Even if Time Runs Out

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Status: Complete

Chapter: Blood

Fandom: Haikyuu!!

Ship: AsaNoya (Asahi Azumane x Nishinoya Yuu)

He wasn't quite sure exactly how it happened, but next thing he knew he was on the ground curled up in pain. He could see blood oozing out of multiple spots, contrasting with his pale skin. The rain pounded onto his head, thrumming in his ears, making his loud heartbeat a little more noticeable. His tears mixed with the rain, and his skull felt like it was getting hit by a hammer over and over again. He was so tired. So, so, tired. Could he just curl up here and never wake up? That would be nice. That would be very, very nice-


He stirred and hazily opened his eyes. He was facing a dark brown mass of fabric that he took to be a couch, and was wrapped in a mass of blankets. It was warm. Comforting. He slowly looked around at his surroundings until his eyes met a pair that was a brilliant chocolate brown, so bright it seemed to radiate with its brilliance. Soulmate's eyes. Noya's eyes then traveled to the mass of dark hair tied up in a loose bun, the scruffy chin, and the thermometer in the pair of rough-looking hands. But he knew how gentle those hands really were. "Azumane?" He sat up and the slight throbbing in his temples suddenly turned into an insanely painful headache that made him grab his head and groan slightly. "Wait, lay back down, you could have gotten sick from the rain, and I need to take your temperature," Asahi said and gently pushed the smaller boy down. Yuu didn't have much energy, so he laid down and let Asahi take his temperature without putting up a fight.

"Yep, you're staying here tonight. Your temperature is way too high to get off that couch on my watch. Why were you running without a jacket or umbrella anyway?"

I can't tell him the truth.

"I, uh..."

"No, never mind, just lay down and rest. I'll get us some food in a minute."

Thank god.

Asahi left the room and Noya sighed defeatedly.

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