2 - nailed it.

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Duncan's P.O.V

Boooooreeed. Why can't it be Christmas already :( I needed something fEsTiVe to do. OH!


"...OKAY!" I heard her coming down the stairs.

"Nice Christmas sweater- HEY! That's mine..."

"Oh, it is? Oopsies, I'll go find mine-"

"No don't! It looks nice on you!"

"O-okay..." She smiled and skipped into the kitchen.

"Right. Isadora bought these ages ago and we haven't done them yet, there's five."


We unpackaged them and set up everything.

"Shall we make it a competition?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah! And then Izzie, Klaus and Quigley can judge!!!

"If Quigley isn't too busy with his girrrrrrlfrieeeenddd!" She snickered.

"Pffft yeah, It's amazing how much he actually likes this girl. I've never seen him settle on someone."

"Hmm yeah...Right. DECORATE IN 3..2..1 GO!" We scrambled to find everything we wanted.

"hEy-no thAT'S MINE!"

"TOO SLOW HAHA!" She shouted as she claimed the last candy cane. Damn, she's lucky she's cute. Gingerbread house making was an art. you had to use the right amount of icing to stick it all together so it stood up but save enough to use to stick on the lollies. Violet clearly didn't have as much expertise as me. She was going berserk with the gummy bears and had way too much icing on the roof. Oh well, her loss.


"WHAAAAT? NOO I DIDN'T!" She said grinning.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT, GUMMY BEAR THEIF!" She squealed and I chased her around the kitchen island till she turned around to face me.

Violet's P.O.V

"mWAHAH!" I said with gummy bears stuffed in my mouth.



"Okay, try and swallow it."

"Owh- Uhm..." My dentist would not be happy. Though after careful chewing and almost choking (with no help from Duncan.) I managed to swallow all 16 gummy bears. I turned to face him triumphantly.

"Ugh. Fine. But I get the rest of the M&M's!

"Deal." I finished my house and waited for Duncan. He looked so good! No I mean HIS looked so good. His HOUSE. But-he looked good too...I can't lie. And his sweater smelt all like him. Heh, good luck getting your jumper back!

"Done!" He turned to show me. I chuckled.

"You have icing on your head, Dunc"

"Oh where?" He patted his face awkwardly

"No," I came closer. "There." I wiped it off his head. We were now standing extremely close.

"Um...thanks" He breathed, not breaking eye contact. I was sure my face was the colour of Rudolph's very shiny nose. Then, I got a sudden wave of confidence and did something I'd been dreaming about for so long. I kissed him. I caught him off guard and panicked and almost stopped but then his arms slid around my waist and hugged me closer. He started kissing me back. It took all my will power to not entirely combust from excitement. My stomach exploded with butterflies and GOD HE WAS A GOOD KISSER! I tried not to grin like an idiot. Unfortunately, we both needed to breathe, so we had to stop. I just stared at him.

"Th-that's new."

"Yeah." I was still processing what happened. "I didn't know you could do that."

"Me neither..." He said not taking his eyes off me. "Y-you liked it...?"

"Yeah, you nailed it. Do it again."


i have a love-hate relationship with this chapter. i hate it so much that i actually like it.

it's the first kiss scene i've ever written so don't hate me.

lmk if you liked it.


604 words

a very festive december - asoue xmas oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now