Hot Chocolate- Benny Watts

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I was sitting at my table studying a game of chess. The sound of a knock on the door startled me a bit and I curiously opened the door. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here? Why aren't you wearing a coat it's freezing outside?" I asked looking at her as she shivered and had snow in her hair. "Come on in." I sat her down wrapping a blanket around her. "I'm making hot chocolate do you want some?" She nodded her head and I got her a mug out setting it by the kettle and looted water in with the mixture when it whistled.
I sat down in front of her handing her the hot chocolate. "Now. Why were you out in the snow without anything warm on?" She shivered taking a sip.
"My sister wasn't home and I left my car keys and the keys apartment keys in the apartment. My coat was also in the car."
"When is your sister coming home?"
"In a weak or two. I was hoping I could stay here. I can cook and clean if it's to much troubble."
I shifted my seat sipping on my hot sweet liquid thinking about it.
"I don't see the problem with that. But don't worry about all that stuff you're my guest."
She smiled and gave me a hug.
"I have clothes if you want to get out of those ones and get yourself warm."
"Sure." She said drinking the rest of her hot chocolate. "Can you make me another?" I laughed a little and nodded my head as she went to my closet and grabbed a shirt and boxers from my closet and went to my room to change. "I see you watching you pervert so there better be a mug sitting and waiting for me. The show isn't for free Benny."
"Yeah well I wish it was." I commented back with a smirk making her another mug. She came out and sat back down at the table sipping her second mug of hot chocolate as I went back to playing chess.
After about an hour I saw her opening up yet another packet of hot chocolate mix. "Isn't that your 12th mug?"
"It's my 5th excuse you." I smirked at her beginning to put my pieces back in plays about to play another game. "I rest my case then."
"So what games are you playing through anyway?"
"Honestly I'm just goofing around. Would you want to play?"
"You know I can't play."
"Well then it's time you learned."
I began explaining what each piece is and the moves they make and we started out just playing pawns.
"Okay I'm going to say this not as a professional just as a person all right?" I said beginning to put the lives away because it was getting late. "You are the worst chess player I have ever played with."
"Well excuse me Mr. Chess champion of the United States of America."
"Yes, you're excused." She laughed and shoved my shoulder. "Alright where am I sleeping the air matress or with you?"
"With me as always. I'm not having you sleep on the floor."
"Okay." She said hopping in my bed as I climbed in next to her facing the other way. When I was finally beginning to doze off I felt (y/n) kicking the bed and moving around giggling. "Would you stop that and go to sleep?" She straddled me without sitting, hopping a little. "I can't I got a burst of sudden energy." She smiled. "It's all that hot chocolate you drank."
She then payed down on top of me. "I'm really trying to sleep. Don't make me kick you back outside."
"Come on Benny. Loosen up and let's play a game. Your not as fun as you used to be." I scoffed looking up at her. "Not fun? Oh I'm fun. I've just been busy."
"Yeah busy." She said going silent for a moment. "But you're not busy right now."
"If you go to sleep right now I promise that I will eat you out in the morning and make you breakfast with hot chocolate."
"Deal." She said and rolled off of me going to sleep.

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