicit scene please go to

Bam released his weight on top of his love, both heavily breathing. They could stay like this and when they wake up in the morning everything would be fine. It would be some horrid dream or joke.

But when Khun's arms limply released their hold on the brunette, he knew that it was real.

He felt cold.

Tightening his grip on his lightbearer did nothing against the strength of Khuns hands lightly pushing Bam away.
The brunette was rolled from off the top of Khun, landing face down in the sheets.

Silently standing up, Khun collected his clothes and shuffled into their ensuite. Bam stayed lying on the bed, hiding his face in the soggy sheets, not wanting to witness the current events, still pretending that it was all a lie.

A few moments later and Khun returned from the bathroom fully clothed. He spared a glance at the brunette lying face down on the bed as he walked to the door.

Turning back once before he left, he spoke his parting words.

"I guess I'll see you around Bam."

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