
15.9K 407 401

"Just Dm him" f/n suggested when you asked them for advice. You honestly wanted to get to know Sapnap better but as of now, you were really only Twitter acquaintances.

"Dude are you insane?" you ask. "There's no way he'll respond."

"C'monnnn there's really only one way to find out y'know?" f/n nudged your shoulder. "You should just go for it! What's the worst that can happen?"

"Ugh, I guess you're right. But what do I say? God, this is stressful, man." You pout and slump in your chair. "Eh screw it. You type something out and hit send before you can second guess yourself. "What the fuck did I just do."



Hi sapnap. Thank you for the free clout.

Hi y/n. The clout was not free, you owe me now.


Don't take it personal

Fine, what do I owe you??

Your discord

hahaha jk jk... unless??

You fucker.

... it's SnowFlekk #xxxx




Das me

K just checking lol

Soooo how's it goin?

Idk man, it's been a long day

I'm just super bored rn :/

Wanna call or smth?


*Call started - 8:34 pm*

"Hello?" you say hesitantly into your mic.

"Hi!" You hear Sapnap's voice response from the other end.

You freeze in your seat. Ohmygod this was such a bad idea. You can't talk to people! You always end up not knowing what to say or making an out of pocket penis joke that makes the whole conversation super awkward!

"You there?" Sapnap asks.

"Ah, yea sorry. I kind of just remembered that I have no idea how to interact with people." You say.

"His laughter rings through your headset. "Is it because I'm just so cute?" He asks, teasing.

You're really glad he can't see your face because you've gone bright red. "Y'know the block button is looking really sexy right now." You say, trying to be more confident.

He laughs more. God, his laugh is cute too. "No please, give me one more chance," he says, recovering.

Maybe calling Sapnap wouldn't be so bad...


"PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE MEMEING RIGHT NOW, YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT." you yell into your mic as Sapnap wheezes.

You'd been on call for around 2 hours and it's safe to say you weren't awkward around each other anymore. You were currently arguing about the superior sandwich on the Subway menu and it was getting a little heated.

"The Italian BMT is 1000 times better than the Cold Cut Combo there's no competition." You say, acting deeply offended.

"Absolutely not, the Italian BTM is wayyyy overrated," Sapnap responds, keeping the same energy.

"All men are the SAME." you groan letting your head rest on your desk and you hear Sapnap's laughter in the background.


*Call ended - 1:17 am*


@SnowFlekk_: Poll for science purposes

Italian BMT - 59%

Cold Cut Combo - 41%


->@SnowFlekk_: lol smd @Sapnap

     ->@Sapnap: You people have no taste

->@User3: Pls what is this poll even for-

     ->@User4: Subway sandwiches I think

‍‍‍+3,012 other comments



Guyz I have 60 reads now, that's double last time B) 

Hope everyone is having a good day/night !!

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