Chapter 1

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On your ship (the Jupiter 1)

Your POV

"Mom, I'm bored." I say.

"Well, we can play a game." She suggests.

"Like what?"

"Like Go Fish."

"Ok, I'll get everyone else to play."

I walk over to my twin brother's room.

"Hey Jack, come play Go Fish." I tell him.

"Ok." He says.

I walk to dad's room.

"Dad, come play Go Fish."

"Ok, I'll be there in a second." He says.

I walk to my sister, Riley's, room.

"Hey Riley, come play Go Fish with me, Mom, Dad, and Jack."

"Do I have to?" Riley asks.

"Yes you do."


I walk to my sister, Judy's, room.

"Hey Judy, come play Go Fish with the rest of the family."

"Ok, I'm coming." Judy says.

Mom deals out the cards.

"Ok, Mom, you go first." I say.

"Ok, do you have any twos?" She asks while looking at dad.

"Go fish." Dad says.

"Jack, do you have any kings?" I ask.

"Go fish." He says.

"Y/n...." Riley starts.

"Mom? What happened to our trip? The Resolute made 23 others." Judy asks.

"There is no use in theorizing." Mom tells her.

The computer beeps.

[Automated voice]"Completing de-orbit burn."

"Everyone helmets on." Dad tells us.

All of us put our helmets on.

"It's still my turn." Riley says "So, Y/n, do you have..."

I count cards.

Riley sees the reflection of my cards in my helmet.

"...a nine?"

"Ok, did you see my cards?" I ask.

"Yes, because you count cards!"

"Well, I don't know why everyone doesn't!"

"Well, can I have my nine?"

"Fine." I say while passing her my nine.

The ship shakes while debris hits it.

[Automated voice] "Atmospheric disturbance detected."

Alarms go off beeping, and blaring.

"Ok, everyone stay calm; remember your training." Dad tells us.

[Automated voice] "Impact detected. Landing trajectory off course."

The ship starts rotating very fast.

"Mom!" I call out.

"It's okay." She says. "Everybody get ready to eject."

I get ready to eject.

"I love you guys." She cries. "Now!"

The ship rotates enough for just me to get out, (because it was somehow timed right enough for Y/n to get out, but no one else) and right after I eject a huge asteroid hits the roof immediately, killing my family instantly, then I see my ship explode as I soar through the air. I start falling down, the parachute opens up, and I end up at the edge of the forest by a glacier. I hit my head, cracking my helmet's glass, and cut my right arm on a rock.

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