She fiddles with her hair. "Well, my PC is in my room so, follow me I guess?"

'The next time'

I grin, "Sure, lead the way!"

---Your POV---

I showed Nick to my PC where I had already organized any tools he would need to take it apart.

"Wow, this is fancyyy" He says with a giggle and I feel myself blushing a little.

"Oh shut up, I didn't want to slow you down by looking for things" I look down at my feet.

"Very considerate of you," Nick says with a smile.

You sit down on your bed as Nick gets to work, removing the glass from your PC case so he could access the parts inside.

"You can still talk to me y'know, I won't get distracted or anything," Nick says after a few moments of silence.

"Oh thank god," You let out a sigh and lie back on your bed while Nick chuckles "You know I still feel really bad about this," You say rubbing your face. "I'm gonna owe you big time."

"Jeez calm down, I haven't even fixed it yet," Nick says lightheartedly

"Well, yeah but I still made you come all the way here.."

"Y/n it was a 10-minute drive."

"Let's not get into specifics," you say, waving your hand and Nick laughs again.

"If you want to pass the time we could play a game or something?" He suggests.

"Ooh, we can play 'would you rather?'" I say excitedly "I used to play that all the time!"

"That works, but you have to go first, I'm not creative." Says Nick.

"Ehem, yes you are but I'll still go first." You say decidedly. You pause for a second to think. "Hmm okay, would you rather lose the ability to speak, or the ability to read?" You ask him.

"Read." He answers right away without even looking up from what he was doing.

"What, how did you answer that so fast?" You ask laughing.

"I wouldn't be able to stream." He says it like it's obvious.

"Well yeah but what about college?" You counter.

He shrugs. "I have no intention of giving up college, but I would rather pay someone to read my textbooks to me than give up streaming. I know I'm not as famous as Dream or whatever but I'm still not letting anything stop me anytime soon." He says simply.

You pause to stare at him. "Goddamnit Nick it's the first question and you've already gotten sentimental." You say, much more impacted by his words than you let on. He really loves what he does, doesn't he?

He laughs "What can I say, I'm an emotional guy."

You sigh, "Well I'll ask again so you can stay focused," you say, racking your brain for a good question to ask. "Okay, would you rather be forced to dance every time heard music, or be forced to sing along to any song you heard?"

He thinks for a second. "I mean I already sing along to every song anyways so probably that one. Also, my dancing is atrocious."

You wheeze at his words. "I'm sure it can't be that bad," you say, giggling

Nick turns to face you with a dead-serious expression on his face. "It is."

You double over with laughter as Nick's serious demeanor breaks and he smiles.

"Okay, okay, what about this one. Would you rather have your only mode of transportation be a skateboard or a Giraffe?"

"That's an easy one, Giraffe all the way," Nick says instantly, "I would look sick as hell. Also, I suck at skateboarding."

Your next thought is cut off by the whirring of fans and the LED lights in your PC flashing on.

"Woah, that was so fast!" you say, standing up.

"I told you it would be no big deal.' Nick says with a smile. "All I needed to do was disconnect and reconnect your PC's power supply, which is easy to do if you have experience."

"Ugh you're a lifesaver, thank you so much, Nick, genuinely." You say. As calm as you were trying to be, your twitch was your main source of income. If you couldn't fix it... well... it wouldn't be good.

"Well, I can go now if you want..?" Nick asks, hesitantly.

"Are you joking? You've been here like 20 minutes, I'm not going to have you come, fix my PC, and then leave like some sort of handyman. Sit down for a little bit, it doesn't have to be for too long." you say, amused.

"I just don't want to intrude." Nick still seems uncertain.

You can't help but giggle at his newfound shyness. "Nick you just fixed my PC for free, you have no reason to feel unwelcome," you say.

"Pleaseeee?" You insist when he still looks uncertain. "It will be fun, I swear!"

"I guess I can stay for another 30 minutes." Nick concedes and you clap your hands, happily.

"I'll go get snacks' you say, sprinting to the kitchen.


In case anyone didn't know, 30 minutes can turn into 3 hours really fast when you have the right company.



EEEEEEE I wasn't planning on updating so soon but ya boy got inspired and then !!ba-bam!! 1k words

Tysm for 200 reads :D

 I hope everyone is doing well <333

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