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I hate to admit it but I'm very nervous. Why, because what if Peter hates me now that I know his identity? What if he runs again?
I sit in my lab twirling around a screwdriver anxiously waiting when I hear the elevator open. I quickly stand up and turn towards the elevator where Peter stands nervously.
"Hey kiddo." I say with a small smile.
He looks up at me as he walks out of the elevator.
"H-hey Mr.Stark." Peter says fiddling with his sleeves.
"Look kiddo, I'm not angry at you at all." I say trying to help calm both his and my nerves.
"Y-your not?" Peter questions.
"Why would I?" I ask.
"Because I lied." Peter mumbled.
"Peter I get it. It was tough for me too." I say with a smile.
"So you don't hate me?" Peter asks wide eyed.
"Of course not!" I say walking towards him.
Peter grins and bolts over, engulfing me in a hug.
"Thank you so much Mr.Stark." Peter says as he buries his head in my coat.
I smile, I really love this damn kid.
Since the Avengers have found out my identity I have been spending more time with them. Of course I love Mr. Stark but I enjoy the others company. And how could I forget Natasha? It's crazy but she and Mr. Stark have kind of become parents. We are all kind of a big happy family. I feel a little guilty though not telling them about Toom's returning and the truth about Darth.
I'm sitting in the avengers living room working on my homework as Clint wrestles with Sam over something. I think it was a piece of leftover pizza.
"You two!" Natasha yells in her scary mom voice.
Automatically Clint and Sam release each other running to other sides of the room.
"Good lord you two. What happened now?" Natasha says rubbing her temples.
"He took my leftover pizza!" Clint wines.
"It never had his name on it." Sam says defending himself.
"Good lord. Clint don't make me call Laura!" Natasha snaps.
"No please have mercy!" Clint says crawling into the vents.
Me and Natasha both laugh at how scared Clint is of his wife.
"There are only two people Clint is scared of." Natasha says.
"You and his wife?" I ask.
"Yep." She reply's.
The elevator opens to reveal a limping Captain America. Natasha runs over to him and helps him towards the couch. I get up and move out of the way nervously.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y get Bruce up here with a medical kit."
"On it Scary Russian Lady." F.R.I.D.A.Y reply's.
"What the hell happened?" Natasha asks.
"On my way back from my run I was jumped by some guy." Captain America says.
"What did he look like?" Natasha asks as she looks for injuries.
"What the hell is this?!" Natasha says as she pulls up Captain America's pants to reveal what looks a mark from a scorpions pincer.
I stare wide eyed at Captain America's leg.
"I have not clue where he came from. He just appeared out of no where!" Captain America cries as Natasha touches it.
Bruce arrives followed by Mr. Stark. Bruce runs over and starts examining Captain America.
"What the-" Bruce says as he looks at Steve's leg.
"Steve?!" The Winter Soldier runs down the hallway and turns running towards Captain America.
"Buck I'm fine." Captain America says trying to calm him down.
The Winter Solider looks at Captain America's leg wide eyed then back at Captain America.
"That doesn't look like anything." The Winter Soldier says.
"What even happened?" Mr. Stark asks.
"I was on my usual morning run when I saw this thing, at first I thought it was you Peter because of how similar it moved but then it pulled me into a ally. I fought it but I quickly realized it wasn't very skilled so I used it to my advantage. That is at least until it got pissed and grabbed my leg." Captain America says.
"What did it look like?" The Winter Soldier asks.
"It was human for sure. He had this scorpion tattoo on his neck oh and scars all over his face." Captain America says.
"Damn it." I whisper to myself.
I unknowingly start pacing around nervously.
"You okay kid?" Mr. Stark asks.
I look around at them then at Captain America's leg.
"Sir I am so sorry, this is all my fault." I say to Captain America.
"Why would it be your fault kid?" Captain America asks.
"Because the Scorpion is working with the Vulture to get revenge." I say calmly.
"The Vulture?" The Winter Solider asks.
"Why does his name sound familiar?" Mr. Stark asks.
I give them a second to think before talking.
"He hijacked your plane a couple of months ago. Caused it to go down and you to decided to stay here for a little longer." I explain.
"Yes I remember him." Mr. Stark says snapping his fingers.
"Didn't you fight him?" Natasha asks.
"Yes I did." I say sadly.
"But I thought Fury put him in prison." Bruce says as he cleans Captain America's wound.
"He did, but happened to put him in the same prison as the Scorpion." I explain.
"But shouldn't they be in prison?" Captain America asks.
"No, they bribed their way out." I explain.
"How do you know that?" Natasha asks.
I put my head down trying to avoid their stares.
"Peter?" Mr. Stark asks.
"Because I have already run into the Vulture and he swore to get revenge." I mumble.
"WHAT?!" They all exclaim at the same time.
Well crap I really let the cat out of the bag this time.
Ooh I'm so happy with this chapter. I would like to thank Wikipedia for helping me figure out more about the Scorpion. I was thinking of maybe adding Dr. Oct. into the story. Have like a trio of villains. I just don't know if that would add to much. I think I will though. But at the same time I want to add the Green Goblin too. I have a ton of ideas for both. But anyway my idea is like every couple chapters either Peter or one of the avengers run into one of them and build up to the final battle. Don't think I forgot about Darth though. He will be making a return. So I also just learned that Captain America and the Falcon apparently defeat the Scorpion, I don't know if that is true, but for this story they never did. Only Peter defeated him.
xoxo grootifruti1221

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