Chapter 8 - Back at the Droplet

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Another week had passed, and once more, Heather had decided to bring Ezekiel to The Golden Droplet in order for him to talk to someone that wasn't her. She was kind of worried for the man: it had been almost a month since he had moved into her apartment, but no one had come to visit him... which was a bit weird, he had told her he used to live in an orphanage before and she was expecting that at least the caretaker was going to visit to see how he was doing, but no... nobody had knocked on her door asking to see Ezekiel.

The young angel stepped out of the car, grunting a little as he struggled to heave all of himself up. He sighed and stretched himself, making the black button-up shirt that he was wearing ride up a little. "Well... here we go again, hopefully no embarrassing shenanigans this time" Ezekiel said, chuckling a little. He still hadn't forgotten what had happened the last time he came here, and he definitely did NOT want to repeat that.

Heather chuckled as well, smiling at him "Don't worry, I'll keep Eden at bay this time. But don't forget to have fun; I'm bringing you here because I want you to make some friends alright? And a lot of people come here for the same reason, so don't be afraid to talk with others".

"A-alright, got it" he said, not really sounding convinced. He knew Heather was simply trying to help him out, but at the moment he didn't really feel like he needed any other friend aside from her. The young angel didn't really know how many friends he had to make... or even HOW to befriend a complete stranger for the matter!

As they finally headed into the club and down the staircase, they were once again warmly greeted by the short and chubby bartender.

"Bonsoir, bonsoir!" Eden cheerfully said as he skipped towards them. He kissed Heather on both her cheeks and then did the same with Ezekiel, weirding him out a bit.

"It's good to see you here again Ezekiel!" he continued with a big smile on his face, then noticing the blonde man's surprise he added: "Oh pardon, mon chère, it's just a habit, you see, in France we greet by kissing each other's cheeks! It's called 'Faire la bise'!"

Ezekiel blinked and blushed slightly "Oh... I-I see, that's a very nice way to greet people!" he said, smiling bashfully.

The group kept chatting for a while, until the first customers started to enter the club and sit down at the tables. At which point Heather went in the back rooms to get in her uniform and Ezekiel sat down at the counter like he had done last time.

Eden walked back behind the counter looking at Ezekiel "Aren't you going to try and socialize a bit today, chérie? People are starting to get here", the chubby bartender asked him, drumming his fingers on the counter's surface. "Or maybe... you'd rather stay here and chit-chat with moi?" He said flashing his eyebrows up and down.

Ezekiel chuckled "Ah I think I'll stay here for tonight still, maybe next time I'll uhh, make some n-new friends" he still felt a bit too nervous to try and socialize with someone, besides, he still felt like he wanted to tighten his relationship with Eden a bit.

"Pas de problème, chérie, I never say no to a cute boy's company! So... what can I get for you tonight?" the man asked kindly, placing his elbows on the counter, his belly pressing a bit on it.

The young angel looked aside for a moment "W-well... I think I'll have a vegetarian burger and... a glass of water? I'm trying to cut on junk food- for real this time!" he said with determination. Yes, he was still sticking to his goal of losing all that weight; it was going to be a difficult process, but he couldn't ignore it any longer, he HAD to go back to Heaven at some point.

Eden looked at him with a very surprised look on his face, "De l'eau?" he muttered under his breath before speaking up "Oh chérie I know that you're trying to diet and everything but really? Water? Come on, at least have some beer or something!".

Too fat for Heaven?!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن