chapter 9 | new life

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"y/n's here!" shownu says as jooheon instantly comes into view. you chuckled at hyungwon slipping to get up.

"i'll be back in a few minutes. we can hang out then." you say before taking jooheon's hand and holding it tightly. the both of you walk out of the dorm area and to your car.

"aren't you cold?" he says as he checks the snow outside. you looked down at your cardigan and noticed you were shivering a bit.

"a little?," you said as he chuckles. you could see him taking off his jacket but you instantly stop. "i'll put the heater on in the car. and plus, starbucks is warm. i'll only be cold for a bit." you said, realizing that you left your jacket back home. you were expecting to go home a little earlier today after your parents but since you were meeting up with jooheon at 10:30, you just came straight here without a jacket.

"okay. but you catch a cold and i'm not letting you go anywhere out of my sight. okay?" you chuckled and nodded before you both ran over to the car. you get into the driver's seat, starting the engine when he automatically turns on the heater. you liked how he always cared about you. he always made you feel special with the smallest details. you drive carefully with the snow and make yourself to the cafe. once you reached it, you both walked in. you ordered the coffees for the boys since you already knew what they liked from their usual and ordered yourself a caramel macchiato. you both made yourself over to the side since the line was long and you didn't want to be in anyone's way. jooheon was quick to pull you in inside his jacket and rested his chin on your head. you smile, instantly feeling his body warmth.

"um.. excuse me?" you hear and as a reflex, you turn around quickly to see a few girls. you looked up jooheon and noticed he wasn't even wearing a mask. although his scarf covered up to the top of his lip. you bit your lip in nervousness before giving a smile.

"um. yeah? can i help you?" you say, feeling jooheon pull you closer.

"you're monsta x's jooheon, right?" you look up at him as he nods his head and gives a cute face, motioning them to not tell anybody.

"ahh!," one of the girls whispered a cheer. "could we get a photo with you?" she says and you instantly move out of the way. it was part of the fan service. but one of the girls gives you a weird look.

"oh.. we meant with you." they say and jooheon lets out a low laugh. you pointed to yourself as a confirmation as they handed you their phone. you smiled and held the phone high so all four girls fit in the frame. and another with jooheon in it too.

"thank you so much!" they say and walk back to their table.

"seems like somebody's famous.." he teases, pulling you back into a hug. you shrug your head before hearing your name being called. you both walk over to get the coffees and walk out to hurry over to the dorms. as soon as you parked your car into the actual parking lot, both your phones rang. you see a notification on both instagram and on twitter. you check to see yourself being tagged in one post. you click on it and see that they were the girls from before. you look at the caption and check the comments out of habit. jooheon looks at your phone from behind as you scroll through.

"monbebes are really sweet." you said as jooheon nods his head.

"of course.. they're not true monbebes if they don't want us to be happy." you nod your head as you like the post. once you do, you get a few more notifications which makes you smile. you didn't know that you were that known to the fans. but you just guessed it was jooheon's power. you turn around and you're back into his arms again. you snuggle yourself in his jacket and against his chest.

"jooheon..," he looks down at you as you boop his nose with your cold fingers. "i love you.."

"really?" his shocked face made you chuckle. maybe it had only been a month since you realized he might be more than just a friend to you but you had known the guy for more than three years. you figured that was enough to know that you were ready to have a proper relationship with him. no other worries and definitely no distractions.

unintended love (Changkyun X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora