Blue eyes

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   I woke up with a banging headache and slowly sat up. I looked at the unfamiliar surroundings. A man with a snow white beard and oneleg with crutches came in. "Your awake." He smiled. "W-where am I?" I asked really confused.

"You blacked out when you caught off a heard. So the leader of my group and his son rescued you before any other walkers could get you." He answered. I just nodded then stood up. "Take it easy hun you just woke up from your 3 day sleep." Them an grabbed my hand gently and sat me down.

"I WAS ASLEEP FOR THREE DAYS?!" I yelled a little bit to harshly. He nodded then looked down then back up at me. "I'm Hershal." He smiled. "Kayden." He nodded again the got up from the bunk bed we were both sitting on. "I bet your hungry dear. Let's go get you food ad introduce you to the group."Hershal stood up helping me regain balance as we walked down some stairs.

I just realized were were in a jail or a prison type thing. Hershal took me down to a cafeteria I think and sat me down next to a man holding the most adorable baby ever. "Oh your awake." He smiled. He had a little bit long straight hair and was wearing a vest with angel wings on the back. He had muscular arms and had a bow laying next to him.

Even though he seems way older then me he's fairly attractive. I smiled at him and nodded. "I'm Daryl and this here is the group leaders baby Judith. Or as I like to call her, Lil ass kicker." I smiled at him and Judith. "I'm Kayden." After I introduced myself Hershal came back with a bowl of cereal and a cereal bar.

"Here you go Kayden. I'll be right back. I'm gonna go and get everybody." I thanked him and once he left I chowed down on the wonderful food. Hershal came back again with a bunch of people and by that time I was done with everything.

"Kayden woke up not to long ago and I'd like to introduce her to y'all and y'all introduce yourselves to her. " He announced. A korean man stepped up and smiled at me. "I'm Glenn and this is my wife Maggie." He held the hand to a beautiful tall woman with short brown hair.  "I'm Michone." "Maurice and this is my sister Sasha" "Carol" "Hi Kayden I'm Beth." "And I'm Rick, the leader of the group. And this I'd my son Carl."

I waved to everyone until I locked eyes with Carl.

Blue eyes

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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