"Pleasure's all mine," He replies, his brain shifting into people pleaser mode.

The MC looks back to Lance, "I was shocked when I heard that you got engaged! I never thought in a million years that you'd settle down so fast!"

"Neither did I," Lance admits. He looks to Keith and a bit of lovesickness flashes across his face before turning his attention to the host, "But then I met Ke- I mean Akira and everything kinda just clicked."

"Awe, that's sweet," The MC gushes. She looks to Keith, "What about you, Akira? I heard about your previous relationship prior to the show and was wondering if you ever thought you'd be getting married so soon?"

Keith shakes his head, "Marriage was never really something on my timeline if I'm being honest. But, Lance strutted into my apartment back in Korea like he owned the place. He had the confidence of a thousand suns and I admired that."

"Oh thats right! You two somehow have kept your relationship going even though the distance is remarkable. How do you do that?"

The couple exchange a look, Keith taking the lead, "Lots of patience."

"Daily phone calls, FaceTime,"


"Really just all your standard stuff in a relationship," Lance says.

The woman leans back in her chair a bit, "Do you have any plans of moving in together anytime soon?"

"Not at all," Lance says, "I think I can say safely that we both hate the distance but for the sake of our jobs its a necessity."

"Yeah," Keith adds, "And on top of that we'd have to decide where to move and who's moving where. It's just a hassle that we're going to tackle when we need to."

"That is completely understandable!" She looks off stage and gets a queue that she needs to move things along, "Moving along, I hope you don't mind but we have received many questions from eager fans!"

"We don't mind," Lance answers.

The screen behind them pops up the questions like most talk shows. The hostess reads the first one, "Okay, XXX from XXX asks, When did you guys realize you liked each other?"

"Like I said before," Keith goes first, "The moment he walked into my home, I just knew I liked him."

"And you Lance?"

"Funny story," Lance looks between Keith and the MC, "It was like a month or two into recording and we got drunk one night. Like absolutely plastered and we ended up making out on his living room couch."

The audience gasps.

Lance blushes lightly, "I woke up the next day and realized that I may have had a little crush."

"Little?!" Keith exclaims, "Okay Mr. Handsy, keep telling yourself that."

"Oooh," The MC gushes, "Sounds like it might have been more than just making out."

"There was some clothing missing but it never escalated further from that," Keith says, saving them from more embarrassment.

"Okay, next question from xxx, How long were you two dating before getting engaged?"

"About 8 to 10 months, give or take," Lance answers.

"We broke up like twice," Keith adds.

"Oh?" That peaks the hostesses interest, "Why did you guys break up?"

They exchange a quick glance before Keith answers, "Both over a really bad fight."

"Trouble in paradise?" She teases.

"Sometimes," Lance says simply.

"Okay!" The hostess claps her hands together, "XXX asks, How do you guys deal with fans? Do you ever get jealous?"

"We have subtle gestures and looks that we give each other if one of us is uncomfortable or jealous," Lance explains, "Like during fan signings sometimes we'll click our pens X amount of times or gently kick the other under the table."

Keith admits, "I've done that multiple times."

"He kicked me so hard one time it left a bruise."

"To be fair, the girl was feeling all up on you."

"You still didn't have to kick me that hard."

The host laughs, "In short you two do get very jealous of fans sometimes?"

"Yep," They say simultaneously.

"Moving onto the next question, XXX asks, What feature do you find most attractive about eachother?"

They look eachother up and down for a moment before shrugging. Lance answers first, "Well, y'know what they say, when you love someone you love everything about them. It's really hard for me to nail down one thing that is the most attractive about Akira."

"What about you Akira?"

"Uhm..." Keith ponders on it for a moment, "If I had to choose one thing that I love the most about Lance..? I think it's his overwhelming confidence."

"Confidence?" The MC repeats.

"Yeah," He smiles more genuinely, "Lance's confidence is honestly what drew me in."

"Awe," The host gushes, "What about you, Lance? Finally think of something?"

"Not sure if it's appropriate, but his body. I catch myself just staring and admiring him constantly. Like I'll be there gazing off into space then I'll be looking at Akira and be like, Damn that really is mine."

Keith turns away and covers his face with his hand. His cheeks flush red, "Lance, shut up."

The hostess chuckles and reads off the next question, "XXX asks, How has being public with your relationship affected your relationship?"

They both pause and have the same thought. A bit of fear flashes acrossed Lance's face. Keith picks up on this and offers a sympathetic look. After a few moments of silence Keith finally says something, "Being public with our relationship has had a negative impact to put it simply."

The hostess quirks a brow, confused, "Really?"

"We haven't seen eye to eye on a lot recently and we actually.." Keith pauses and looks to Lance for the okay.

Lance sighs and continues on, "In short, we broke up and just got back together a few nights ago."

"It's been rough for both of us," Keith explains, "Between me getting hate from the people that still cling onto my past relationships and Lance coming out and the drama surrounding that, we haven't really had a moment just for us."

"I didn't really come out in the best way either," Lance explains, "Proposing on stage was not the best choice of action."

"Do you regret it?" The MC asks.

Lance goes into a silent panic. He gently squeezes Keith's hand to try and signal him to answer this. Keith notices and takes control of the situation, "Can we move on? I don't think either of us want to talk about this anymore."

"Of course!" The hostess doesn't falter in her upbeat energy, "Next question..."

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