The aftermath

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It's cold and wet where am I? what happened. I open my eyes, I'm laying on sand and water is splashing and running down my legs. Then I hear someone shouting "Martha! Marty!" I sit up and see toni. I'm about to say something to her when she bends over and throws up. I cringe and start to feel sick to, I don't know if it's from shock or seeing toni throw up. "Are you ok?" I ask "do I look ok? I can't find Marty."  She says I start to look around the beach in a daze and it hits me. We crashed and now we're stranded this is a fucking nightmare. I realize I still have my backpack on. I grab my water bottle and hand it to her. "Here it will help if your still nauseous I'm Maria by the way" I say. "Thanks, Toni" she says then takes a sip of the water. "I'll help you look she's probably somewhere on this beach" I say we start to walk as we shout Martha's name and as we're walking we spot two other girls one is comforting the other. "Hey! Have you seen anyone else on the beach" one of the girls says "no have you? we're looking for my friend Martha" said Toni. "No sorry I haven't my names dot we should all go look I know there were more people on the plane than this" dot says.

We're interrupted by shouting we turn our heads towards the water "Hey! Hey!" Shouts a girl from the water she looks likes she's dragging an unconscious jennet behind her. "We see you! We see you!" Shouts dot we all start sprinting after her into the water to help them. We start to carry the jennet up to the beach. We were almost there when When Toni drops her and starts running. Me and dot look in that direction. Then I realize why she's running it's Martha, I feel a sense of relief that we found her she's with Shelby. It's honestly kinda cute how toni dropped everything to help her best friend. But it's also annoying, people are heavy and my weak ass has to help dot carry jennet to shore. As soon as we got to l shore and lay her down I just fall over. Not be dramatic but I was exhausted so I just closed my eyes to rest. But that didn't last long.

I hear dot scream "she's not breathing!" I sit up immediately. Everyone rushes to her dot is doing cpr on her. We all stand around them some people are yelling that she's doing it wrong. Or trying to help her but I'm just panicking. I don't even know how to process what's happening but luckily she starts breathing. "Oh my god" sighs dot we all sit in silence for a couple of seconds. She starts to open her eyes and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "What happened" she says sounding tired and dazed.  "the plane crashed and Leah over there brought you to shore you stopped breathing but you should be ok now I know it's a lot to take in" ,Shelby says as she helps her onto her feet. "Oh  is she ok?" ,Says jennet while looking towards Leah who is sleeping on the beach "yeah she's just resting" says dot.

Everything is happening so quickly my mind doesn't have a chance to catch up. But things keep moving even if I am behind. Eventually Leah wakes up and we all gather around to make a plan. By now I've already learned everyone's name it's nice to put a name to everyone's face it makes everything a little less chaotic. "Does anyone have a phone" says Rachel "don't you think we would have said something if we did" said Toni "I'm just trying to think of life lines if there gonna find us, we can't be stupid" ,said Rachel. "Maria do you have one in your backpack?" Asks dot. "No I checked it was charging on the floor when the plane went down" I saw. "guys look it's the twenty first century they will find but we have so survive until they do that's why I'm going into the forest to look for some fresh water god nwill lead the way. says Shelby. "If you're really going out there take these" Martha says as she hand Shelby her chocos. "I'll come to you shouldn't go alone you might get lost" I say. Toni looks over at me "I'll go to make sure Christ doesn't lead your ass into a fucking sink hole.

We all head towards the forest. "Keep your ears peeled you'll hear running water before you see it" says Shelby "how do you even know all of this" said Toni I could hear anger in her voice. I had no idea why she would be angry maybe it was just stress. "I'm not just an indoor princess you know I hunt" says Shelby "yeah so you do one hard core thing that doesn't mean you're not mostly an indoor princess" said Toni. Why does toni hate her so much I really couldn't understand it they must have known each other before the trip. "Yeah well I also shot down a ten point buck snapped its neck to finish the job and butchered it in the field all by myself." Damn I thought, I honestly couldn't imagine Shelby doing something like that. She just seems like such a gentle person. But it's not like I know her well. "Guys I have to pee" says Shelby "we'll go ahead then" says Toni. "Look I can't do it when I know people are listening can't you guys keep going I'll catch up" said Shelby "exactly my point indoor princess whatever let's keep going Maria" says Toni. "Don't you think we should stick together I mean the whole point of multiple of us going is so no one gets lost" I say "it's fine I'll be able to see your tracks through the brush plus I won't take that long" says Shelby "fine" I say finally giving in.

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