"You look like your dad,"Shawn called out.

"Yeah? Thanks..."

She showed him the pile and it was a back and forth with a couple items but they would do. He put the unwanted items in a trash bag and then sighed. "I don't know if I want to see your underwear drawer..."

"Underwear? What does underwear have to do with anything?"

"Underwear represents intention..... Lace and silk say "I want to get laid" while cotton and polyester say "I just want to sleep..."

"Well, sorry to break it to you, I don't have any silk or lace..." Camila sighed.

"We should fix that..."

"Shawn, I don't want to just get laid.. I want.. a relationship...like a meaningful connection with someone" Camila protested.

Shawn had no idea why she'd want that but he explained further. "Is sex not part of a meaningful relationship and connection with someone?"

Camila thought for a moment. He wasn't wrong.

"What was you and this guy's sex life like?"

Camila felt her face turn red and Shawn was confused. If she'd been with this guy for 8 years why would the topic of sex make her blush.

"I mean... we had sex..."

"How often?"

"Uh... once a month... maybe?"

"Once a month?"

"Our scheduled didn't mesh..."

"Sex is not something that should be scheduled.. it should be spontaneous and passionate..."

"Yeah, Austin wasn't really a spontaneous type of guy.. he's more particular..."

"I want to ask what that means but I also fear that I don't want to know..."

"Have you had sex since the breakup?"

She shook her head.

"Not even with yourself?"

Camila turned a brighter shade of red and shook her head. She had zero sexual urges because she'd been mostly preoccupied with managing depression.

"Okay... we're dropping these bags off at The Goodwill and then we're going to remedy this situation..."

Camila had no idea what she was talking about until they were standing in front of a sex store.

"I am not going in there..."

"Why not?"

"It's.... weird..."

"It's not that weird, come on..."

"Shawn, like I said, I'm not really... interested at this point in having sex with anyone.."

"I hear you, this isn't for anyone, it's for yourself..." Shawn said. "Now get it together and act like you've been here before."

It was hard to act like that. Everywhere she looked there were things that made her blush.

He led her to a wall and pulled something off the wall. "This will change your life..."

Kill me now...

She looked at it curiously and what made it worse is that an attendant came over to discuss the features of this vibrator like it was a car and she did it with a completely straight face, while using the words like stimulation, clitoral, and climax. It it was possible for her face to melt, this would be the moment.

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