"Yes! Thank you, Jazz!" 

  "You're welcome, doll." 

 "I hate watching you guys interact," Rose deadpanned, sitting on Emmett's lap and sighing. "It gives me cavities." 

 Clara raised her hand, "technically, you can not get cavities." 

 "That's right," Jasper kissed her cheek, winking playfully at Rose. "My daughter is smarter than you are." 

 "That is not true!" 

 "You know what we should do?" Alice jumped up, grabbing Sadie's arm and hauling her to her feet alongside the pixie-like girl. Sadie pouted, the pillow still clutched in her hand. "Let's watch a movie! To kill the time!" 

 We gave her skeptical looks, although I was the only one who had the balls to actually speak up. "No offense, Als, but none of us want to watch Home Alone... again." 

 The girl frowned. "Why not? It's a classic!" 

 "Yeah, maybe it was classic the first ten times, now it's just 'sic." 

She gasped at Emmett's unnecessary (but quite clever) wordplay, as Sadie took a step to the side as to not be impaled by Alice's rage. "It. Is. Not!" 

 "Wait! I know what we could do that will decrease the amount of murder in this room!" Sadie suddenly got a very giddy grin on her face and ran as fast as she could over to the tree, grabbing a small parcel, and shaking it teasingly. "I got somethin' special for Cordie!" She sang, shaking her shoulders in her own form of a little dance. 

 My eyebrows shot up on my head as I shared a cautious look with my husband, who just shrugged in response to my questioning look. Sadie ran over to stand in front of me, placing the box delicately on my lap. "You better like it because it took me a good three months to track down the store that still makes them." 

 I nervously accepted the box. "Is this gonna explode when I open it? Because I like, just got my hair done." 

 "Shut up, we all know that Alice did it." 

 I shrugged, "true." 

 There was a long pause, which I used to analyze the box to make sure that there was nothing potentially dangerous on it. When it came out clean, I carefully tore the wrapping with my nail, and opened the box. 

 And I swear to God, I almost started crying. 

 It is impossible... but I would have found a way. 

 "Oh my-" I gasped, slapping my hand over my mouth as I took the small bear from the box. It was Theo! Well, maybe not the Theo, but a pretty damn accurate version! My bear, the one that I have had since I was a baby, and was stolen by Sadie when she was a rogue vampire!


 Sadie laughed as I jumped to my feet to hug her, almost knocking us both over in the process. I heard everyone mutter their understanding, as Clara and Nessie frowned and muttered their own questions as to if I was talking about Theo Raeken from Teen Wolf. 

 Kids these days... obsessed with hot werewolves.

 I cast Jake a sideways look. 

 "I can't believe you found one!" I exclaimed, holding the bear to my chest and squeezing it deeply. I felt like I did that first day I came to Forks; elated. 

 Just kidding, when I first came to Forks I was skeptical and stupid... now I am elated!

"I literally had to go to Arizona and bribe the clerk to give me their last one," she admitted, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "Good thing I'm super hot, huh?" 

 I laughed, hugging her again. Sadie is one of the only people who could get me a gift as perfect as this one... although, I think right now my whole life is a gift.  

 "Wow, thanks Sade, now I have to find an even better gift," Jasper teased as I wrapped my arms around him, kissing him again. 

 I have my husband, as perfect as ever... still with the ability to make me laugh, and my safe place. 

 Bella scoffed, "please, just get her Broadway posters! She'll love you forever." 

 Alice raised her hand in agreement, kissing Sadie on the cheek. "Preach!" 

 I have my sisters, who I know I can always talk to about anything and anyone. 

 Clara appeared from seemingly nowhere, directly next to Rosalie, who jumped a million feet in the air and almost shoved Nessie into the fireplace. "Hiya Rosie-" 

 I have my daughter, who despite her many pranks, is still one of the main lights of my life. 

 Emmett lazily leaned his head back on the chair. "Does anyone wanna play Twister?" 

Most importantly, I have my family. The family that I know I can always count on, through thick and thin. The family that I love, and the family that I will continue to love for the rest of my forever. 

 I smiled at Jasper, "Merry Christmas, love." 

 "Merry Christmas, doll." 

And a merry Christmas it was.... because I had my family. 

Which is all you ever really need. 


 It felt so weird, but so fun to be writing Courtney again! My other two Twilight stories are both wolf pack ones, so I miss having the fun Cullen aspect! I love Courtney and Sadie so much, it isn't even funny, and I hope you all do too!

Also: WE ARE HALFWAY TO ONE MILLION READS???? Dang, you guys, that is insane! I feel so incredibly blessed to have each and every person who reads, votes, and comments on this story! Every single vote, and every single funny comment you guys post makes me so unbelievably happy, and I really hope that you will continue to do so in the future!

 Comment what you think different parts of 'Christmas with the Cullens' would be like!

 Thank you for reading, I love you all, and comment different ideas for future one shots you would like me to do!

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