3:a pervert?

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takaya pov:

the man called tenka brought me home like he said he would. I got onto the boat, the people looked at me with fear.

' uhno... what are you going to do with her? '

tenka: I am taking her home.

He patted onto my head 'she is going home with me. Desho?'

takaya: home...?

tenka: hahaha... you do know what that is right?

takaya: hai. A place for people to stay.

tenka: that's a house. Its something else.

takaya: A house... so the rison is my house. Why take it away from me?

He leaned in near to my face 'because somebody else need it. You can't be selfish. Ok?'

takaya: hai...

I reached to a big place of where the banner says shrine... shrine? I entered the place following right behind him.

Soramaru: nii-san !!!

tenka: Soramaru

chuutaro: nii-san !! and who's that?

tenka: she will be part of us right now.

Soramaru: isn't she... that girl from the prison?

tenka: ah. She has no place to go so she is goig to stay with us form now on.

chuutaro: I am chuutaro and this is gerokichi.

The racoon made angry sounds at me with a fighting stance. I guess it knows I am a monster. It charges forward and plunges onto me. It scratches my face. To me, its not painful at all. Pain, but not till the level where I need to scream.

tenka takes gerokichi away from me 'gomen.' He stretches out his hand towards me. I look to him with a little doubt... can I grab it?

tenka: you can grab it.

I hold onto his hand...and stood up 'so big...'

tenka: eh? Is that so?

tenka pov:

Those eyes... so lonely and suspicious with the things around her. She must have never really trusted anyone. Big hand huh... no one said that about me. More like your hand is small.

I got some clean kiminos for her 'here, you can wear this. They used to be my mother's but she's not here any more.'

takaya: why? Did they abandon you?

tenka: no  They died.

takaya: I see. Than I hoped they died peacefully.

tenka: They probably did.

takaya: arigato. I am going to change now.

She started to take off her clothes in front of me 'stop stop stop !!!" I told her.

Suddenly soramaru banged through the door and squahed me 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? NII-SAN!! YOU PERVERT !! '

tenka: its not like that !!!

she cocked her head to one side 'pervert? What did he do wrong? '

sigh... I guess she's not really normal other than cold. It seems there's a lot of things she doesn't understand.

tenka: listen, I will go out. You call me when you are done changing. ok?

takaya: if you insist.

So I went out. She called me and I went in, I guess she knows how to wear clothes herself.u 

takaya: you seem to have questions about me.

tenka: actually, when were you sent in there?

takaya: by the age of 8. My mother died and I was left in the hands of someone I don't know. They did all sort of things on me I don't know what. But I guess that made me into what my siblings call a monster. The people there didn't seem to care about me stripping in front of them. It seems to be bad to do it here. Is that a custom in this village?

tenka: sigh... no. Its called manners. If I saw you in your naked body without your permission, that I am a pervert and its wrong. Because naked bodies are not something to be shown off easily especially for a girl. Understand?

takaya:hmm.... *questions floating*

Soramaru: -_- lll will she really understand what you just said?

takaya: I see. Okay.

Soramaru: phew...

takaya: than when can you show them?

Soramaru: see what you have got us into ?!!!

tenka: maa... relax. Only to the person you really love.

takaya: love... what is that? 

tenka: I will tell you again another time.

chuutaro: how old are you?

sonohara : *knocks chuutaro head* don't ask that kind of question!!

takaya: lets see...20. That sounds about right.

Soramaru: about right ?!!! ooi oooi.

takaya: I'm joking.

Soramaru: phew... eiii !!! Than how old are you?

takaya: 20. I am serious.

tenka: takaya.

takaya: hai?

tenka: how would you like togo on a matsuri (festival) with the three of us?

takaya: mat...su...ri? What is that?

tenka:  people play and eat have fun there.

takaya: fun... I don't remember what is that. Okay that. I shall learn what is fun again.

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