He knows

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---Sapnap's POV---

"Hey Sapnap, are you aware that Snowflekk_ simps for you?" The donation voice rings out.

"Who?" I ask. "Are they a streamer?" I'm kinda confused, I've seen plenty of people say they simp for me, so why does my chat care about this person in particular? I brush it off and continue my speedrun until I receive another dono.

"She's a streamer and she thinks your cute" The monotone voice tells me.

"Ooouuu I see" I laugh. "Maybe I'll check her out later"

---post stream---

I open Twitter after ending stream. My runs were pretty solid and I should be able to get sub 60 soon.

What I wasn't prepared for were the hundreds of people tagging me in someone's tweet.

"SnowFlekk" I read the user out loud and it sounds super familiar, I'm pretty sure someone mentioned it on stream. 'I might as well check her out then' I think, People have been tagging me with a link to a clip so that's probably what everyone is talking about. I click the link.

"Shit." She's really cute.

---Your POV---

*Sapnap has liked your tweet*

What the fuck.

There's no way this was happening. Out of all of my moments as a streamer the internet could have blown up they choose this one and now a painfully cute, not to mention extremely popular streamer, is aware that I simp for him. I bury my face in a pillow.

'I have to stream in a bit anyways,' you think, 'I'll save my embarrassment for then.'

*SnowFlekk is live*

You turn on your facecam as people start rolling in.

"CHAT," You yell into your mic, "I have a BONE TO PICK with you guys" You lean back in your chair and run your hands through your hair. "You nimrods blew up my tweet about last stream and now SAPNAP HAS SEEN IT."

Your chat is spamming "Uh oh" and "She knows".

You sigh. "Chat I have so many banger tweets and yet you choose to give clout to the one that makes me look like a mega-simp." You shake your head solemnly. "You guys suck."

"Oh please, we did you a favor." The dono voice says, reading a message from someone donating 100 bits.

You open your mouth in mock offense. "That's it, this is the last straw. I'm leaving the Minecraft fandom, you guys are too toxic." You say.

A notification pops up on your screen. "Wow thank you so much for the $20!" Your voice falters as you read the username. "..Sapnap."

"I'm glad you think I'm cute " The monotone voice says, reading Sapnaps donation out loud.

You stare at your screen, trying to be rational. "Okay, so that's definitely someone trolling." You say. A message pops up in chat with the verification icon next to the user:


Not trolling lol

You slide down in your chair until only half of your head is left in view. "Well chat I hope you're happy." You sigh. "I'm going to pass away and it's all your fault."

Another notification appears on your monitor.

*Sapnap has subscribed with tier 1*

"Okay, now you're just trying to fluster me." You say, sitting up. "This is fan behavior." You think for a second. "Ya'know what chat, I'm just gonna stream like normal, I need to eat and shit."

You boot up Minecraft. "Today I'm going to be joining a bunch of realms that people invited me to and probably bully you guys a little bit." You tell your stream. It's a little difficult knowing that a famous (extremely attractive) streamer is watching but you manage to find your groove.

Around an hour into the stream, you pause in the middle of building a giant penis on top of someone's house. For the record, the name of their realm had been "SnowFlekk Sux" so they were honestly asking for it.

"Hey chat, do you think Sapnap's still watching?" You ask your stream. "You glance at the block penis on your monitor and scrunch your face. "Oooh, I hope not.."

You don't see him type in chat so you brush it off, assuming he'd left, and go back to building.

After another hour or so of checking out people's realms, you decide to end stream and say your goodbyes to your chat, raiding someone with 7 viewers.


@Sapnap@SnowFlekk For the record, I was still there

-> @SnowFlekk_: What the fuck man, you could've said smth smh

->@Sapnap: Sry lolz

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