The Flight of Beatrice

Start from the beginning

One evening, Harry returns to the common room, soaked and cold to the bone but happy with how practice went, to find everybody buzzing with excitement.

"What's happened?" he asks Ron and Hermione when he finds them.

"First Hogsmeade weekend," Ron tells him offhandedly, seemingly focused on whatever homework he's currently doing. "End of October. Halloween."

"Excellent," Fred says from behind Harry. "I need to visit Zonko's. I'm nearly out of Stink Pellets."

Harry sighs and collapses into the chair next to Ron.

"Harry, I'm sure you'll be able to go next time," Hermione tells him, apparently not as focused as Ron is, which is rare. "They're bound to catch Black soon. He's been sighted once already."

"Black's not fool enough to try anything in Hogsmeade," Ron says, still not totally in the conversation. "Ask McGonagall if you can go this time, Harry. The next one might not be for ages —"

"Ronald!" Hermione says sharply. "Harry's supposed to stay in school —"

"He can't be the only third year left behind," Ron says, finally coming out of his focus to fight with Hermione. "Ask McGonagall, go on, Harry —"

"Yeah, I think I will," Harry says, nodding.

Harry hears Hermione breathe in to start scolding them both but she stops, a small oof leaving her.

"Does he have to eat that in front of us?" Ron says. There's the sound of shuffling papers and Harry imagines Ron is trying to build a wall between him and Crookshanks with his homework.

"Clever Crookshanks, did you catch that all by yourself?" Hermione coos.

"Just keep him over there, that's all," Ron mumbles, already getting back into his focused state. "I've got Scabbers asleep in my bag."

"What are you working on?" Harry asks with a yawn.

"Astronomy," Ron tells him. That would be why he's actually focusing and doing it on his own — Astronomy is one of Ron's favorite classes and the only one he's always confident he'll get an O on. He says he used to stargaze with Bill and Charlie all the time, though he doesn't go out so often anymore since they moved to Egypt and Romania. "Have you done yours?"

"No. I was gonna get Dean to draw it for me," Harry shrugs.

"What's that about drawing I hear?" Dean's voice floats across the common room.

"My star chart," Harry tells him.

"Oh, yes!" Dean exclaims, earning laughter from a few people around them. "Bring it here, buddy, bring it —"

"OY!" Ron suddenly shouts, shooting up from his seat. Harry jumps. "GET OFF, YOU STUPID ANIMAL!"

Ah. Crookshanks.

"Ron, don't hurt him!" Hermione squeals.

"CATCH THAT CAT!" Ron yells a second later. Harry hears someone make a mad dash for Crookshanks but judging by the thud he hears, they miss.

Harry rushes over with his friends when they both leave their spots by the fire, confused but very curious.

"Look at him!" Ron says furiously to Hermione. "He's skin and bone! You keep that cat away from him!"

"Crookshanks doesn't understand it's wrong!" Hermione says, her voice shaking. Harry feels bad but keeps his mouth shut. If he defends Ron, Hermione will be mad at him, and if he defends Hermione, Ron will be mad at him. He can't win either way. "All cats chase rats, Ron!"

The Boy Who Couldn't See: Year 3Where stories live. Discover now