~Part 6~ (idk what to name this)

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*TIMESKIP (day after the last chapter)*

It was a Sunday. I had no plans at all and was still very confused about my emotions. I decided i'll go to the three broomsticks by myself. I needed to clear my head.

When I entered the small place I saw Hermione sitting in a booth alone. I decided I would go up to her and talk for a second since we have been getting along lately.

"Hello 'Mione." "Bloody hell what is she doing here" I heard. I immediately knew who it was. I turn around to see Ronald Weasley. Right behind him was Harry.

"I don't know she just walked up here and started talking to me." Hermione replies.

"sorry I thought tha- um- you know yesterday?" What I said just made no since. I came here to clear my mind but now i'm just more confused than before.

"Y/N just because we happen to be partners for a project doesn't mean we are all of a sudden friends."

I didn't say anything back. I didn't know what to say. All that was coming to my mind was 'Oh''. I turned away and walked out.

When I was walking out I could hear the trio laughing.  I did understand why Hermione was acting like this. Was it because she was in front of people or did she actually mean what she said.

I got back to the castle and went to Blaise's dorm. He always makes me feel better

"Come in" I hear directly after I knock on the door "Hey Blaise wanna hang out?" I ask. "Yeah sure, Three broom sticks?" My stomach dropped when he said that.

"No let's just hang here at the castle, it's already 4pm" We went to my dorm, since pansy was out with Draco we had it to ourselves.

"Y/n I need to tell you something." "K, Go for it." He takes a deep breathe before responding. "Ireallylikeyouandiunderstandifyoudontfeelthesamebut-" "Blaise Blaise I can't understand a single thing you just said." "I like you Y/n. Not just as a friend, like I really really like you."

"I like you Y/n. Not just as a friend, like I really really like you."  she just stares at me. I knew she wouldn't feel the same.

She then starts bursting out laughing. What the hell. "I'm being serious why are you laughing at me." I honestly had no clue. Did I do something wrong? "Blaise, I love you so much...but i'm gay." OH MY GOD THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING. I should've known by the way she was talking about Hermione last night.

We shortly move past the embarrassment and watch a movie. Thank god.

Y/N Pov:

It was a monday. Ugh. I got out of bed and threw on my robes. Pansy already left for breakfast.

When I got to breakfast it was already 9:55 so I quickly grabbed a pancake and walked to class with Blaise.

I went through my classes and everything was good. Then finally, potions. I hated going to that class, not because of the actual class itself but because of Granger.

I sat down without greeting her, like I would usually do. She did the same. about 15 minutes into the class she bumped into me. "Watch out granger." " I wouldn't have bumped you if you weren't in my way" I pushed her book off her desk "oops sorry I wouldn't have pushed your book if you weren't such a bitch." I guess I might've said that a little too loud. Loud enough for the whole class to hear


Fucking hell

A/N: sorry this chapter isn't that good it's more of a filler ig lol i'll try to update again tonight but idk if i'll be able too (christmas eve I have to hang out with my family 🙄🔪)

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