Prologue Part 1

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***Side note: This is my first time writing an "x Reader" fic so I'm sorry if it's bad! I wrote this bc I got random motivation to write. It's been a while since I wrote fanfic in general sooo- Anyways, I hope you enjoy! Bye!!***
Word count w/o notes: 847
Word count w/ notes: 950
Time taken: 2-5 hours overall

Y/N's Pov:
I opened my eyes to complete darkness. My head ached and the air around me was heavy. Where am I? I felt my way around and then stumbled out of.. a locker? What the hell was I doing in a locker? I sighed and got up. Blood rushed to my head in a silent echo, furthering annoying my headache. I took a moment to breathe and regain balance.

Okay, now where am I? I looked around the room. It was a seemingly normal looking classroom with desks, chairs, lockers, and a huge whiteboard. The room also had plants growing everywhere. This is a pretty weird classroom... I just don't get it, why was I in a locker? I remember getting kidnapped, but why? Also why is it so dark in here? Why is there-

My thoughts were cut off by the sound of a locker opening. "Where.. am I?" I looked behind me to see a girl with pinned back blonde hair in a navy blue school uniform. She looks at me, "Who are you? Where am I?" A drop of sweat drips down my forehead. I hesitantly start to speak, "... First off, I could ask the same to you. Secondly, I'm unsure of where we are too."

There a was a moments pause before either of us spoke. "I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm Kaede Akamatsu." I nodded, "I'm Y/N."

We were cut off by a metallic rattling as another locker suddenly swung open. Now laying on the floor stunned was a boy dress in a dark school uniform. He looked up at us, revealing his navy haired framed face from underneath a rather emo baseball cap. He shot away, falling back on his butt. "Wh-who are you!? Are you with those other guys!?" Kaede spoke up, "...Who?? What other guys?!" "The ones that kidnapped me!"

I stood there, watching Kaede and the boy, who introduced himself as Shuichi Saihara, go back and forth before they finally turned to me. "Were... Were you kidnapped too?" Shuichi asked. "Ah...yes, I was." "Jeez, this is super weird. I mean, why would they want to kidnap us? I'm just your average highschooler, its not like I'm rich or anything." Kaede said. "What's gonna happen to us..." I mumbled out loud. "Huh?" Kaede questioned. "Ah, it's nothing. I'm just also confused." I laughed out nervously. "But uh, we should probably start looking for a way out here, wherever here is." I said. They nodded and we exited the classroom. But as we did we came face to face with- a giant robot? It moved and so did we, "W-what!? Uh- RUN!" Kaede yelled, grabbing my hand and dragging me with her and Shuichi.

After making it to the stairs she let go of me and we ran down. "What the hell is that thing!?" I asked, running next to Shuichi. "I-I don't know! A robot!?" He answered in a panicked out-of-breath tone. "Both of you shut up and keep up!" Kaede yelled. Shuichi and I nodded, and followed after her.


We continued running until we reached a door, entering it frantically. Inside was fourteen other students? They all turned to us with worried expressions. "Oh... it looks like more people have arrived." A girl with white hair in low pigtails and a normal black uniform said.

The room, now known to be a gym, was filled with low nervous murmurs. "Who the hell are you guys?" A male voice rang out from the crowd. "I'm Kaede Akamatsu, and these two are Shuichi Saihara and Y/N. Who are all you?" She quickly shot back the question. Before they had the chance to reply; however, the room was filled with the same robots that had chased us in the halls. The air was suddenly filled with high pitched shrieks and terrified screams as everyone began to rush away. "Kyahahaha!" Loud laughter began to emanate from the robots. "Would you get a look at these bastards! Screaming like a bunch of sissies and we haven't even started to used these here exisals!" Exisals? What the hell!? What happened next definitely didn't bring anymore answers. The robots, or "exisals", opened up and five tiny colorful teddy bears landed before us. "Rise and shine, ursine! With our powers combined, we are the Monokubs!" "The mono-what-now?" I questioned, staring down at the bears bewildered.

They continued talking for a bit and then the room went silent. After that, they threw a bunch of more interesting and colorful outfits. We were all changed into an outfit. I was put into a traditional f/c (favorite color) school uniform. Hm.. nice. I looked around the room. Everyone else had also changed clothes and looked less bland.


They talked more about Ultimates, then memories. I only heard the words "Ultimates" "Memories" and "Killing game" before I got lost in thoughts. K-killing game?! What the hell?! What does that mean..? Why-

I was so busy thinking that I didn't realize what was going on until a flash made me remember everything. After that, I blacked out.

***If you got this far, tysm for reading! I hope you liked it! I might be posting another chapter later this week bc my school let out for Winter break yesterday. It's also Christmas Eve rn for me so Merry Christmas Eve, and Merry early Christmas!***

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