Chapter 5

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They dodged, Akuma attacked. "Stop time." She whispers. Time does as she says stopping itself. She then made handcuffs and wrapped them around all the agents. "Time resume."

"Huh?!" The agents say.

"Oh, that was my doing. Sorry." She says now smirking.

"You! Why?! Traitors!" The agent says.

"By the way, you can't bail out now." She speaks.

Then Jin jumps from the roof. "Hey guys. Wow Yuma they got you pretty bad. That must be embarrassing." He speaks.

"No, they were just skilled fighters." Yuma says with a duck face.

"Hate to say I told you so." Jin says to the agent.

"What? You come all the way downtown to rub it in?!" The agent says.

"Don't take it harshly. It's not a surprise that you couldn't beat them, that trigger Yuma has is a black trigger. That girl over there has multiple. Of course they never had any intention of killing you guys." Jin says.

"Awww this is so embarrassing! We lost and they weren't even trying that hard!" One says.

Akuma snickers. "Wow, I thought that would've been harder than it was." She says with a duck face. "By the way Jin, am I still listed in Border?" She turned her head to face him.

"No, I don't think so. If you want to be enlisted then you'll have to start as a trainee." He says.

"Aw, ok." Akuma says. "I was hoping I didn't have to have to deal with overconfident idiots."

Akuma snaps her fingers and the handcuffs on the agents come off. "Alright Jin, go do your thing. Osamu go with him, they'll want to see you too." She says shooing them off.
They met up with Jin after the meeting. They walked, Akuma knew where they were going. Everyone else however had no clue. Jin stops, making everyone else stop. He turned around, they all look at him. "So, will you join border?" He asked out of the blue.
They all ended up at Tamakoma Branch. 'Knew it.' Akuma thought as Jin opened the door.

"Hello? Anybody home?" Jin called.

A boy looked at Jin, "You brought strangers." He then got hit by Jin.

"These are our guests." He says correcting the boy.

Akuma sweat dropped. "Is that normal?" She asked Jin looking at the boy who was on a capybara.

"Yup." He then faces the boy, "is anyone else here?"

Just as he was about to answer a lady walked out from a room upstairs carrying some boxes. "Oh! Jin brought guests! Be right back!" She calls running off to the kitchen.


"All I have to offer are teriyaki but these turned out really well. Please try them to see if you like them." Shiori states smiling welcomingly.

The child from earlier tries to steal Yuma's food. They both make eye contact.

"Hey, Yotaro! You've already eaten your portion young man." Shiori states.

"You're not my mom Shiori. And just one pancake Isn't-" He was stopped by a chop to the head by Yuma. Making him drop the treat.

"I'm sorry small person. But I'm afraid I can't let you commandeer my Teriyaki." Yuma apologizes picking up the pancake with a duck face.

Akuma snickers quietly as Yotaro wines about being hungry. 

Akuma looks at Chika give Yotaro her food. 'That's disappointing.' Akuma thought to herself wanting to see Yotaro suffer.

She watched the exchange of conversations from everyone; especially having known a lot of this information. She was slowly losing interest in the conversations that had popped up, so she decided she wanted to go to headquarters. but she would have to wait until the time was right.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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