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~TIMESKIP (5 days since last chapter, so Saturday)

It was finally Saturday, I would be hanging out with Blaise, Draco, and Pansy but Hermione wants to get our project finished as early as possible so we're going to the library again to work on it.

I got to the library and just sat down in complete silence. I don't feel like greeting someone who hates me.

"Hello." Granger says with a smile. "Hi?" I say back. That's odd she usually doesn't talk to me unless she has too.  "How have you been?" She asks in a very joyful tone. "Fine."

Why the hell is she being nice to me? I thought she hated me. "How about you?" I only said this to be polite. I could care less about how she is.

"I have been pretty good lately.....So about the project, Did you find out what we need to make amortenia?"

"Yep." I proceeded to list off the items. "Where the hell are we gonna get mother of pearl sheen?" Granger  asks.  "No clue. Let's ask snape about it."

We both got up and started walking to his classroom.

"Excuse me." I say while slowly walking into the room. "Do you know where we could find mother of pearl sheen?" after waiting a few seconds for his reply he finally says "is this for the project?" "Yes." "Then figure it out yourself. I cannot help you."

Me and Granger both sigh. "Well i'm gonna go back to my dorm now. Bye 'Mione i'll see ya later." SHIT. I just said not only her first name BUT A NICK NAME. My eyes went wide when i noticed what I said. "Buy N/N (nick name) i'll see you around." she replies

My stomach filled with butterflies when she said my nickname. Why did I feel like this? I didn't like..her did I? I decided to ask Blaise about it.

Out of all my friends I was closest to Blaise. We hung out a lot, told each other everything, he would always comfort me when I was upset, He was overall just a good friend. When I went to the Slytherin common room he was sitting on the couch. Perfect.

"Hey Blaise. I have a question." I say while taking a seat next to him. "Okay go for it." "How do you know if you...um...like someone?" I say "Well not just like but LIKE like."

Blaise laughs a little. "Well y/n, it's different for everyone. Some people get really nervous when they're talking to them, other people feel very comfortable and relaxed. Sometimes you'll be in denial but that's normal. Sometimes when you like someone all you wanna do is be around them. Again it's different for everyone but usually you'll just know."

"Okay thank you Blaise i gotta go and um wanna hang out later?" I ask. "Yeah sure see ya later Y/n."

I still wasn't sure if I liked Hermione. I cant. After all that she's done to me I can't like her. I need a nap.


My Love - Hermione Granger X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now