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Kenny Omega

It was because of an editing issue on an episode of Being the Elite . The Bucks were vlogging by the curtains, telling the fans about their upcoming match on Dynamite while Kenny was just fresh off of his and celebrating with you. The both of you were too preoccupied with each other and because of that, didn’t even realize that the Bucks were right behind you unknowingly filming every hug and kiss you guys shared. The fans, looking into every detail, noticed you and Kenny pretty easily.

Hangman Adam Page

He was asked about it in an interview. An unspoken rule of doing interviews was that it is supposed to remain professional at all times and never touching a personal subject but once, because Adam was so famous with girls and guys alike, a rookie interviewer asked Adam if he was in a relationship with anyone and he admitted to it saying that he was, in fact, dating someone. Someone who he described as his best friend, his rock and the most wonderful thing ever.

Marty Scurll

You modeled the more feminine pieces in his merch store. You having an amazing body (whatever body type you have, dear reader, is amazing), so you guys agreed that you will model each other’s merchandise. So, for the ladies’ sizes in his merch store, you were the one to present it. You love wearing his merch and you didn’t have to spend as much money when you hired someone so it was a win-win however, the both of you didn’t even expect the fans to recognize you as quickly as they did.

Matt Jackson

A fan to a candid photo of you guys on a date. Sometimes the price of fame was that some people don’t really know how to respect someone’s privacy and that was the case with you and Matt. Back then when AEW didn’t come into fruition yet, he traveled a lot. All over the world, from Japan to the Uk to America so you didn’t have much time together but when you do find time, he always makes sure you spend it well and he took you out on a picnic date but one of the people there seemed to recognize Matt and take a picture of you two.

Nick Jackson

The fans noticed that you and Nick lived in the same house. You guy's fans already know what you and Nick’s house looks like to an extent due to the plenty of Being the Elite episodes that was filmed there, especially their recent episodes where Nick just filmed at home because of the quarantine. You too though, have been posting pictures of yourself relaxing all over your house and the fans have noticed the similarities in the background of Nick's house and your picture's backgrounds.


You and Cody are very open about your relationship. Whenever Cody were to attend some kind of formal event where he could bring a date to the red carpet, he would always flaunt you to his fans. You guys really didn’t try to hide your love for each other from the fans at all. You guys would also share cute little pictures of each other on your Instagram pages and sometimes even on your Twitter accompanied by an also adorable message.

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