ChildhoodBestfriends with Hollywoods Golden Boypart14

Start from the beginning

He had been all blonde curls and wide, dimpled smiles.

Though the well-built chest I was lying on told me Ari was no longer the skinny wide-eyed boy I’d spent my childhood with. Well, not physically at least.

It was comforting to know that underneath all that outward perfection called Aaron Fox, I knew he was still a complete nerd like me. He was still the same person who memorised all the American presidents in order – just for fun.

Though he claimed it was just so that if he is ever unconscious and I don’t know if he is suffering from, and I quote;  ‘amnesia or permanent brain damage that could lead to a cerebral haemorrhage’ I can ask him to recite them backward and then I’ll know he’s ok.

Of course, I did remind him that if I’m not there he might have a problem. Most other people haven’t made a habit of memorising the Presidents backwards in their spare time and would either think he’s A: crazy or B: not know if what he’s saying is true or  false.

I chuckled to myself as I remembered his fourteen year old self smiling at my counter argument like I’d just said something stupid before giving me a classic Ari reply:  “then I guess you’ll just have to stick around Ella Bear, Duh”

 Could feel a giggle rising in me at the thought, shaking my body slightly as I still lay on his chest trying to suppress it.

I did and didn’t want to wake Ari. I wanted him awake and smiling at me but there was something about his peaceful sleep that made him so sweet it was kind of unbearable to think of waking him.

I covered my mouth with a hand to stop my giggling but a slight squeak escaped my lips. My eyes shot up to Ari who was slowly opening his eyes so I stayed silent. My body was now only slightly shaking with silent giggles.

I felt Ari’s arm around my waist tighten for a second as if on reflex, it was like he was checking I was there and drawing me closer to him and his body heat as he mumbled sleepily “ Ella?”

I chuckled at his confused face looking down at me.

Then Ari’s confusion broke into a slow drowsy smile“ what’s with the giggling?”

I smiled lifting myself up of his chest slightly to look down at him“ I was thinking about you and the Presidents” I said, knowing he’d understand.

Recognition flashed across Ari’s sleepy face and he smiled cockily “ another awesome plan from camp Ari”

I raised an eyebrow “ Yeah right. None knows the presidents names backwards”

Ari moved his arm from my waist and then I saw his fingers catch a wisp of my hair and twirl it round one of his long slim fingers.

“ You do” he said softly looking me in the eye before he added “ And I do”

“What if I’m not there huh?” I counter argued with a triumphant smile.

Childhood Bestfriends with Hollywood's Golden BoyWhere stories live. Discover now