"Oh. Wow. I didn't know. That's, what my Dad meant, to never judge a book by a cover. You, never know what happens in someone else's life. Did you forgive your Auntue?"

"Yeah. I knew it wasn't her fault. I found out, when I was 17, that she was Bipolar Disorder. She hates taking her tablets."

"That's me. They give me some strange side effects. Anger one of them. And, when Harry got in a relationship with you. I've never felt anger like that before. Is he alright? Is he going to be okay?"

"Honestly, we don't know. What's happening. I guess it down to him, if he loves me or not. If he's willing to fight."

She looks at me for a second. "I think he does. You know, before you, he's never been in love once. Not even once." She says honestly. "I feel bad for treating you so bad, and here you are treating me nicely. I don't deserve it."

"Well, Harry believes in forgiveness. I also believe people should be given second chances."

"Not even Albeeto?" She asks. I freeze and I guess she noticed. "Sorry. I don't know why I mentioned him." She shakes her head.

"Don't worry. He doesn't deserve a second chance. He's had plenty. I'm gonna go and check on Harry." I say standing up and walkig towards the door.

"Hey, Kat." She calls out and I turn. "About your Auntie, is she better?"

I shrug my shoulders. "A little. She still has little outbursts. But what you have, you can't let it control your life, Gabriella. You can't. You have to be brave and face that fear head on." I tell her.

"That's what my dad says."

"He's a wise man." I smile and leave.

"Kat, do you think you and Harry could forgive me? I never meant to hurt anyone. I promise. I was just hurt." I could tell she meant every word. "I honestly didn't." The tears fall from her hands.

I think for a moment. Could I forgive her? "I'll tell you what? I'll forgive you, and I will speak to Harry about it. If you get help, Gabriella. You ain't well." I said. She nods and promises she would.

I walk out seeing her dad stood outside smiling. "Thank you." He says. "For the last part, you said. She needed to hear that."

"I just hope she will be okay." I smile. "Can I see Harry?" I ask.

"Indeed. He isn't awake." He reminds me. I know.

I enter his room to see Emeraude and Niall sitting on the chairs and Em reading to him.

"Hey." I say catching their attention.

"What happened? Did she hurt you? Was it okay?" Em stood up and asked. She checks me out from head to toe.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm fine, Em. And has best as it could go."

"She ran over my mate, and with the intention of killing you. And, you're just having a one-to-one with her. We should be phoning the police." Niall bursts out, anger in his voice.

"Hey!" I say. "She's sick, okay." I walk over towards the other side of Harry and grab his hand. "She said she's sorry. And I felt she meant it. She knows she did wrong, why throw a 15 year old in prison, for a mistake she never meant." I glare at Niall.

"That's alright then. She's apologized. Let's all forget it and move on. Because, it's gonna help, Harry. It's gonna bring him back."

"So, what? You wanna throw a 15 year old in prison." My own tears coming to my own eyes. I've had enough of these owtty arguments. With everything going on, Niall having a go. Harry not being awake yet.

"She tried to kill you. What's to stop her trying again." Niall points at me.

"Well, she didn't try and kill you. Did she? So, what does it matter to you? It matters to me and my boyfriend, Harry. Not me, you and my boyfriend." I shout stepping forward. I didn't mean to snap at him but I'm just getting angry and frustrated.

Niall just rolls his eyes at me before glaring at me and I do the same.

"Right. Okay! We get it. Your both angry. Let's just calm down here." Em steps between us. I haven't even realized I've stepped closer to Niall.

"What's wrong with you." Niall says. "How could you forgive someone who hurt Harry." Niall tuts before leaving the room.

"I'm sorry." Em says following after Niall. None of them even asked what was wrong with Gabriella. If they knew, then maybe they would understand.

I take a sear next to Harry and lean down. "Please, Harry. I can't do this without you. I've just had an argument with Niall, and Em following him. What am I suppose to do without you."

"Am I stupid for forgiving her? I said I would, if she gets help. She has Bipolar Disorder, babe. My Auntie has it. I've seen what that can do to someone, especially a 15 year old girl. I know, she's hurt you. I ain't stupid, nor, blind. I know I've never told you, I... I just... I just don't want you to judge me."

"You're neither of those things. Stupid or blind. I thought you already told him?" Dom asks from the doorway.

"If you have come to have a go, then just, please go, leave me the hell alone." I snap. My tears falling rapidly down my face.

"Hey." I hear his voice.

"I tried. I tried telling him, thr words wouldn't come out. He knew something was up, he just choose not to push me, so I didn't pull."

"You know, he's the one person who wouldn't judge you. You should know that, Kat. He loves you."

I stand up and glare at him. "Look at him." I point at him. "If this what happens when someone loves me. I don't want it. It isn't worth the heartache."

"Look at him, Kat. Your telling me he isn't worth being with?" He asks. "You know you love him. Your just scared, of what this means."

"And what's that?"

"Having to tell him. That has always been your problem, sharing your problems with other people. Well, guess what? You've met your match." Dom says. I just choose to glare at him.

"I know, that all hope feels lost at the minute. But, he's coming back and he's gonna tell you it's fine. Because, he loves you." Dom shouts. "You need to learn to think that someone, someone could possibly be in love with you."

"Exactly. He's never been in love before. How does he know it's love. How do we know, he isn't in love with the fact, of being in love."

"No. No way." Dom shakes his head.

"How do you know? Not like you knew him before I met him. We haven't seen in the papers of him ever being in love. Being in a serious relationship."

"Until now." He says. "He's serious with you. He's been in love with since the day you ever first met."

"Well, until he wakes up, I'm not gonna believe he's ever been in love with me." I pull at my hair. "I'm just confused. I love him so much. But is this real for him?" Dom pulls me into a hug and hugged me tightly.

"I know he does. Drunk people tell the truth." Dom pulls back from the hug to smile at me. "If he didn't, he would of left by now. He wouldn't of stayed."

"Who's told you this nonsense?" Anne came into the room.

"Gabriella." I whisper.

"Well, she's a liar. He's been in love this past 9 months. With you, Kat. I know it. I've seen the way he looks at you." She runs over to her son.

"Oh. My beautiful son." She sobs. "What's the doctors said?"

"They will need to speak to you. He may need an operation. And because I'm not family, they wouldn't tell me much."

"For what?" She asks worriedly.

"They wouldn't tell me." I say and stand on the opposite side of Anne.

"I'll go and grab a doctor." Dom says before leaving.

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