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Rihanna's POV

I sat in the living room playing Grand Theft Auto online. "This motherfucker just killed me for no reason." I sat up in my chair concentrating extra hard.

"Okay baby I'm about to go to the gym and then I'm going to the studio after." Jennifer said walking in with her gym clothes. Don't forget to get the twins-..."

"From Mia's house at 9 tonight." I said finishing her sentence. "I know you said it like a hundred times already."

She gave me a kiss on the cheek, before she could pulled back, I grabbed her by her neck and gave her a kiss on the lips. She moaned smiling on my lips, "I'm sorry." She said.

"Yeah I know, don't give me a kiss on the cheek. Crazy tail self."

She stood up laughing, "I'll see you later. I love you." She said walking out the room.

"I love you too." I yelled after before she walked out the house.

I had about a 11 hours to myself until I had to go get the twins. Who knows when Jennifer is going to come back home. Damn what the fuck do I do? Take a nap? Go out and have something to eat? Go shopping? Sit here and play the game the whole day? I don't know. My phone rang interrupting my thoughts. I put my controller on the table and picked it up. It was an unknown number.


"Hi Rihanna." My blood started to boil.

"What the fuck do you want Eve?"

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry." She said.

"Fuck you, you took my life away from me. Years I won't even get back. I should kill you.... but I turned over my leaf."

"Listen please don't talk to me like that. I told you I was ducking sorry okay, and you don't even know where I'm at anyway."

I laughed hysterically, "I may have forgotten a part of my life, but I never forgot who I am, and you know who I am and what I am capable of. You better watch yo mother fucking tone."

"I'm not scared Rihanna. You don't know where I'm at. Have a nice life bitch, and by the way Zendaya says hi"

Eve hung up on me and I sighed heavily clenching my jaw tightly. What is her point of calling to agonize me. She wants me to kill her. I shook my head and then smiled lowly. I know what I can do today.

I scrolled through my contacts looking for a specific name, "Chris".  The phone rang 3 times before he picked up.

"Hello" He said.

"Hey you busy?"


'Lamont Hotel'

Walking in with my sunglasses on I strolled to the front desk. The young lady looked up at  me smiling. "Hi what can I do for you today?"

 "Hi what can I do for you today?"

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