Chapter 1: New Guy

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"Director the new recruit is here"The councilor said"alert the other agents for briefing"the director said"All Agents Report to the com room for debriefing.
Agent New Hampshires P.O.V
"Probably a new mission"North remarked"Nah after what happened Georgia he won't put us on another mission"New Hampshire said"wait what happened to Georgia"Wash said curiously"you do not wanna know"North said"Yes I do"Wash persisted.

We walked into the debriefing room"Agents we are welcoming a new Agent today please welcome Agent Alabama"A man walks in Standard issue Gungnir armor"Agent Alabama will be go through initiation he will fighting Agent Maine"Maine Cracks his knuckles and grumbles with approval"Woah a new going up against Maine this can't be good"Wash said"Yeah Wash he could fighting you"North Chuckles and all the agents laugh with him"oh shut up cmon lets go see them fight.

We all walk to the observation deck when F.I.L.L.I.S started the countdown round 1 begins 5,4,3,2,1 good luck gentlemen Maine runs at Alabama fist ready until Alabama sweeps Maine's leg and knocks to the ground then Alabama Grabs Maine by the collar and knocks him out instantly"Did he just beat Maine"Wash said in disbelief"yes,yes he did"North said unphased we look at the the scoreboard
Alpha Team
4.North Dakota
6.South Dakota
Beta Team
9.New Hampshire
11.New Jersey
(All change the rankings if Y'all give me new agents)
"Wow the guy is good he's right behind Hampshire"Wash said "well it's one person better on our team"Hampshire said"Hey Alabama welcome to the team"North said Alabama nodded and went to his dorm"well he's quiet"Wash said"Yep well guys lets go get some rest"North said
(Well there we go my first chapter please sent some forms for characters so I can make the main characters and get everything started please I'm begging whoever reads this)

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