chapter 9 | new life

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all their performances were done and it was finally the day of new year's eve. you had taken your parents out to dinner today and filled them in on the whole situation. luckily, they supported you and even though your dad was a bit worried to see you change your mind all of the sudden, he wanted you to just be with the one you love. you could tell he had taken a liking to changkyun but you knew once he meets jooheon, he'll feel the same for him as well. fans have been leaving sweet comments and such which excited you.

"hey dad. mom.." you said as they both looked over to you.

"yeah.. what's up, honey?"

"would you ever consider meeting jooheon?" they stared at each other before slowly walking over.

"if you think he's a good guy, he's more than welcome here." your dad starts, instantly making you smile. there was no way you were going to not smile at that comment.


"of course." you ran over to them and gave them a huge hug. watching their daughter smile, they believed that jooheon really was making you happy.

"i'm proud of you, bubba." your dad says before handing you a small gift that was on the counter and you didn't even notice.

"what's this?" he motions for you to open which you do as soon as you pull the ribbon off. you looked inside to see a card and some cute clothes. you see a small package but your mom stops you.

"no. that one is for jooheon. the rest you can look at now or later. whenever. oh.. and also...," she trails off her last word, running over to the fridge. "here. take these to the boys' dorms too. i'm sure they won't mind a taste of a mother's food." she says as you smile, happy that she considered them too.

"thanks mom..," you give her a hug again and grab your purse. "i have to go see him soon.." they both nod at you and let you go.

"take care. it's cold so make sure you bundle up at night.." you ran along outside to your car and placed the kimchis and side dishes that were packed in the passenger seat and the present one down in your storage box you had between the two seats. you quickly drive out from the driveway and place your phone against the holder to call jooheon. you click on the facetime button before continuing to drive.

"hello?" you hear on the other end before seeing a smile on your screen. you stay focused on the road before smiling.

"i'm heading over right now. i just left my parents' house." you said, taking a right turn. you could hear the other boys' voices as jooheon giggles.

"how far away are you right now?"

"mm.. maybe ten minutes?," you say, taking a look at the traffic. you couldn't see jooheon's face but you could already tell he was pouting. "i'll try to get there as fast as i can."

"no. don't rush. it stopped snowing but there's still ice on the road. you'll get into an accident." you chuckled as you looked down at your empty cup in your cup holder.

"alright.. hey. do you guys want any drinks? i can stop by starbucks or something and get coffee for all of you," you suggested. but you could take a hint he wanted to see you but also provide coffee for the guys. "or do you want me to pick you up first?" you waited for an answer as you came to a stop. you can see him nodding so you click the left turn blinker to go over to the dorms.

"i'll be ready so just come inside."

"okay. i'll be there in a few minutes." you say before hearing the call end. you were there in less than five minutes and parked the car in front of the dorms. you were going out anyway. it didn't matter. you knocked on the door and turned the knob to see the boys taking out snacks on the table. you chuckled and checked your watch. it was 10:30 at night. they would be starting their live at around 11:30 so you had a lot of time.

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