Moving On.....

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Rihanna's POV

"Rihanna?.... Rihanna?" Jennifer shook me until I opened  my eyes.


"You fell asleep at the table. Were you waiting on me?" She asked.

I sat up and nodded my head, "Yeah, what took you so long?"

"I told you that I was going to be home late. Come on let's go to bed."

I nodded my head getting up. Jennifer placed her arm around my waist and I placed my arm around her shoulder going upstairs. Looking down I realize that her hair was different. Darker?

As we got upstairs, Jennifer helped me undress, "Here lay down" she said.

"The twins took every bit of energy out of me tonight." I said half sleep still.

I heard Jennifer laugh, "Yeah that's what they'll do to you."

I rested my eyes falling right back asleep.
Next morning.......

I jerked awake sitting up in bed. Turning my head I saw Jennifer still asleep. Laying back down I big spooned her wrapping my arms around her. I closed my eyes placing my face on the back of her neck. Opening my eyes I realize that her hair is back brown. Wasn't her hair was darker last night ? Maybe it was just the lightning. I fell right back into a slumber without thinking more of it.


I was dressed up and heading downstairs for breakfast. I wore my grey sweats and a black tank top for the win. When I arrived in the kitchen everyone was already eating and my plate was already made waiting on the table. I gave the twins kisses on the forehead making them laugh. "Good morning."
Grabbing my plate I sat next to Jennifer giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Good morning baby."

She smiled, "Good morning."

"How was your day yesterday?" I said eating a piece of bacon. "Where's your mom?"

She shrugged drinking her cranberry juice, "I think she's running errands" She sat her cup down, "My day was very productive though. We're discussing coming out with a single soon. Then after another album."

"That's great to hear. What time did you come home last night?"

She looked up at the ceiling thinking, " I believe around 2:30 am." She giggled, " I walked in and literally saw you slumped on this table."

I laughed with her, " Man, I was trying to stay up and wait for you, but the twins man are crazy as f-u-c-k." We laughed harder, "Had a mother trucker tired."

"What's with all these spell outs and replacement words?"

"Oh I'm trying my best to not to cuss that much around the twins. I realize it's a really bad habit. Plus you don't do it so why should I?"

"Point taken." She said leaning over the grabbing a piece of bacon. Her hair was up in a bun and I squinted my eyes noticing a black smudge on the back of her neck. I rubbed my fingers across her neck and it didn't come off. Why didn't I notice this smudge this morning?

"What's that?" I asked.

"Uhh its mark that the twins gave me. We were coloring and Robyn caught me off guard."

"Is that so?"

"Mhm." She looked at me and smiled, "What I'm so serious."

"I didn't say you wasn't."


  Later that day........

I was in the living room watching tv flipping through channels. "Babe what do you want to watch?"

"It doesn't matter. I don't care really." 

As I continued to flip through channels one caught my eye."

23 year old Zendaya Coleman was found dead at the Summit hotel room this morning.

I gasped, "No."

The police doesn't know what may have cause this, but they do currently have one suspect in custody, Eve Mitchell.


"What's that?" Jennifer yelled.

I turned the channel quickly, "Nothing. It was just a movie."

She came in wearing my favorite yellow sundress that instantly made me forget what I was just watching. 

"Ooo" I said turning off the tv. 

"What are you doing?" She asked walking toward me.

"Forget the movie lets make one."  I pulled her on my lap making her straddle me.

 She laughed kissing my lips then paused, "We got an hour until the twins and my mom come back from the park." She got up quickly running upstairs and I followed behind tugging her dress making her laugh out loud.


I know short chapter...... What  y'all think though?

Thanks for reading


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