12 Grimmauld Place.

Start from the beginning

"Flattery will only get you so far Mal. Didn't I teach you that already? You have certainly taught it to your daughter." Fay had hung back after her hug and stood, holding onto Kevin's hand tightly.

"I think I missed that lesson out. Besides, flattery has been your daughter's friend for the past few weeks. And, if I were to take Robert's words at face value, she was even worse with her cousin than she was with me." McGonagall had begun to run her hands through her daughter's raven hair as they spoke.

"Oh, so you went to see Robert, did you?" Beatriz nodded, daring to meet her mother's eye.

"He took me to uncle Robert's grave as well. Actually, Robert also took me to see your parents' graves. We picked fresh flowers for them but afterwards, Isla looked after me and we went to see the Weird Sisters live. They were really good." There was an unspoken rule that the McGonagall family followed, keep graveside visits to a minimum, it was a rule that Minerva McGonagall's nephew rarely followed, only because he never managed to deal with the death of his father. Isla, Robert Jr's sister had managed to follow the rule however and was annoyed when her brother couldn't.

"And were you well behaved for my brother?" The agreement from all involved brought a smile to McGonagall's face as her hand then moved and lifted Beatriz's chin, forcing them to meet eyes. "I am glad to hear it. Now," McGonagall turned back to her brother, her niece and her niece's husband quickly, "thank you for looking after her. She can be a bit of a handful sometimes. If it isn't mischief, it is silly questions with no real answer." Laughs filled a few chests at the comment but it was overlooked as McGonagall walked her family out of Hogwarts, instructing Beatriz to take her belongings to their private quarters.

"Before you leave, Beatriz, I think that I should tell you that there is a place called 12 Grimmauld Place. You are not to repeat the name but as I am the secret keeper it will be impossible to admit to it existing, of course, you can discuss it with your mother, when in private. I expect that within the next few hours you will be required to visit. Now, I think it's best you go and do as your mother has requested." Nodding eagerly, while furrowing her eyebrows, the girl turned and left with her luggage in hand.

Just as Beatriz had managed to place her clothes back into the wardrobe in her room, the door to her bedroom was swung open and a scream left her lips. "I could have been naked and what if you weren't-you." A hand came to rest on her chest as Beatriz felt her heart pound harder than it ever had before and steadying breaths filled her body.

"Oh, don't be so dramatic Bea, you're alive and I am your mother, I've seen it all before. Now, we need to go somewhere, but first I need to find Albus." Dismissing the dramatic approach to her door being opened, Beatriz practically had to cram the last few items from her wardrobe into her draws before she started following her mum from the room, grabbing a bag before she left.

"If it's that house, Dumbledore already told me. He said that we can only discuss it in private but he thought I would need to visit it soon." Heaving a sigh, the witch then turned and started to leave their private quarters and Beatriz assumed that she would have to follow out after her. McGonagall swished her robes behind her and a faint laugh was heard as Peeves flew away from them. Water was due to drop but both Gryffindors had been prepared, repelling the water with their wands nonchalantly before the gates were found and exited.

"Hold on close." Choosing to obey her mother, Beatriz clasped her hands around an older one and shut her eyes with great force as a dangerous pull dragged through her body as she felt like she was travelling through the eye of a needle. In a moment the sensation was over and in front of the two sat an old building. "When we go in, be very quiet or you'll wake the portrait up and head straight up the steps, you will find Miss Granger and the Weasleys are all up there. If they start to do something that doesn't seem appropriate, try to stop them if you can. If you can't do that then at least try to keep out of trouble." Nodding energetically, the door was met and a loud knock echoed through the house. The moment the door was opened, what sounded like distant screaming grew louder and Molly Weasley opened the door as Lupin tried to close the curtains in front of a painting.

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