Chapter 4

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3rd POV

Will is pacing back and forth, tears falling down his face.

"Will, honey come sit down." Maureen tells him.

"Mm mm, not till I know she's okay." He tells her.

They sit there for thirteen minutes, then Judy comes out and the door shuts behind her.

"I have good news and bad news, the good news is she's alive." Judy tells them.

"What about the bad news?!" Will asks.

"The bad news is that she has lost a lot of blood, so it is best for her to rest, so make sure she doesn't walk around." She answers.

"For how long?" Will asks.

"For at least a week."

"Well can I go see her?"

"Sorry Will, not right now."

"Then when?"

"In about an hour, she needs to rest, she's had a lot of anesthesia." Judy says. "Now I have some questions, first, who is she?"

Judy points at Dr. Smith.

"She was stuck in the storm, so we picked her up, her name is-" Maureen starts.

"Dr. Smith." Smith says.

Smith reaches her hand out for Judy to shake, but Judy doesn't take it.

"That's fine, you don't have to shake my hand." Smith says.

Smith pulls her hand back.

"Well, I'm going to go back in there, bye." Judy says.

Judy turns around and goes back into the medbay.

"Will, why don't you put Y/n's stuff in the storage room? We're gonna keep it in there till we find somewhere for her to stay." Maureen asks Will.

"Okay." Will says.

Will's POV

I grab Y/n's stuff, and I take it to the storage room, Robot follows me, after I put away, I hear something, but when I look around, I don't see anything, so I just walk back to Mom, along with Robot.

"Mom? I have a question." I ask.

"What is it honey?" Mom says.

"Where are Y/n and Dr. Smith going to sleep?" I ask.

Well, we let Dr. Smith just sleep wherever." Mom tells me.

"Well, where will Y/n sleep?" I ask.

"I don't know, you'd have to ask her, but you have to wait..." Mom looks at her radio. "Forty five minutes."

"Well what should I do until then?" I ask.

"You can get Y/n an outfit, since hers is covered in blood." Mom says.

"Okay." I respond, and start walking to her bag. I look through her clothes, and I see a lot of hoodies, T-shirts, and shorts, in greyscale and dark colors, some other colors as well. I end up picking a black hoodie that looks like it was from a school, with lots of signatures on the back, then I grab some red shorts, and while picking up her shorts, I accidentally grab her underwear, I drop her shorts along with the underwear, the I pick up her shorts, then I take them to Mom, and she grabs them, and searches through it making sure I grabbed everything. "What about the underwear?" Mom asks.

"I'm not getting her underwear. I already touched it, also why would I want to know what underwear she's wearing, that's weird, and I don't want to make her uncomfortable with me touching her underwear, so you can get it." I ramble on about her underwear for some reason.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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