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kenny omega

"buttercup, i know you're still awake. i don't know if it's the sudden urge to write and be productive, if it's you watching some cute animal video on youtube or on a wikipedia article but go to sleep. i'll be right beside you when you wake up, i love you"

hangman page

"stay safe flower. i know i don't say it as often as i should but i love you so much. you mean the absolute world to me and i can't imagine what life would be like without you and your creative mind and to be honest, i don't want to find out. good night"

matt jackson

"hi sweetie, just one more night and i'll be right where you are where i belong but for now i hope the new stuffed toy i bought you will suffice as your cuddle buddy. i miss you and i hate being away from you. good night and don't let the bed bugs bite"

nick jackson

"okay so i just checked google apparently this is really late in your timezone, cupcake so i hope by the time you read this it's while having breakfast. even though you're (hopefully) asleep, it wouldn't feel right to not text you sweet dreams so there we go. i love you and never forget that"

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