Chapter 1

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Two weeks have passed since I've left the place I was held up in.

I ran as far as my paws could take me, didn't stop until my body couldn't handle any more.

Rafe had told me to go North, being cooped up inside a building for months and not recognizing any of my surroundings didn't help.

I wasn't sure if the direction I chose was North, the little instincts my wolf had weren't encouraging. How would I know when I came upon his pack?

The first night out in the woods was the hardest.

The rain made it difficult to find dry shelter, I wanted to howl to see if there were others like me around. But the fear of communicating and being heard by the enemy kept me quiet.

I don't think I would've understood the response if there was one given.

I don't know how far I had traveled that day, I just knew that my paws ached and my stomach growled.

As a pup my parents were just beginning to bring me along on hunts. I observed, but never had the opportunity to hunt something for myself.

Each morning I woke up, there were clumps of fur lying beside me. I knew the last formula given to me was the reason for this.

It took a week before there was nothing left, I woke up shaking. I no longer stood on four paws, but instead two feet.

This had confused me, as I had never transformed into my other half.

When I looked down into the water, the reflection I saw was not of a grey wolf. Instead I saw a human.

Tears came to my eyes, there was nothing about this form to appreciate.

The human I saw looking back at me in the water appeared lost, hopeless. Like there was nothing to live for.


The temperature changed the further I followed this instinct that I was going the right way.

When I climbed up a short hill and saw a tree line, hope took over me. I wasn't sure if I was close to this pack, but I had a feeling I was near something.

A branch snapped in front of me, I stopped in my tracks to see what was hiding in the trees.

A white wolf stepped out of the tree line, he barred his fangs, a deep growl forming in his throat.

I could tell he was an Alpha of some sort by the way he stood. Chest puffed out, tail held high, ears perked upwards.

I was never given more of a title besides being a pup, I was too young at the time to be placed into a category.

I stood tall, hands clenched at my sides. I closed my eyes for only a second, when they reopened I knew my iris color changed.

His posture changed slightly, he seemed surprised that I dare challenge him. I knew I didn't have my sharp canine teeth, nor did I have my claws. The only thing I had left were the glow of my golden eyes, with those I had to want to be the wolf for them to show.

Otherwise my eye color became brown.

I took a step back as I saw the Alpha transform in front of me. If his wolf form wasn't intimidating enough, the human half showed no mercy.

I gulped as he stepped closer, I didn't dare look away from his eyes.

As soon as he stood in front of me, my lip curled as I let out a low growl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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